
Sheet 研究生全英文课程 ................................................................................................................ 3
3. 2043528 Organizational Space .................................................................................................. 3
5. 2043557 Multi-Dimensional Matrix Management System ........................................................ 4
9. 0413090 Computational Linguistics .......................................................................................... 4
11. 0421155 Topics On Chinese History ........................................................................................ 4
12. 0421165 Study on Chinese language and culture..................................................................... 4
13. 0423179 Chinese Public Policies & Social Security ................................................................ 5
14. 0423180 Media & Mass Communication in China .................................................................. 5
15. 0811018 Mechatronics Control ................................................................................................ 5
16. 0813018 An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering........................... 5
17. 1123288 Finite Fields and Applications ................................................................................... 6
21. 1713019 Gut Microecology and Functionality ........................................................................ 6
22. 1713029 Physiology of Lactation ............................................................................................ 6
26. 2023086 Operations Management ........................................................................................... 7
27. 2023090 Innovation Management............................................................................................ 7
28. 2023092 Empirical Accounting Research ................................................................................ 7
30. 2043561 Decision-Making and Integrative Thinking .............................................................. 7
31. 2213020 Theory and Practice of Public Budget....................................................................... 8
33. 2221510 International Relations Research Methods ................................................................ 8
36. 2223010 Human Resource Management in Public Organization ............................................ 9
37. 2223013 Governance: Theory and Its Practice ........................................................................ 9
38. 2223091 Social Policy Studies ............................................................................................... 10
40. 2223140 Study on China's Politics and Diplomacy ............................................................... 10
41. 2223320 International Security Studies ................................................................................. 10
42. 2223322 Applied Econometrics ............................................................................................. 11
43. 2423006 Micro Fluidics ......................................................................................................... 11
44. 2611001 Selected Topics in Materials Research .................................................................... 11
46. 3243005 Control System Design and Application ................................................................. 12
47. 3412030 Random Sea Waves and Coastal Structures ............................................................ 12
49. 0621229 Numerical Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations .............................. 13
52. 2021027 Methodology on Management Research ................................................................. 13
53. 0113117 Quantitative Analysis in Economics: Methods and Applications ............................ 13
54. 0221012 Comparative Jurisprudence ..................................................................................... 14
62. 0411012 Study on Pragmatics ................................................................................................ 14
63. 0421172 Socio-economic Development in contemporary China ........................................... 14
71. 0623920 Applied Psychology of Intercultural Behaviors ...................................................... 14
72. 0624311 Theory of Superconductivity ................................................................................... 15
76. 0721023 Bioinformatics ......................................................................................................... 15
83. 0823049 Finite Element Methods and its Engineering Application....................................... 15
85. 0922006 Structure and Properties of Materials ...................................................................... 15
86. 1021052 System Identification .............................................................................................. 16
87. 1023078 Power Semiconductor Devices and Design Criteria ............................................... 16
91. 1313075 Headway of Nutrition ............................................................................................ 16
92. 1611008 Special Subjects on Biophysics ............................................................................. 16
93. 1611500 Fungal Molecular Biology..................................................................................... 16
94. 1613008 Advanced Quantitative Genetics ........................................................................... 17
95. 1613010 Advanced Crop Breeding ...................................................................................... 17
96. 1613053 High Use Efficiency Of resources in Crop Biology .............................................. 17
102. 1621065 Plant Bacteriology and Nematology ..................................................................... 18
108. 2021022 Managerial Economics .......................................................................................... 18
109. 2021023 organization and management studies ................................................................... 18
110. 2021026 organization and management studies ................................................................... 18
111. 2021029 Managerial Statistics ............................................................................................. 19
112. 2023084 Strategic Management ........................................................................................... 19
113. 2023085 Human Resource Management ............................................................................. 20
115. 2023089 Operations Research II .......................................................................................... 20
116. 2023091 Information Systems Research .............................................................................. 20
117. 2023096 Intermediate Econometrics .................................................................................... 21
120. 2043509 International Entrepreneurship .............................................................................. 21
