We, the students and faculty of El Dorado High School, in order to build a closer cooperation between the faculty, staff, and student body and to create a campus environment that will promote positive school experiences, healthy lifestyles, environmental awareness, and human respect and compassion, hereby establish this
Constitution for the
El Dorado High School Student Council.
This organization shall be known as El Dorado High School Student Council.
The purpose the organization shall be the following:
● To make an impact on the student body, faculty, and staff by through projects based on the committees listed in this constitution in accordance with the guidelines of the Texas Association of Student Councils.
● These projects will be of help to the school and community.
● To care for, represent, support, and unite the administration, the Board of
Trustees, the teachers, staff, and students of El Dorado High School.
● To cooperate with sponsor and principal.
● To help its officers and members experience personal growth, become better leaders, and acquire life skills.
The Student Council will present all the year’s planned activities and projects to the principal for his/her approval and permission.
The Student Council will be made up of an executive office consisting of:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.
Other offices are as follows: Public Relations, Technology, and Special
Projects Officer.
The Committees will be as follows:
Pride and Patriotism which will be divided into three subcommittees:
National and State Pride
Community and School Pride
Teacher, Student, and Individual Pride
Drugs, Alcohol, Safety and Health
Energy and Environment
Members of the Student Body
SECTION A. Membership
Open Student Council (anyone may join)
A student becomes a member once he/she has worked 10 hours, on three projects, and has turned in all necessary paper work. Turning in paper work automatically earns that potential member 4 hours.
An active member will attend weekly meetings and participate after school or during lunch on projects needed, not to exclude weekends.
An active member will participate in al fund raising activities such as selling tickets for pep rallies, etc.
SECTION B. Absences
An active member will attend weekly meetings. If a member misses
4 meetings in a row, they will be dropped from the Student Council roster.
Officers are expected to attend every meeting, be enrolled in the
Student Leadership Class, be present at every class, and participate in all Student Council Activities. Should an officer have to miss a meeting, function, or class, arrangements should be made in advance with the Student Activities Director or Student Body/Council
President, and the meeting should be made up the next day or as soon as she/he returns to school.
If an officer has three unexcused absences, they will be placed on probation. Once the officer is placed on probation twice, they will be removed from office.
All active members are supposed to make Student Council meetings a priority and schedule other commitments at a time other than during the times of the Student Council meetings.
SECTION A. Election of Officers
The President must be classified as a Junior at the time of elections. Requirements for President include:
Must have held a previous Chairman Office
Must have been an active of member of Student Council for two years
The Vice President must be a classified Junior or sophomore at the time of elections. Requirements for Vice President include:
Must have held a previous office
Must have been an active of member of Student Council for one year
Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian must be classified as a
Junior or Sophomore at the time of elections. Additional requirements are:
Must have been an active member of Student Council for one year
The Public Relations Officer, Technology Officer, Supplies
Manager, and Officer in Charge of Special Projects can be a
Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior at the time of elections.
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and
Historian, will be elected by the entire student body every
April. Public Relations, Technology Officer, Supplies
Manager, and Officer in Charge of Special Projects will be appointed by the Student Activities Director. Committee
Chairpersons will be elected at a student council meeting following the elections of the executive office. Committee
Chairpersons can be any classification at the time of elections.
In the event that there are only two candidates for President, and no one is running for Vice President, whoever is the runner up for President will fill the office of Vice President.
Elections will be advertised and candidates will complete officer candidate forms to be signed by parents and Student
Activities Director. A simple majority determines the winner; if necessary, a run-off will be held within one week.
All candidates for office must meet the following requirements: a.
Be eligible the entire year b.
Have an acceptable attendance record – No truancies c.
Have no discipline records on file d.
Must not have been removed from office any previous year
SECTION B. Officer, Member, and Committee Duties
All members and officers are to set a proper example for non members and students of feeder schools. Student Council members will properly represent their school, organization, and community with dignity and pride. Behavior will be under observation at all times, so it is important that conduct at every school related function and outside of school, is in an orderly fashion, appropriate, and proper, be it in our district or others.
The officers and committees and their duties will be:
President – Work with the advisor, other officers, and the principal to effectively plan, supervise, manage and participate in all activities, including the coordination of committees; plan and preside at all meetings and inform all officers and members not present of planned activities and work hard to keep people involved and active. The President will be in charge of submitting the Texas Association of Student Councils
Outstanding Student Council Report for judging at the end of
Student Council year.
Vice President- Same as President; as the chief helper of
President, works side by side, sharing all presidential duties; presides at meetings not attended by President; helps oversee every committee’s task completion. The Vice President will also be responsible for submitting the Community Service
Report for judging at the end of the Student Council year.
Secretary- Attend all meetings; keep record of each member’s number of hours; take minutes; report and post minutes of previous meetings; take attendance; make and update membership directory; write invitations to special functions and thank you notes; work hard to keep people involved and active; record all projects on master calendar, help all committees and attend all activities. Type agenda and minutes for every meeting.
Treasurer – Attend all meetings; give monthly reports on our financial standings; keep accurate records of money received or paid out; maintains file of members’ debts to council and send out notifications to pay when necessary; work hard to keep people involved and active; help all committees and attend all activities. Treasurer must also recap all fundraising activities in the business office, deposit all monies and fill out the request to expend fund forms when necessary.
Historian - Attend all meetings; keep all records on the history of Student Council activities sponsored by or participated in; prepare the scrapbook for judging; make sure photographs are taken of every Student Council sponsored/ participated activity and meeting.
