Vista del Lago High School Economics Course Expectation Mr. Keeton COURSE DESCRIPTION: We, as young inspired economists, will take an in depth look at the United States economy from its early beginnings to the present. Education is a very important stepping stone to build the skills you will need to be successful both today and tomorrow. In this course, you will learn teamwork, note taking and study skills, essay/report writing, debate skills, oral presentation skills, and higher level thinking strategies that will help you prepare for your future. TOPICS: Topics of Study: I. II. III. IV. V. Intro to Economics How Theory Works for You Microeconomics: Markets, Prices, and Business Competition Macroeconomics: Managing the Nation’s Economy Global Economics GRADING: Your grades will be based on a total point system. Students will be graded in the following categories: Participation (which will include attendance, teamwork, and attitude), Notebooks (which will be collected per quarter), note taking, Quizzes, Tests, Presentations, Current Event Articles (CEA), or any worksheets that may be given out. All homework turned into me should have your name, date, period, my name, and the assignment name. Make sure you check edline, and our board. METHOD OF EVALUATION: Your grade will be determined by the total amount of points within this grading scale: 90%-100%= A 80%-89% = B 70%-79% = C 60%-69% = D 59%-below= F ATTENDANCE: If you want to be successful, then you need to come to class. A lot of your material for tests will come from discussion, presentations, and readings, which will be difficult to make up. If you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to ask your partner first, then come to me. You will earn participation points on a daily basis, and you will lose them as well for improper behavior (conduct, tardiness, or class rule violation.). ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: All Vista students are expected to adhere to the rules of responsible scholarship, requiring student grades to be earned honestly through hard work and good study habits. Students who violate Vista’s Academic Honesty Agreement will be suspended or assigned Saturday School and required to complete an assigned project on the consequences of academic and workplace dishonesty. The student will receive a lowered citizenship grade in that class which may impact the student’s ability to participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics and school events. All teachers will be notified and a notation will be made in the student’s record. In addition, the student will be expected to complete and resubmit the assignment or test, which will be considered late and subject to Vista’s late work policy. Regardless of grade level, any student who continues to violate Vista’s Academic Honesty Agreement may lose the opportunity to participate in all future non-academic activities, including clubs, athletics and all senior events including the graduation ceremony during his/her senior year. CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship grades are required for semester grades using the following format: O= Outstanding S= Satisfactory N= Needs Improvement U= Unsatisfactory. Citizenship grades will be based on you following the school and class rules, and doing your work. BEHAVIOR (CLASS RULES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Do not be tardy (including dress code viloations), and be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Respect your teacher, your classmates, and most of all, yourself. Do not get out of your seat or talk without raising your hand. No food, drinks, hats, or electronic devices. (-50 off participation for cell phone) Two bathroom passes per term, so use your breaks wisely. Always be prepared for class with the correct materials. The bell does not dismiss you, Mr. Keeton does. TARDY POLICY There are no tardies allowed, and you will lose ten points additionally for every one. If you get more than four tardies, your participation points are gone. The only way to make these up is by serving an after school detention within three days (Max 3). If you are tardy on the due date of an assignment or test, you will forfeit your right to receive that grade unless it is made up, and turned back in within the time allotted. MAKE-UPS/LATEWORK It is your responsibility to see me concerning missed tests or potential missed assignments. Missed quizzes or assignments are made up, or coordinated, the day of your return, without exception. It is your responsibility to make up the quizzes after school, or during advisory period. I do not accept late work unless you’re using a pass. Projects are due at the beginning of class without exception and any project received late will get a zero, and passes will not be accepted. EDLINE Grades will be updated once a week, and should be on their assignment sheet. Students are expected to log on and know their grades in this class at all times. TEXT BOOKS/MATERIALS Every student will be issued a textbook, and they will be charged if the book is damaged or lost. Please take care of them! Students will need a 1 ½ three ring binder. PARENTS Edline is a wonderful tool so you always know your child’s grade. If there is a discipline issue in class you will know about it, because they will write you a little note which has to be signed and returned to me. If there is ever anything I can do, please let me know. I can be reached at, or 916294-2410 x-410366 Student Signature ____________________ Parent Signature___________________