121. 2043524 Marketing Research .............................................................................................. 21
124. 2122023 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence .................................................................... 21
128. 2222004 Public Policy making and Analysis ....................................................................... 22
129. 2223014 Ethics in Public Administration............................................................................. 22
130. 2223019 Non-Traditional Security Management I............................................................... 23
131. 2223319 Foreign Policy Analysis ........................................................................................ 23
132. 2423007 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ............................................................................ 23
133. 2423025 Advances and Applications in Engineering Mechanics ........................................ 24
135. 2621001 Materials Design and Processing .......................................................................... 24
136. 2822001 Transport Phenomena ......................................................................................... 24
137. 3214001 System Identification ............................................................................................ 25
139. 3243002 Introduction to Control System Safety & Security Engineering ........................... 25
Sheet 1............................................................................................................................................. 25
2. 2621005 thermodynamics of materials .................................................................................... 25
4. 1023101 Permanent Magnet Electrical Machines and Control Systems.................................. 26
6. 1711029 System Biology and Livestock Industry.................................................................... 26
7. 2914001 Material Surface Science........................................................................................... 27
8. 2923002 Polymer Architectures ............................................................................................... 27
9. 3013109 Advanced Photonic Materials and Nanophtonics ..................................................... 28
10. 2423027 Applied Mechanics of Solids .................................................................................. 28
11. 2423025 Frontiers of engineering mechanics......................................................................... 29
13. 2124075 Big Data(Data Mining) ...................................................................................... 29
15. 2124082 Cloud Computing .................................................................................................... 29
18. 2723012 Commercial vehicle technology .............................................................................. 30
19. 1611505 Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology ................................................................ 30
20. 1611506 Physiology of Plant Pest Insects and Pathogens...................................................... 31
21. 1611507 Physiology of Crop Pest Insects and Pathogens Course Description: ..................... 31
23. 0711030
25. 0711028
26. 0711031
27. 0711029
28. 1323100
32. 1824026
33. 1814073
34. 1814074
35. 1814079
36. 1814072
37. 3424022
38. 3421032
40. 0123136
41. 0123135
42. 0223681
43. 0311104
44. 0311103
45. 0409532
47. 2021027
48. 2021029
50. 2223339
51. 2324002
52. 2324001
Biochemistry ........................................................................................................... 32
Molecular Biology................................................................................................... 33
Introductory Bioinformatics for Molecular Biologists ............................................ 34
Plant Molecular Physiology .................................................................................... 34
Automated Agricultural Systems and Machinery ................................................... 35
Introduction of micro /nano sensors and measurement .......................................... 35
Virology .................................................................................................................. 36
Developmental biology ........................................................................................... 37
Neurobiology .......................................................................................................... 37
Clinical Pathology ................................................................................................... 38
Advanced Cell Biology: Molecular Basis of Cancer .............................................. 39
Fluid-Solid interaction Dynamics ........................................................................... 40
Satellite oceanography ............................................................................................ 40
Research Methodology in Economics ..................................................................... 40
Financial Derivatives .............................................................................................. 41
China and International law .................................................................................... 42
Frontier of International Education Academics ....................................................... 42
Educational Leadership and Policy ......................................................................... 43
Evolution of brain and language ............................................................................. 43
Business Research Methods .................................................................................... 44
Managerial Statistics ............................................................................................... 44
Economic Applications in Policy and Planning ...................................................... 45
Cognitive Emotional Processing of Media.............................................................. 45
Media Effects .......................................................................................................... 46
Sheet 研究生全英文课程
3. 2043528
Organizational Space
Course Description:
This is a short introductory course to the physical environment of corporations. It draws together
theoretical works that have been done on organisational space into a relatively simple and
manageable framework. The course invites students to think about their organisational space, and
the ways through which space might be designed and modified to better suit the needs of
Course Description in Chinese
本课程将管理者的视野引向组织中不太被重视的领域: 组织的物理空间。通过建筑、器物、
5. 2043557
Multi-Dimensional Matrix Management System
Course Description:
The key to success for global companies working in a flattened social and economic environment
is to speed up management processes by bridging the gap of time and distance. It is necessary to
establish an operation model in which the information is stored in the IT system together with its
full utilization (called "Dry Information"), to make the information available in real-time.
