Use of administrative data at Statistics Finland Ilkka Hyppönen Statistics Finland Structure of presentation: Statistics based on registers Use of administrative data Enterprise statistics Other econ stat Population and social statistics Other statistics General considerations Systems considerations Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 2 Register based statistics production Use of administrative data is closely linked with Register based statistics production philosophy Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 3 Statistics based on registers Statistics' production based on registers Statistical systems (like SNA) Concepts Data Various base statistics Population, IDs, classifications, some basic data Business Register Buildings and Dwellings Register Population Register Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 4 Statistics based on registers Statistical Base registers Business Register Organization number Tax authorities Establishment number Statistics Finland ID-systems in 1990’s (1980’s) Population Register Buildings and Dwellings Register Personal Identification number Building / apartment number Population register center Population register center ID-systems in 1960’s ID-systems in 1980’s Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 5 Statistics based on registers Statistical Base registers Register of educational institutions Organization number Tax authorities Register of qualifications and degrees Personal Identification number Establishment number Statistics Finland Statistics Finland ID-systems in 1990’s (1980’s) ID-systems in 1960’s Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 6 Statistics based on registers ID number = identifier schemes essential Unique identifier schemes Wide usage in administration, in enterprises, in pension schemes, in hospitals, in schools etc. Some kind of BASIC register (mother register) for assigning ID-numbers (in administration) Without unique ID’s use of administrative data difficult or impossible: - definite identification impossible - double counting Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 7 Statistics based on registers Statistical units activity code, location, ... Legal unit relationship Building Establishment Employer link for multi-establishment firms from direct survey Educational institution employee age, sex, wages, occupation, living address Through links: Qualification / degree, ... activity, location of work place, ... Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 8 Statistics based on registers Statistical units and attributes (data) derived through links For population statistics: for persons: NACE, location of work place, size of enterprise where works etc. For business statistics: for enterprises: Number of employees, wages per employee, structure of work force: sex, occupation, education, .. For educational statistics: For educational institutions / curricula: ex-students: where they work, occupations, level of income ... Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 9 Statistics based on registers Preconditions Universal ID-chemes -Persons -Organisations -Buildings, apartments Well developed IT infrastructure in administration WIDE use Acceptance by the people, businesses and administration Strict confidentiality in statistics Up-to-date legislation - statistical law - personal information protection Ilkka Hyppönen Possibility to use in statistics, also to COMBINE 11.8.2005 10 Use of administrative data in statistics Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 11 Use of administrative data Reasons Main reasons for using admin data are - reduction of response burden - reduction of costs of statistics - to have total populations ---> more detailed classifications are possible ---> more reliable “totals” The Finnish Statistics act: It is compulsory to use existing data (if suitable). State government and social security institutions are obliged to deliver the data they have to Statistics Finland Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 12 Use of administrative data It is essential to change the way of thinking The administrative concepts are very seldom exactly the same as the statistical concepts Essential is, whether administrative concept correlates closely enough to the statistical concept. If so, the development or the state of the social phenomena can be described using administrative data or the statistical variable can be estimated from the administrative variable / variables Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 13 Use of administrative data Use of administrative registers and data in statistics: About 94 % of INPUT data at StatFi comes from administrative sources (as measured in number of stat units times number of variables) Typically there is some direct data collection in every business statistics Typically direct data collection is ONLY from large enterprises For local government units, direct data collection is typical Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 14 Use of administrative data Data collection in 2004 for official statistics (includes all statistics) Total number of data collections: - administrative data: - interview - other direct data collection - on paper - on WEB forms - in electronic form (files etc) 189 73 8 108 35 41 32 paper, WEB and electronic form are double counted to some extent Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 15 Use of administrative data By statistical area Enterprise statistics Other economic statistics Population and social statistics Other statistics Enterprise statistics Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 16 Use of administrative data: Enterprise statistics Direct collection vs. use of administrative Data from tax authorities in statistics on enterprises Structural Business Statistics Business Register Short Term Business Statistics turnover wages and salaries Number of enterprises Direct collection Administrative data 8000 180 000 32000 over 250 000 2000 350 250 000 90 000 Even for enterprises in direct collection some data are taken from administrative sources Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 17 Use of administrative data: Enterprise statistics Financial statistics Common accounting data surveys with Bank of Finland and the Financial Supervision Authority --> Administrative data where Statistics Finland has had a considerable influence Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 18 Use of administrative data: Enterprise statistics Use of tax data in business statistics VAT value added tax declarations data (monthly) --> turnover (STS) ---> estimates of turnover class (Business register) Employers wage payment data (monthly) --> wages and salaries (STS) --> estimates of number of employees (Business register) Company tax (yearly accounts) --> turnover etc. (SBS, Business register) Employers declaration on wages and salaries paid for each employee (yearly) --> estimates of man-years (Business register) Customer register of Tax authorities --> names, addresses, ... (Business reg.) Individual tax forms --> income, expenditure, assets, … (agricultural enterprises) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 19 Use of administrative data: Enterprise statistics Use of population register centre data for enterprise statistics Building permits, starts, completions --> floor area of building permits, new orders of housing construction (STS) Location co-ordinates (Business register) Use of population statistics data for enterprise statistics Use of employment statistics data (occupation, education) in