Integrated Presentation and Analysis of Sector Accounts in Austria OECD Working Party on Financial Statistics Paris, 29.11.-1.12.2010 Based on a joint-work of Karl Schwarz, Katarina Stjepanovic, Jürgen Weißenbacher (Statistics Austria) and Michael Andreasch, Nicole Schnabl, Gerald Wimmer (Oesterreichische Nationalbank) Presented by Michael Andreasch ( Outline • Shared Responsibility and Close Cooperation between Statistics Austria and OeNB • Analytical Work on Sector Accounts • First Publication in 2010 -1- Work has been elaborated against the background … • “Beyond GDP” takes also into consideration sector analysis (e.g. Households, Government) • Work done by Eurostat and ECB for EU / Euro Area • Main focus: - Income and saving / financial investment (by HH) - Internal and external financing (of NFC) - Financing channels (who-to-whom) • Based on the integration of “separated accounts” within the sequence of accounts and traditional analysis • Taking into account the vertical reconciliation (net lending/net borrowing) and horizontal reconciliation between sectors. -2- Responsibility NSI - Quarterly / annual non-financial (sector) accounts - Excessive Deficit Procedure - Compilation of data on goods and most items of services and current transfers for BOP statistics Central bank - Quarterly / annual financial accounts - Compilation of parts of data on property income of all sectors for non-financial accounts - Quarterly / annual external statistics (BOP, IIP, FDI) -3- Road Map To Reconcile Non-financial and Financial Accounts By Sector In Austria N et lending/net borrowing of economic sectors S.2 = BOP-Statistics S.1. S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14/15 -S.1 Capital account Financial account Current account, Capital transfer Financial account Horizontal reconciliation:between sectors reconciliation: for each economic sector -4- Vertical Key Indicators - Share of Individual Institutional Sectors 2000-2009 average in % 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Gross value added (at basic prices) 1) Households & NPISHs Disposable income, net Saving, net Nonfinancial corporations Gross fixed capital formation Financial assets Government Financial liabilities Financial corporations Source: Statistics Austria, OeNB. 1 GDP at mark et prices minus taxes plus subsidies on products. -5- Saving, Financial Investment and Financing of H ousholds in % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 Memo: Change in real GDP Financial investment in % of NDI 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Saving ratio Financing in % of NDI Source: Statistics Austria, OeNB. Households including NPISHs; NDI = disposable income, net. -6- Composition of the Change of Financial W ealth of H ouseholds % of NDI 30 300 25 250 20 200 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 -5 -50 -10 -100 -15 -150 -20 -200 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Financial wealth (rhs) Price changes (lhs) Net change in stocks (lhs) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Financial investment (lhs) Other changes in volume (lhs) memo item: property income (lhs) Source: Statistics Austria, OeNB. Households including NPISHs; NDI = disposable income, net. -7- Investment and Financing of N onfinancial Corporations EUR billion 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Portfolio investment1 Real investment2 Equity financing (-) Other3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Acquisition of equity and granting of loans (+) Saving (-) Debt financing Net lending/net borrowing (financial accounts) Source: Statistics Austria, OeNB. 1 Financial investment excluding equity and loans. 2 Net capital formation, change in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables 3 Net capital transfers and discrepancies of net lending/borrowing between capital account and financial account. Equity transactions excluding cross-border flows of domestic SPE included in FDI. -8- “Who-to-whom Analysis” of Financial Stocks In Austria Source: Financial accounts in Austria, visualized using Pajek software MFI=Monetary institutes, ICPF = Insurance Corp, pension funds, OFI = other fin. Institutions, GOV = Government, NFC = Nonfinancial corporations, HH = Households including NPISH, ROW = Rest of the World (Nonresidents). The size of the nodes reflects the level of intra-sectoral exposures, the thickness of the lines indicates the gross exposures between the sectors. -9- W ho-to-whom Relationship of Financial Assets in Austria 2009 2000 EURbillion EURbillion 1.200 1.200 1.000 1.000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 MFI MFI ICPF OFI GOV NFC HH ROW ICPF O FI GO V N FC H H RO W MFI ICPF OFI GOV NFC HH ROW Source: OeNB. MFI=Monetary institutes, ICPF = Insurance Corp, pension funds, OFI = other fin. Institutions, GOV = Government, NFC = Nonfinancial corporations, HH = Households including NPISH, ROW = Rest of the World (Nonresidents). - 10 - Integrated Presentation of Sector Accounts in Austria • First publication in June 2010 for the reference period 2005-2009 • Content: - Integrated presentation of the full sequence of accounts and financial balance sheets for all sectors including ROW - Key indicators for households, nonfinancial corporations, and government (similar to existing indicators of Eurostat and ECB) • Available on web-sites of Statistics Austria/OeNB: sector_accounts/annual_data/index.html - 11 - Thank you for your attention