Spelling Words Upcoming Events: Coding Club begins January 19 Benchmark Testing- January 20 Campus Spelling Bee- January 26 Early release- January 27 D Notes from the teacher: Progress reports go out January 27 Saturday Camp starts on January 30 What we are learning this week: Reading o We will review as a whole class the elements of poetry and four different forms of poetry Writing Students will identify all the parts in the Hairy E using a writing sample. Math o Contact Information Mrs. Piña mpina01@sisd.net Mrs. Yerena lyeren@sisd.net We will learn to read, understand, and create a frequency table, dot plot, and stem and leaf to analyze and answer questions. distracted hail limp noble prefer response reveal severe typical valiant laugh build built breakfast flood enough rough touch tough young Science describe and illustrate the continuous movement of water above and join the surface of Earth though the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun Mrs. O’Hara ldomin22@sisd.net Mrs. Campoya mlopez17@sisd.net Social Studies We will create a foldable to identify and explain the 3 branches of government of our state