estimates of man-years Ilkka Hyppönen (Business register) 11.8.2005 20 Use of administrative data: Enterprise statistics Use of trade register data for business register Enterprise group relationships from public accounts of the groups Manual data Use of vehicle register data for goods transport statistics on roads The sampling unit is a heavy goods transport vehicle The sampling frame is the vehicle register It gives names and addresses and data on the vehicle Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 21 Use of administrative data: Other econ stat By statistical area Other economic statistics Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 22 Use of administrative data: Other econ stat Use of administrative data in other economic statistics Prices of dwellings (property transfer tax data) Real estate prices (National Land Survey) Telecommunications (partly admin data) Patenting (patent register) Use of energy (partly private sources) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 23 Use of administrative data: Other econ stat Use of wage statistics of employers’ organisations State and local government (pension institutions) Private employers’ organisations (for about half of the number of wage earners) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 24 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat By statistical area Population and social statistics Underlying all statistics on persons and households, is all the combined data from population register, register of buildings and dwellings taxation of income and property of persons, pension schemes, register of qualifications and degrees, and employment statistics Data in these registers / data files need not to be surveyed directly Also underlying, where relevant, is the Business Register Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 25 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Population and housing Population statistics (population register) Building and dwelling statistics (buildings and dwellings register) Statistics on housing conditions (dwellings register, population register) Cause of death statistics (death certificates) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 26 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Employment statistics pension insurance schemes (private, central and local government etc.) pension registers taxation registers (employer-employee data, etc.) register of unemployed job-seekers military service register student registers register of qualifications and degrees Business Register, register of government units Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 27 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Employment statistics (cont.) Register of buildings and dwellings Plus a direct survey on enterprises with multiple establishments and on government units to establish employee -- establishment link Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 28 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Population census Is produced in Employment statistics Population statistics Buildings and dwellings statistics and partly combining data from these statistics and occupation data (mostly administrative data / wage statistics data, partly surveyed directly) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 29 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Justice, education, culture Statistics about justice and crime (16 different statistics / data from Ministry of Justice information systems) Election statistics (data from Ministry of Justice information systems) Education statistics (mostly direct data collection, partly administrative data) Cultural statistics (data from various authorities) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 30 Use of administrative data: popul and social stat Other social statistics Income distribution statistics (various admin data combined with survey data) Income and property statistics (tax data) Household assets (tax data, survey data) occupational accident statistics (accident insurance institutions) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 31 Use of administrative data: Other statistics By statistical area Other statistics Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 32 Use of administrative data: Other statistics Use of waste data of the The Compliance Monitoring Data System of the Finnish Environment Institute Waste statistics / manufacturing, Air emissions Use of Motor Vehicle Register data Motor vehicle stock Motor vehicle new registrations Use of Police incident recording system road traffic accidents Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 33 Use of administrative data: general Coordination, cooperation Meetings at DG level with ministries and other authorities Register pool permanent co-operation between major register holders Co-operation officers at Statistics Finland Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 34 Use of administrative data: general Coordination, cooperation (cont.) To influence the contents of administrative data -- e.g. classification of buildings -- inclusion of statistical classifications e.g. NACE -- other contents A major achievement: SBS have a common form on yearly profit and loss account and balance sheet with the Tax authorities Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 35 Use of administrative data: general Problems and advantages of administrative sources Problems Concepts --> administrative Data contents --> - only those relevant to the authority in question Advantages Total populations --> representative --> detailed classification of units --> also small area statistics Only marginal costs Slow (typically) No response burden Not under our own control --> strong dependence --> need for co-operation Is deemed rational by the society Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 36 Use of administrative data: general Future Problems Administrative simplification efforts --> reduce data contents --> reduce periodicity Final VAT, Intrastat, ... General attitudes --> against registration of persons EU / harmonisation may lead to changes in administration --> changes in data systems AND lines of action in administration Actions Increasing co-operation with administration Probably increasing direct data collection (speed, data contents) Increasing methodological work (like imputation for missing variables) Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 37 Use of administrative data: systems Information system architecture Present situation Identifiers of statistical units Common identifiers used in all data systems Data systems Basically “separate system for each statistics” ; “stove-pipe” approach Classifications Basically taken from base registers Statistical units Basically taken from base registers Data copied from one system to another Basically, “shared” data is copied to each data system (usually no update anomaly) Business register has about 300 users (of 600 persons employed in statistics divisions) In population statistics, price statistics, labour force survey, national accounts, business statistics, etc. Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 38 Use of administrative data: systems Information management Present situation Use of administrative data Administrative data are acquired by the “responsibility area” which primarily uses the data This organisational unit is the “owner” of these data -- data security, support for other uses etc. Other users apply for a permit to use the data or the data derived from the original data Ilkka Hyppönen 11.8.2005 39