Course Description in Chinese
多维矩阵管理系统已经建成,并成功地运用于 TDK 公司,这个管理系统的优势在于结合了
9. 0413090
Computational Linguistics
Course Description:
Computational Linguistics (CL), also called Natural Language Processing or Natural Language
Understanding, mainly focuses on how to understand and produce natural language by use of
computers. CL is a new emerging discipline based on computer science, linguistics and logic, etc.
As an elective course, the mission of this course is to made students understand the basic theories,
key technologies, and recent development of CL.
Course Description in Chinese
11. 0421155
Topics On Chinese History
Course Description in Chinese
中国历史研究课程的基本教学内容主要包括:向学生讲授自 80 年代以来,海内外学者对中
12. 0421165
Study on Chinese language and culture
Course Description:
Curriculum:This course is mainly concerned with ancient Chinese phonetic, lexicology and
grammar. It is scheduled to select ancient Chinese classic literatures and relevant imparts to bring
up the ability to read the ancient literature for students, and then to correctly understand the
meaning of ancient characters, words and sentences, whose essence will be comprehended through
this course. Besides, the course delivers traditional Chinese cultural knowledge to expand
students' learning and research vision, and to enable them to better comprehend the brilliant
ancient Chinese civilization and to Culture their sentiment.
Course Description in Chinese
13. 0423179
Chinese Public Policies & Social Security
Course Description in Chinese
14. 0423180
Media & Mass Communication in China
Course Description in Chinese
15. 0811018
Mechatronics Control
Course Description:
1、Introduction to Control Engineering 2、Introduction to Principles of Feedback 3、Model
Structures, State-Space Models and High-Order I/O Differential Models 4、Modeling Errors and
Linearization 5、Transfer Functions (TF) of State-Space Models and I/O Differential Models, and
Course Description in Chinese
16. 0813018
An Introduction to Microelectromechanical
Systems Engineering
Course Description:
The course is designed for the graduate students to understand the basic theories, concepts of
MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems), materials for MEMS, processes for micromachining,
commercial MEMS structures and systems and packaging for MEMS and so on.
Course Description in Chinese:
17. 1123288
Finite Fields and Applications
Course Description:
Among the mathematical prerequisites for communication engineering, finite fields play a
decisive role. Major achievements of the past in error control coding, cryptography, sequence
design, etc. would not have been possible without them. All the more this will be true of future
communication systems.
21. 1713019
Gut Microecology and Functionality
Course Description:
This course introduces the host-microbial interactions between microbes and animals and how
these interactions integrate to animal’s production and improvement of animal health. Among the
topics to be discussed are the evolution and ecology of the microbial inhabitants with the host, the
underlying molecular mechanisms of the host microbial interaction, the recently identified
bacterial activities including biofilm formation, quorum sensing systems and how these activities
influence the animal host’s functions, the host response to the microbial diversity and changes, the
common pathogenesis in animals. This course will also integrate some modern and advanced
molecular technologies which have been applied to the research fields of above topics.
Course Description in Chinese:
物区系的主动调节;动物常见微生物病原菌及消化道微生物对宿主的有益功能。 本课程不
22. 1713029
Physiology of Lactation
Course Description:
Physiological mechanisms that control and affect lactation in domestic and laboratory animals
with emphasis on dairy cattle. Includes mammary anatomy, development and health, and milk
Course Description in Chinese:
26. 2023086
Operations Management
Course Description:
Operations Management aims to apply effective methods to integrate resources of manufacturing
or service industries to plan, organize and control the value adding process.
Course Description in Chinese:
的产品和服务增值过程进行有效的计划、组织和控制。 课程内容主要包括:运作战略、需
等内容。 通过本课程的学习,要求系统掌握运作管理的基本概念、理论和方法,了解国内
27. 2023090
Innovation Management
Course Description:
This course is to provide a foundation of managing innovation. The teaching, reading, and
discussion will focus on the concepts, frameworks, and practices for analyzing how firms can
create, commercialize, and capture the values from industrial innovations.
Course Description in Chinese:
28. 2023092
Empirical Accounting Research
Course Description:
This course is an introductory course to get to know empirical accounting research. Students
should have the ability to conduct independent empirical accounting research after studying this
course. We will discuss classical research papers and focus on how to design an empirical research
and evaluate the research method applied in the paper.
