Student Organization Constitution - Template PREAMBLE An introductory statement that introduces the organization and the purpose for formation. (This is optional.) ARTICLE I. - NAME This should list the official name of the organization and should include any acronyms associated with the organization ARTICLE II. - PURPOSE This section sets forth the aims, intentions and goals for the organization. ARTICLE III. - MEMBERSHIP All organizations must be open to all Trinity students and the organization must include the Colleges Non-Discrimination Clause - “this organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicap”. This section should be laid out in complete sentences addressing membership. Including the following Eligibility and Financial Obligations (Dues) 1. The difference between an active and inactive member – how many meetings must be attended, voting privileges, etc. 2. Obligations of Members – this should include what a member is entitled to, if there are any committees that they must serve on, etc. ARTICLE IV. - GOVERNING STRUCTURE This article identifies the governing structure for the organization, which indicates which officers and/or committee chairs make up the executive board for the organization. ARTICLE V. - OFFICERS This section should list all of the officers for the organization with detailed duties and responsibilities for each office. ARTICLE VI. - COMMITTEES List all committees for the organization 1. Outline responsibilities and duties for each committee 2. Include if there will be a chair/co-chairs and the detailed process for election or appointment 3. List procedures for the creation of Ad hoc committees by the organization is the need arises ARTICLE VII. - ELECTIONS This section should include the following: 1. Eligibility for holding an office position Process for filling vacancy of offices 2. Term of Office 3. Date of Elections (i.e., April of the Spring Semester) 4. Procedures for the Election including the process for nominations, voting policies, absentee ballots, the process for a tie election ARTICLE VIII. - REMOVAL of MEMBERS or OFFICERS This article should outline in detail what a member or officer can be removed for and what is the process. ARTICLE IX. - ADVISOR This article should identify the number of advisors, the term each will serve, how the advisor is selected and the detailed responsibilities for each advisor if there is more than one. ARTICLE X. - MEETINGS 1. Day, time and location of meeting 2. Types of Meetings describe all (General, Elections, Officers/Executive Board, Committees and Emergency or Special Meetings) ARTICLE XI. - FINANCES How will the organization manage their funds and who is responsible for the management and signatory power over the finances. ARTICLE XII. - AMENDMENTS Indicate the procedure for offering amendments, changes and/or deletions to the constitution. Also, indicate the vote necessary to ratify the amendment, etc. ARTICLE XIII. - EXTERNAL AFFILIATIONS It must, if the organization is affiliated with, or is a subsidiary of, a larger state, regional, or national organization, provide the College with copies of the constitution, by-laws, and regulations of the primary organization. ARTICLE XIV. - DISSOLUTION In the event that an organization wishes to dissolve their existence at Trinity College as a recognized organization, indicate that all College funds and property will be returned to the Student Government Association (SGA). If the organizations, has separate funds those funds should be donated to a nonprofit organization identified by the organization and reported to the SGA and S.A.I.L. Office. In order to dissolve your organization written notification must be given to S.A.I.L., the organizations advisor and the SGA.