6th grade Physical Education Expectations Ms. Gerads cgerads@fcusd.org Goals and Objectives 1. Be competent in the five Physical Fitness Components. 2. Understand how and why they move in a variety of situations and use this information to enhance their own skills. 3. Students demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 4. Exhibit a physically active lifestyle and will understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, and self-expression. 5. Demonstrate responsible personal behavior while participation in movement activities. 6. Demonstrate the seven pillars of Cougar Character while participating in movement activities. Evaluation and Grading This will be based on the student’s ability to demonstrate, explain, and participate in the Physical Education Content Standards. Grading will be based on Formative 60% and Summative 40%. Formative assessments= refer to items that are done on a daily/weekly basis. They include but not limited to: Activity/Condition, Fitness pre-test, class notes/lectures, handouts and worksheets. Formative assessment supports learning and progression towards standard mastery. Summative assessments=refer to skills/performance and cognitive learning that shows mastery of standards. It includes: skills tests, written reflections, sportfolio, projects, and finals. Learning Targets= Attendance This class requires daily involvement and being present will lead to the greatest success; however, if absent students are responsible to see if there was a Learning target (LT) or if it was a Physical Engagement Day (PED). If it wasn’t a LT or PED day the students’ absence will be reflected in their citizenship. I give each student two freebie days and after that the students’ citizenship will go down to an “S” unless made-up on Tuesday, during advisory. CITIZENSHIPCitizenship marks will involve behavioral standards which will be conductive to a positive Educational environment from which all students may benefit. The following criteria will be used to evaluate citizenship grades: O=Outstanding Attitude elevates the behavioral academic level of class Attendance is exceptional; tardies are rare Participation and volunteerism is continuous and constructive Respect is always demonstrated for people and property S=Satisfactory Attitude is positive and constructive Attendance is excellent; tardies are uncommon Participation and volunteerism are frequent and constructive Respect is demonstrated for people and property N=needs improvement Attitude is resistant or contrary Attendance is mediocre; tardies surpass teacher’s limit Participation and volunteerism are rare or sometimes inappropriate Respect is sometimes not demonstrated for people or property Chews gum- sometimes U=Unsatisfactory Attitude is negative and nonproductive Attendance is poor; tardies are excessive Participation and volunteerism are nonexistent or inappropriate Respect is often not demonstrated for people or property Chews gum- excessively EXCUSES FROM ACTIVITIES Limited Excuses: The P.E. teacher may excuse a student for one day at a time. Requests must be made before roll call, but this is not an excuse from dressing. Parental Excuses: Parents can request their daughter be excused from P.E. from one to three days by note. In the note, the parent must state the following: a. The students name and the date b. How long the excuse is to be in effect (1 to 3 days) c. What the injury or illness is. These excuses are to be presented to the teacher first thing. DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS VERY IMPORTANT especially if there is a Learning Target or Physical engagement day. When possible we would like to make modifications to the student’s activity that will not cause further harm to the injury or illness. If no modifications can be made then written work will be given to the student in lieu of activity. Materials Needed 1. Each student is to be in a complete uniform each day unless the teacher gives special notice. If a student refuses to dress, he/she will be referred to an administrator. 2. All P.E. garments must be labeled with permanent black ink only. The shirt must be labeled with first and last name. The shorts must be labeled with first initial of the first name and last name. All names must appear complete and clearly printed on each item. 3. All uniforms are to be kept clean and in good condition. They should be washed every weekend or as needed. No uniform will be allowed to have any markings outside the label box, ripped, torn or altered in any way. 4. Each student who keeps items in her locker is asked no glass containers and roll on or solid deodorant only. 5. Athletic type shoes are a required item for P.E. each day. These shoes must have laces and be tied for use in P.E. Shoes must be worn at all times unless teacher indicates otherwise. 6. No outer clothing that is worn to school may be worn with or as P.E. clothes. Cold weather items, sweatshirt or sweatpants must also stay in locker. I have read all of the Physical Education course requirements and expectations. Please sign and return to Ms. Gerads ________________________ _______________ Parent/guardian signature date _____________________________ _____________________________ Print student name KEEP LOCKERS LOCKED AT ALL TIMES AND DO NOT GIVE YOUR COMBINATION TO ANYONE!