Course Description in Chinese:
30. 2043561
Course Description:
Decision-Making and Integrative Thinking
Students in the course will be provided with the training and tools necessary to become an
inventive, logical and dynamic decision maker. You'll explore a structured way to approach and
dismantle problems, and you'll learn to clarify problems in terms of objectives and issues, with a
view toward optimal outcomes in a strategic and competitive interaction.
Course Description in Chinese:
31. 2213020
Theory and Practice of Public Budget
Course Description:
The course will be divided into four parts: . General public budget theories and practices Focus on
the topic of the budget institutions, scope of central budget, target of the budget, plan of
expenditures and so on in main countries. Budget Law and Budget system in China: major
contents as first parts. Transfer system in China. The system newly introduced into China only
about 20 years. Therefore the course will mainly focus on analyzing scope and current issues of
the system. Budegt system in Zhejiang Province. As a Case Study of the course: since the budget
system in Zhejiang Province is quite specific in China, it is worthy understanding how it operates
and how it is the performance。
Course Description in Chinese:
改革。 一般预算理论与实践:关于部门预算和绩效预算;介绍西方主要国家的预算制度、
技校预算,等。 中国预算法介绍与分析;预算制度的改革与演变;分税制对各级预算的影
响等。主要内容与第一部分相应 中国转移支付制度介绍及分析。转移支付制度在中国的建
立时间只有 20 多年,因此转移支付的规模相比预算总规模只占了一个很小的比重,尽管逐
难度加大,资金效益却不彰。 浙江预算制度的特点及变化
33. 2221510
International Relations Research Methods
Course Description:
The majority of IR studies utilize traditional qualitative historical approaches, and these will be
the focus of study here, based in a discussion of ontology, epistemology, levels of analysis, and
historiography. Given that much of IR research is based on historical studies, this course will also
devote some time to a study of historiography. Students will learn how to do hypothesis building
and testing, how to use the case study approach, and in addition to all of this, we will consider
research ethics, writing style, citation of sources, case study selection and preparation,
bibliography preparation and game theory. Finally, students will read and discuss an exemplary
recent example of contemporary IR research.
Course Description in Chinese:
36. 2223010
Human Resource Management in Public
Course Description:
Human resource management in public organization pays attention to the application of HRM
theories and approaches in public organizations and NGO. It focuses in developing the
competition and efficiency of public section and NGO through HRM. This course is still fixed
attention to inquiry into the diverse value conflicts which HRM in the public organizations face,
discuss the difference and similarity of HRM between in enterprise and in public organization. It
keeps student up to date on HRM thinking and practice in the public organizations. The whole
course system including how to use the technology of job analysis to develop the competence
model, personnel selection and assessment, performance appraisal, compensation management ,
employee development and career management.
Course Description in Chinese:
37. 2223013
Governance: Theory and Its Practice
Course Description:
This course aims to provide an introduction of governance. The course is divided into six broad
parts. First, we aim to map the broad ways of approaching governance that have had and will.
Second, we aim to focus on governance, Democracy and state. Third, we aim to focus on local
governance. Four, we aim to focus on global governance. Five, we aim to focus on the critique of
governance. Six, we aim to focus on governance and .politics in China.
Course Description in Chinese:
本课程共分六章。 在“治理面面观”章中,提出治理概念,介绍治理研究的不同路径,概述
当代诸种治理理论的主要内容、主要特征,“治理”提出的背景与意义。 在“治理,民主与国
权化改革、公民参与等理论与实践。 在“全球治理”章中,介绍全球资本与民族国家、全球
公民社会、全球民主等理论与实践。 在“治理的批评者”章中,介绍对治理理论与实践的种
种批评者。特别是由此讨论对于治理理论的推进。 在“中国的治理发展”章中,介绍了中国
38. 2223091
Social Policy Studies
Course Description:
The course concentrates on the social development process in modern history and the evolution of
social policy, the analysis methods and procedures of social policy, the differences between
economic policy and social policy, management mechanism and tools of social development, the
development course of the social welfare, social security and employment policy in history and
also the challenges now facing. It tries to discuss the implemental environment and the evaluate
criteria, the research and experiences in the field of social innovation and social reform in China
and other countries in the world and does an in-depth discussion of issues such as the theory and
practice of social innovation and social reforms and its driving forces.