Public Relations - Publicize all committees’ goals and activities, school and spirit activities on the marquee, bulletin boards, school calendar, and all strategic places including intercom, and newspapers (school and local); make sure fliers and banners are made. PR Officer is also in charge of the Stu Co wall, Thank you wall, and the weekly PowerPoint posted over the school’s safari system.
Work hard to keep people involved and active; help all committees and attend all activities.
Officer in Charge of Special Projects – Attend all meetings, and complete any special projects assigned to him/her by the
Student Activities Director or the President of the council.
Technology Officer – Attend all meetings and is in charge of the upkeep of the Student Council website. Reporting any computer problems, computer maintenance and troubleshooting.
Environmental/Energy Committee Chairperson – Attend all meetings’ responsible for energy/environmental projects and to complete and submit the “Outstanding Energy” state report by deadline; keep record of projects, committee members, and work hard to keep people involved and active; help all committees and attend all activities. Plan projects for every meeting unless noted in the agenda and report plan to President and Secretary.
Drug Alcohol Safety and Health (DASH) Committee
Chairperson – Attend all meetings; work hard to keep people involved and active; help all committees and attend all activities; promote safety and health issues, projects and activities, to include community service projects regarding the well-being of the populace; responsible for all projects concerning drug awareness and for completion and submission of the “Outstanding DASH” state report by deadline; keep record of projects, committee members, work hard keep people involved and active, Help all communities and attend all activities. Plan projects for every meeting unless noted in the agenda and report plan to President and Secretary.
Pride and Patriotism Committee Chairperson – Attend all meetings; work hard to keep people involved and active; responsible for fostering a sense of pride in student council, the school, the community, the state, ad the country through spirit activities, banners, posters, fliers, and projects that uplift and inspire; complete an submit, by deadline, the “Pride and
Patriotism” state report. Oversee subcommittees in Pride and
Patriotism. Is in charge of National and State Pride projects and will also work in conjunction with other co chairs of Pride and Patriotism committee.
Community and School Pride Co-Chair – Attend all meetings; work hard to keep people involved and active; responsible for fostering a sense of pride in student council, the school, the community, the state, ad the country through spirit activities, banners, posters, fliers, and projects that uplift and inspire; complete an submit, by deadline, the “Pride and Patriotism”
state report. Is in charge of Community and School Pride projects and will also work in conjunction with other co chairs and chair of Pride and Patriotism committee. Plan projects for every meeting unless noted in the agenda and report plan to
President and Secretary.
Teacher, Individual, and Student Pride Co-Chair - – Attend all meetings; work hard to keep people involved and active; responsible for fostering a sense of pride in student council, the school, the community, the state, ad the country through spirit activities, banners, posters, fliers, and projects that uplift and inspire; complete an submit, by deadline, the “Pride and
Patriotism” state report. Is in charge of Teacher, Individual, and Student Pride projects and will also work in conjunction with other co chairs and chair of Pride and Patriotism committee. Plan projects for every meeting unless noted in the agenda and report plan to President and Secretary.
Supplies Manger – Will be in charge of handling all supplies at meetings, stocking, and ordering new supplies when needed.
He will also keep inventory of supplies and keep them in an orderly fashion.
All officers must be enrolled in the Student Council Leadership
Student Council officers are required to attend the state leadership summer workshops after being elected or else forfeit their office. Death in the family, illness, or substitution of another leadership workshop with sponsor approval may cause to waive this rule.
Members - A member of Student Council is greatly depended upon. Members are what make up a Student Council. A member will willingly volunteer, support and participate in all school/student Council sponsored activities. He/She will follow all rules of the constitution and parliamentary procedure in all School/Student Council sponsored activities. Like the officers, members must also attend all Student Council meeting. In order to be considered a member you must maintain the requirements in Article V, Sections A & B.
SECTION C. Removal of officers and/ or members
Failure of an officer to satisfactorily meet the requirements of an active member in good standing for one month will result in officers being removed from duties.
In the case that the office of President is vacated the Vice
President will automatically be assigned the duties of the
President. The vice president office shall be filled by appointment process of the sponsor and President.
In the case that an office other than the President is vacated, the President and the sponsor and any other officer they deem necessary shall meet to appoint a member to the vacated office.
If an officer does not maintain eligibility, he/she will be placed on probation the first time. The second time an officer does not maintain eligibility; he/she will be removed from office.
An officer who receives a discipline referral will also be placed on probation, depending on the offense; a referral can cause removal from office.
Complaints from teachers of any kind will also place an officer on probation.
Upon the second necessary probation, the officer will be removed.
General meetings will be held on a weekly basis on Mondays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in or as determined by officers and sponsor, to allow students who are involved in other after school activities the opportunity to be part of Student Council.
Thursday after school work meetings will also be held weekly to finish pending projects.
Executive meetings of the officers will be held before the school year begins to plan the entire year. The sponsor or substitute
sponsor must be present. The officers will meet as needed to reevaluate goals and goal completion.
The constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the council (changes may be made to this constitution prior to its ratification).
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote by the council provided that a written copy of the proposed amendment has been submitted to the council and to the secretary that was followed by open discussion.
For any procedure not mentioned in the above articles, refer to Robert’s Rules of
Order Revised as the official source of parliamentary procedure.
Article I – Number of members needed to constitute a quorum (enough people to legally vote)
Article II – Establishment of standing committees and provisions for formation of special committees as the need arises
Article III – Rules for conducting school and class elections, if not included in the constitution itself
Article IV – Procedure for filling an office which has been vacated
Article V – Procedure for amending by-laws
Article VI – Definition of the “rules of order” reference for conducting student council business