Spelling Words 1.address 2.eager 3.increase 4.mistrust 5.sturdy 6.threat 7.sole 8.imitation 9.direction 10.vision 11.attention 12.confusion 13.constellation 14.musician 15.magician 16.capitalization Upcoming Events: 11/3- Reading Benchmark 11/4 Math Benchmark 11/5 Writing Benchmark D Notes from the teacher: 17.emotion 18.patient 19.abolish 20.entrance Please make sure your child is practicing multiplication facts since they are learning about division What We are learning this week: reading o use magazines to identify and understand the different text features found in expository text Writing o We will write a narrative Explain how you can help make a community a better place. Math o Mrs. Piña mpina01@sisd.net Mrs. Yerena lyeren@sisd.net divide four digit numbers by one digit number and create a division foldable. Science o Design an experiment to test the effect of force on an object such as a push or a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetism Social studies o Mrs. O’Hara ldomin22@sisd.net Mrs. Campoya mlopez17@sisd.net explain when, where, and why the Spanish established settlements and Catholic missions in Texas