Course Description in Chinese:
的社会政策普遍形成,并且作为制度被有效实施的社会发展阶段。 本课程集中考察近现代
40. 2223140
Study on China's Politics and Diplomacy
Course Description:
The course is designed for the graduate students to understand the basic theories and policy of
china’s politics and diplomacy, find out the special environment of china’s politics and diplomacy
know the operation way and organization pattern of china’s politics,be aware of basic methods of
china in handling international affairs.
Course Description in Chinese:
境,熟悉中国政治运行的基本方式和组织形式,熟悉中国处理国际问题的基本方式. 具体要
41. 2223320
International Security Studies
Course Description:
The course is to give students a thorough introduction to the concepts of international security and
their associated literature. At the same time, the course extensively uses case studies to encourage
students to apply those concepts and methodology in analyzing policy relevant issues.
Course Description in Chinese:
42. 2223322
Applied Econometrics
Course Description:
The orientation of the course is applied. The course begins with a brief review of some of the basic
econometrical analysis techniques and tools used to describe and interpret data. The primary focus
of this course will be on the use of regression analysis, an econometrical technique for quantifying
and making inferences about relationships between variables.
Course Description in Chinese:
43. 2423006
Micro Fluidics
Course Description:
This lecture focuses on the physics of fluid flows in micro-devices, which includes (a) the
introduction of microfluidics, (b) fluid mechanics in micro/nano scale, (c) the fabrication and
applications of microfluidics.
Course Description in Chinese:
子动力学法 Molecular dynamics 和 Monte Carlo 随机直接数值模拟法 DSMC 等);(3)微
44. 2611001
Selected Topics in Materials Research
Course Description:
Basic skills in materials research are introduced in this course. Selected topics on inorganic
materials, metals, semiconductors, materials microstructures and electron microscopy are
discussed. In the discussion scientific writing and publication, oral presentation and poster
presentation are concerned.
Course Description in Chinese:
46. 3243005
Control System Design and Application
Course Description:
This course will introduce robust and adaptive control approaches for linear and nonlinear systems.
The contents include fundamental properties of linear and nonlinear systems, Lyapunov stability
framework, robust stabilization and output regulation, adaptive output regulation,
nano-positioning systems, and design and control of dual-stage control systems. The contents are
delivered in terms of fundamental concepts, advanced research outcomes, and benchmark
Course Description in Chinese:
47. 3412030
Random Sea Waves and Coastal Structures
Course Description:
Our understanding of sea waves has been growing considerably recently. Sea waves are now
described and analyzed by means of statistical theories. The ocean wave spectrum is presently a
working tool of oceanographers in coastal and offshore engineering. This lecture starts from the
brief review on the regular wave theory (small/finite amplitude waves, regular wave deformation),
followed by the introduction of random wave phenomena, and the specification of statistical
properties and spectra of sea waves, statistical theory of irregular waves and transformation of
random waves. Then, specifying the design criteria of various coastal structures. This lecture ends
with the statistical analysis of extreme waves and the corresponding coastal structure design.
Course Description in Chinese:
文献阅读和讨论课,另安排 1-2 次实验课。本课程将为英文授课。最后的考核方式将为考试
或书面报告的形式。 近期,科研人员对随机波和实地海浪的特性的认识有了飞速的发展。
49. 0621229
Numerical Methods for Solving Partial
Differential Equations
Course Description:
The course is designed for the graduate students to understand the basic theories, concepts of
numerical methods for solving partial differential equations. Students are asked to construct the
numerical scheme, to do the stability analysis and to do the error estimates for ordinary differential
equations, parabolic equations, hypobolic equations.
Course Description in Chinese:
具体计算各类方程的数值解。了解差分方法的最新研究成果和在各个学科的应用。 具体要
52. 2021027
Methodology on Management Research
Course Description:
In this course we will study the importance of business research methods in scientific
problem-solving. The focus is on business research proposal, design, measurement, quantitative
analysis and reporting.
Course Description in Chinese:
53. 0113117
Quantitative Analysis in Economics: Methods
and Applications
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce students to the numerical tools needed to solve economic models,
most of which are macroeconomic models. First, students will learn the fundamentals and the
underlying theories of various numerical methods, such as root-finding and numerical
optimization. Students will then learn how to use these numerical methods in practice.
