Cryptography History of Crypto Based on Slides by Alfred C. Weaver References Easy to read Authoritative (1652 references) Applied Cryptography, by Bruce Schneier Historical Computer Networks, by Andrew Tanenbaum Crypto, Stephen Levy The Code Book, Simon Singh AES (FIPS approved May 26, 2002) Info: Code: round2/r2algs-code.html Privacy and Security What are they? When do we need them? Cryptography Symmetric key crypto (e.g., DES, IDEA, AES) Public key crypto (e.g., RSA, PGP, GPG) How powerful are they? Digital signatures Leads to SSL and SET Privacy and Security Privacy data is available only to authorized users imagine the complexity of a medical record, with different parts visible to doctor, patient, hospital, insurance company, social agencies, courts, government Security data is meaningless to an unauthorized user security is achieved via cryptography Security There are two kinds of security: one kind stops your kid brother from reading your mail the other kind stops major government agencies from reading your files We are talking about the latter Security Locking a document in a safe is not security. Locking a document in a safe, giving the safe to the best safecrackers in the world, plus the design specs for the safe, plus as many safes as they want, keyed to the combinations they specify, and as much time as they want... If then they can’t open the safe, that’s security! Privacy and Security Some information is public and never needs protection stock ticker Mars Pathfinder images airlines schedules telephone books university course offerings vacation offerings restaurant menus electronic product catalogs Privacy and Security Most e-commerce transactions need serious security invoices transactions payments medical records Privacy and Security Weaver’s First Law states that electronic commerce requires security algorithms that are: easy to use (low hassle factor) provably correct (low risk) convenient (handle multiple data types) universal (world-wide acceptance) used only when needed (because they are computationally expensive) Cryptography Cryptography provides confidentiality authentication integrity non-repudiation Security achieved by intelligent storage on computer encrypted transmission over the Internet proper choice of encryption algorithm secure management of encryption keys Encryption The big picture Plaintext P Ciphertext C Encryption Algorithm C=E(P) Plaintext P Decryption Algorithm P=D(C) D( E (P) ) = P Cryptography The goal of cryptography is to protect the data in such a way that one could freely distribute encrypted data to everyone on the planet, knowing that only authorized users could reveal the plaintext You would not intentionally do this, but you could without fear of compromise Caesar Cipher Shift the alphabet by three letters a becomes d b becomes e c becomes f, etc. attack transmitted as dwwdfn Suitable for Green Hornet decoder rings in Cracker Jack boxes Works for children, but that’s all Substitution Cipher Circularly shift the alphabet by k characters Still no power because k < 26 Using N brute force trials, 1<=N<=25, is guaranteed to reveal the plaintext P: a N=1: b N=2: c N=3: d N=25:z b c d e a c d e f b d e f g c e f g h d f g h i e g h i j f h i j k g i j k l h j k l m i k l m n j l m n o k Monoalphabetic Substitution Make an arbitrary mapping between plaintext and ciphertext For simplicity, use just the English alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m ... q w e r t y u i o p a s d ... Looks pretty hard to reverse Monoalphabetic Substitution There are 26 ways to pick the first substitution (although a=a may not be a good one), 25 ways to pick the second, 24 ways to pick the third... So 26! ~= 4 x 1026 possible mappings Testing 106/sec would take 1013 years Is it secure? Substitution Cipher All natural languages have statistical properties—in English: most most most most most most common common common common common common letters digrams trigrams word endings doubled letters words Letter Frequency Letter % Letter % E 13.0 A 7.3 T 9.3 S 6.3 N 7.8 D 4.4 R 7.7 H 3.5 I 7.4 L 3.5 O 7.4 C 3.0 Frequency of Usage Digrams Trigrams •th •he •at •st •an •in •ea •nd •er •en •re •nt •to •es •on •ed •ti •the •and •tha •hat •ent •ion •for •tio •has •edt •tis •ers •res •ter •con •ing •men Doubles •ll •tt •ss •ee •pp •oo •rr •ff •cc •dd •nn Endings •e •t •s •d •n •r •y Words •the •of •are •I •and •you •a •can •to •he •her •that •in •was •is •has •it •him •his Decrypting a Substitution Cipher Count relative frequency of letters, digrams, trigrams, endings, doubles, and words in the ciphertext If you have enough encrypted text, it can be analyzed and broken by high-speed computers But must have a body of encrypted text of sufficient size to permit analysis Substitution Ciphers Suppose we have a block of ciphertext ctbmn byctc btjds qxbns gstjc btswx ctqtz cqvuj qjsgs tjqzz and the text comes from an accounting firm where we would expect the word financial in communications Look for pattern: _ x y _ y _ x _ _ Transposition Ciphers Need to break the relationship between repeated letters in the plaintext resulting in repeated letters in the ciphertext Try a transposition cipher Transposition Cipher Pick a word with no repeated letters Write it horizontally Number the columns in alphabetic order Write the plaintext beneath it in wordwrapped rows Read out the ciphertext in columns, starting with column 1, then 2, ... Transposition Cipher M 7 p a e d o b u o E 4 l n m o m a n t G 5 e s i l y n t w A 1 a f l l s k s o B 2 s e l a w a i a U 8 e r i r i c x b C 3 t o o s s c t c K 6 r n n t s o w d PLAINTEXT: please transfer one million dollars to my swiss bank account six two two CIPHERTEXT: afllsksoselawaia toossctclnmomant esilyntwrnntsowd paedobuoeriricxb Transposition Cipher To break it: must know it is a transposition cipher look at frequency of letters if normal frequency, code is probably transposition cipher since each letter represents itself guess the code word length guess the order of columns try all combinations of number of columns and order of columns complicated and difficult, but that’s what computers are for Transposition Cipher I 3 m a l m N 5 o c a i T 8 v r w d E 2 e o a n R 7 a s r i C 1 r s e g O 6 m d a h M 4 y e t t PLAINTEXT: move army across delaware at midnight CIPHERTEXT: rsegeoanmalmyett ocaimdahasrivrwd Jefferson Cipher Wheel Thomas Jefferson designed an ingenious way to encode and decode messages while serving as Sec. State in 1790-93 This is a reproduction at Monticello Jefferson Wheel Cipher Twenty-six cylindrical wooden pieces threaded onto an iron bar Each wheel had all 26 characters in random order around the circumference Wheels are numbered 1-26 and can be assembled in any order Jefferson Wheel Cipher Assemble the 26 wheels in some order (and remember it) Spin wheels to align a message (up to 26 characters) on one line Look at any other line (say the one above or below) and read what is there THOMASJEFFERSONWASAGOODMAN JRPNFJTIAHREIDBRPFDKEJSBGJTHDKS Transmit the encoded message The wheel ordering must be known to the receiver via some other method Jefferson Wheel Cipher Receiver assembles wheels in proper order Set wheel to display the encoded message Look at the other 25 rows—one will make sense and that’s the message Double Encryption Obviously, you can encrypt with one scheme, then encrypt the ciphertext with another scheme Adds to complexity May or may not add to security (depends upon your choices) Using two successive monoalphabetic substitution ciphers is more complex, but not more secure One-Time Pad One-time pad is mathematically unbreakable! Choose a random bit string as a key Convert plaintext into bitstring Compute exclusive-or of the two strings Ciphertext contains no redundancy information because every combination is equally likely One-Time Pad K=10101010 10101010 10101010 P= 01100011 01100001 01110100 C=11001001 11001011 11011110 ‘c’=9910=011000112 ‘a’=9710=011000012 ‘t’=11610=011101002 Decrypt: exclusive-or of the ciphertext with the key reveals the plaintext One-Time Pad Key must be at least as long as message Key can not be memorized (too long), so has to be written down and shared between transmitted and receiver Anything written down is dangerous Key could be a few gigabits of random data embedded in a music CD prefixed by a few songs to avoid suspicion One-Time Pad Generating, remembering, storing, transferring, recalling, and using the key are all potential vulnerabilities of the overall end-to-end system (not the algorithm itself) Physical one-time pads used in WW II One-Time Pad key=‘cat’= 01100011 01100001 01110100 P=‘dog’= 01100100 01100100 01100111 C= 00000111 00000101 00010011 ‘d’=10010=011001002 ‘o’=11110=011011112 ‘g’=10310=011001112 Fundamental Realization Anything based upon a secret (hardware design, software details, algorithm, techniques, locations) has a fundamental vulnerability Secrets don’t keep Can bribe or torture designers and/or users to reveal secrets Design has to be open (public) Thus, must minimize reliance on secrets or sharing of secrets Modern Cryptography Uses encryption with a key sender and receiver share the same algorithm algorithm is public assume eavesdropper knows the algorithm assume eavesdropper can see all the ciphertext All the security is in the key, none in the algorithm Key is a secret, and thus a vulnerability Two Main Classes Symmetric key encryption sender and receiver share the same key key must remain a secret for the lifetime of the encrypted message Public key encryption uses a two-part key, one part public and one part private private key is never shared encrypt with public key decrypt with private key private key must remain secret forever The Big Difference Symmetric key is fast Public key is arbitrarily powerful and there is no key to share sharing the key is its vulnerability slow to compute keys require management So today we use both generate a random symmetric key and use that to encode data use PKC to encrypt and transmit the symmetric key