Holdings Of Equity By Households In Austria Derived From Register Data – Compilation And Analytical Use OECD Working Party on Financial Statistics Paris, 29.11.-1.12.2010 Based on a paper by Michael Andreasch, Pirmin Fessler and Martin Schürz Presented by Michael Andreasch ( Outline • • • • Motivation Data (Data sources), Definitions and Compilation Results for Individuals Comparison Survey Data and Register Data -1- Work has been elaborated against the background … • To date, research on household wealth has seldom focused on households´ business equity holdings • Micro data allow both the compilation of macro data in the framework of financial accounts data and the analysis of distribution of wealth based on equity holdings • Find a better understanding on the financial behaviour of companies determined by holdings of households -2- Other Equity H oldings in the Financial W ealth of H ouseholds in % of GDP; Macro data in the financial accounts and balance sheets. 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Remaining financial wealth Quoted shares 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 0 Other Equity excluding investment fund shares Source: Statistics Austria, OeNB. Households including NPISHs. Other equity comprises holdings in domestic and foreign companies and real estate abroad. -3- The Distribution Of (Other) Equity In Austrian Companies 3% of households own other equity Other Equity: 6% of total financial assets in comparison to: 10-15% hold securities 53% have life insurance contracts nearly 100% have saving accounts -4- in comparison to: 22% are securities 14% are life insurance contracts 44% are saving accounts Importance of Equity • From the perspective of distribution: Such equity holdings are highly concentrated even within this group of investor households, who are characterised by above-average income and wealth • In view of the tightened refinancing conditions: A comprehensive grasp on equity proves particularly relevant -5- Equity Holdings In The Financial Accounts Data Data Sources Holdings of listed and unlisted shares: • Securities by securities information system based on custodian reports of domestic banks and direct reporting by end-investors (alternatively) Other equity holdings (limited liability companies): • Company Register information on all enterprises including nominal capital and distribution of holdings of owners as well as characteristics (like industry, place…) • Commercial data base on individual capital components and other important items of the balance sheet -6- Compilation • Linkage of these data sources via the Company Register number • Calculation of the nominal to total equity ratio for each company (even if it is negative) • Equally distributed among all holders • For equity stakes that are recorded in the Company Register only: we use the nominal capital • For equity that is recorded in the commercial database only: exclusion from the compilation. -7- Data On Equity In Austrian Limited Liability Companies1 Individuals o 128,353 equity stakes traceable to individuals o 105,471 persons in the data set o Average value of equity stakes: EUR 144,722 o Median value of equity stakes: EUR 17,850 1 Data derived from the results of 2005. -8- Distribution of Total Equity Stakes of Individuals1 o o o o We sum up all equity stakes of an individual Mean: 176,084 Euro ; Median: 19,350 Euro Around 14% with negative values Around 5% with values over 500,000 Euro representing 82% of the total volume o Around 2,5% with values over 1 Million Euro o Top Values of more than one billion Euro 1 Data derived from the results of 2005. -9- - 10 - H ouseholds´ Equity Stakes in Limited Liability Companies* by size of corporations by type of industry whole sale SME micro small medium sized large other 1) holding companies / head offices real estate activities own-account working other 1) Source: OeNB. size: 1) mainly not classified yet, type of industry: 1) remaining 255 different industries. *2008 data due to preliminary results. - 11 - Motivation – In View Of The Ongoing Work Towards HFCS Ongoing work Chronology Survey on Financial Household Wealth 2004 Household Finance & Consumption Survey 2010 Household Survey on Housing Wealth 2008 Equity Capital Micro Data 2009 Financial Accounts Data - 12 - Comparison with Survey Data – Descriptives o o o - 13 - Extremely low share of business equity interests No precise estimation possible(n=59) But how well is distrbution covered by the few observations resulting from the survey? - 14 - Thank you for your attention