Course Description in Chinese
计算软件 Matlab 以及计算机语言 Fortran 去求解一些无法用笔和纸就可以解开的经济模型。
54. 0221012
Comparative Jurisprudence
Course Description in Chinese
1、 比较法学概论:(1)概念及其语义(2)历史发展(3)比较法的方法论(4)比较法的功能 2、大
陆法与英美法:以我国民法典制定争议为切入点的研讨 3、判例比较法学:以若干组国内外
同类判例为焦点(1)违宪审查制度确立的标志性案(2) 有关法规范运用技术的典型性案件(3)
障案件(7) 财产权的保障与限制案件
62. 0411012
Study on Pragmatics
Course Description part in Chinese
63. 0421172
Socio-economic Development in contemporary
Course Description:
This course is designed to enable students to get familiar with some theoretical approaches to
development strategy as well as sectoral policies in China which have led to the country to a rising
power. Students will be trained to have a good understanding of some key issues in China’s
political economy.
Course Description in Chinese
71. 0623920
Applied Psychology of Intercultural Behaviors
Course Description:
This course applies contemporary theory and research psychology of intercultural behavior (and
cross-cultural psychology) to issues arising from globalization as well as living and working in
multicultural environments. Topics will include: •psychology and culture •communication across
cultures •acculturation and adaptation (culture shock) •leadership and teamwork
Course Description in Chinese
下工作、生活中以及随全球化而涌现的各类问题。 课程内容包括: •心理学与文化 •跨文
化沟通 •文化传入和适应(文化冲击) •领导能力和团队协作 •多文化背景下的工作 •留学
(跨文化学习行为) •工作环境中的文化及其多样性 •文化多样性及文化知觉的培训
72. 0624311
Theory of Superconductivity
Course Description:
Basic properties of superconductors, thermodynamics of superconductors, two-fluid model,
electromagneitc properties (London theory), intermediate state, microscopic pairing theory (BCS
theory), Ginsburg-Landau equations, type-II superconductivity, tunneling effect, Josephson effect.
Course Description in Chinese
论),中间态,微观理论(BCS 理论),金兹伯-兰道方程,II 类超导电性,隧道效应,约瑟
夫森效应。 主要参考书:章立源 《超导物理》,张裕恒《超导物理》。
76. 0721023
Course Description:
The course is prepared for introducing the basic bioinformatics concepts and skills to students
with experimental biology background. Emphasis on practical tools and resources are given to
equip student with necessary bioinformatics knowledge for efficient experimental design and
professional data analysis.The frontier of current bioinformatics and its future directions will be
briefly reviewed.
83. 0823049
Finite Element Methods and its Engineering
Course Description:
Introduce Finite Element Method and its application in engineering, especially in mechanical
engineering. Chapters include FEM theory, FEM of statics, FEM of dynamics, FEM of nonlinear
analysis, FEM of thermal analysis, CFD, and FEM in electromagnetics.
Course Description in Chinese
学生通过本课程的学习, 了解有限元在解决机械工程技术问题的基本方法,掌握基本原理、
使用方法和解题步骤,可使用 ANSYS 软件对结构静力学、动力学、非线性分析、热分析、
热力耦合、流场、磁场等相关模型进行分析。 本课程应用性较强,以解决工程问题的实例
85. 0922006
Structure and Properties of Materials
Course Description in Chinese
金、团簇(特别是 C60)、纳米材料、人工超晶格材料、准晶、高温超导材料等)系统地介
86. 1021052
System Identification
Course Description in Chinese
"本课程介绍合理模型和合适辨识方法的选择; 辨识结果对数据, 模型类和辨识准则的依赖;
如何利用数值方法去解决辨识估计的计算问题; 以及合理利用先验知识进行辨识的实验设
计. 本课程采用原版教材, 英语授课. "
87. 1023078
Power Semiconductor Devices and Design
Course Description:
Introduction:Contents of Lecture;Device Concepts (overview);Basic circuit topologies and
reflections on device application;Device Integration perspectives. 2.Power Semiconductor Device
Physics. 3. Power Semiconductors (1)Power semiconductor concepts for Power MOSFET’s,
IGBT’s, SiC (2)Devices limiting factors (3)Driving and Protection of Power Semiconductors
(4)Thermal management
Course Description in Chinese
1.介绍:器件的概念;基本电路拓扑和在电路应用中的影响;对器件集成的展望 2.功率半
导体器件物理学 3.功率半导体(1)功率 MOSFET,IGBT 和碳化硅 SiC 的功率半导体概
91. 1313075
Headway of Nutrition
Course Description in Chinese
92. 1611008
Special Subjects on Biophysics
Course Description in Chinese
(1) 量子力学与量子化学基础: Schrodinger 方程, 氢原子, 电子自旋, 角动量耦合理论与光谱
项的多重性, 氢分子与化学键, 分子轨道理论基础。(2) 分子放射生物学定量理论: 靶学说与
