Sales Call Evaluation Sheet Score Out of 10 Comments (1 Score per

Sales Call Evaluation Sheet
Approach (10%)
Professional Introduction and Rapport Building
Client-focused Value Statement
Transition into Need Identification
Assessment of Current Situation (35%)
Ability to Uncover Problems(s)
Ability to Translate Problems to Actionable Needs
Gained Buyer’s Interest in Hearing Seller’s Solution
Effective Summary/Transition to Presentation
Listening – Flowed with the Buyer’s Answers
Presentation (25%)
Product/Company/Competitive Knowledge
Matched Features/Benefits to Buyer’s Actionable Needs
Presented Solutions in the Context of Buyer’s Situation
Gained Agreement that Solutions were Viable
Kept Customer Involved in the Presentation
Appropriate Verbal Communication
Appropriate Nonverbal Communication
Appropriate Visual/Sales Aids
Handling Objections (10%)
Acknowledge and Clarified the Objection(s)
Responses to Objection were Appropriate
Confirmed Resolution of Objection(s)
Check for Additional Concerns/Issues
Close (15%)
Summarizes Agreed Upon Benefits
Attempt to Gain Appropriate Commitment
Ability to Handle Buyer’s Response
Communication of Action Plan (i.e., what’s next)
Overall Impression (5%)
Energy and Confidence
Overall Quality of Sales Presentation
The Center for Professional Selling
Ball State University
Score Out of 10
(1 Score per
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