击中理论, Chadwick 半经验理论, 辐射损伤与修复的含时随机动力学理论; (3) ESR 谱学: 基
本理论, ESR 波谱学, ESR 波谱仪, 自旋标记 ESR 谱研究生物膜特性;
93. 1611500
Fungal Molecular Biology
Course Description:
Fungi are vital contributors to ecosystems by their involvement in nutrient cycling and energy
cycling and as important model on studies of eukaryotes and essential biological resources as well,
widely used in medicine, light industry, ecological protection, foodstuff and agriculture and with
highlight respect to explore. The course mainly represent the application of molecular biological
techniques in research and bio-explore on fungi, introduce the newly research advances and
application achievement to students to understanding the the characters, methods and role in
biological research of fungal molecular biology, imporve students’s capability to choose the
suitable molecular methods, idea and solving practical problems based on research object.
Course Description in Chinese
真菌是生态系统中物质和能量循环的重要组成部分, 也真核生物的重要研究模式和是重要
94. 1613008
Advanced Quantitative Genetics
Course Description in Chinese
入法和 Shell 法、快速分类法及堆分类法、索引及秩、等价类的确定。5.均匀偏差的随机
数、特定分布的随机数、Monte Carlo 模拟技术。
95. 1613010
Advanced Crop Breeding
Course Description in Chinese
96. 1613053
High Use Efficiency Of resources in Crop
Course Description in Chinese
102. 1621065
Plant Bacteriology and Nematology
Course Description:
Plant Bacteriology and Nematology are two important research areas in Plant Pathology, and
many plant bacteria and nematodes can cause serious plant diseases.The course is designed for the
graduate students to understand the basic theories, concepts of Plant bacteriology and Nematology,
the methods for diagnosis and control two type of pathogens, and related research methods.
Course Description in Chinese:
108. 2021022
Managerial Economics
Course Description:
In this course we will learn how to apply microeconomic theory in analyzing real-world business
decisions. The focus will be on how to make profitable business decisions in front of the current
market forces that create both opportunities and constraints for business enterprises.
Course Description in Chinese:
实市场结构条件的利润最大化决策。 该课程将力求理论分析和现实运用的平衡。主要内容
109. 2021023
organization and management studies
Course Description:
This course aims at a fundamental but systematic introduction to the discipline of Organisational
Behaviour. It is structured on the debates between the mainstream and critical approaches to OB
studies and focuses on a selection of topics, including: motivation, personality, group and
teamwork, learning, organisational structure, leadership, organisational politics, culture, change
and etc.
Course Description in Chinese:
程勾勒组织行为学从上世纪 50 年代起至今发展的大体框架,着重介绍其中主要的两个思想
110. 2021026
organization and management studies
Course Description:
This course is designed primarily for graduate students major in management, and builds around a
series of class sessions organized to offer an opportunity for students to understand organizational
and managerial behavior through different theoretical perspectives. Each perspective draws
attention to significant aspects of the organizing process, and provides a distinctive means of
understanding and managing organizational situations. This course will help students learn about
how to use these perspectives as tools for observing and analyzing organization in the real world.
Course Description in Chinese:
111. 2021029
Managerial Statistics
Course Description:
As a fundamental tool course, management statistics plays a extremely significant role in social
science field, and statistics method is extensively used in management science, economics, finance,
financial accounting and many other disciplines. So management statistics has become an
important profession-related compulsory. The course is structured as follows, Chapter1
introduction, Chapter2 data and data acquisition. Chapter3 a preliminary analysis of sample data.
Chapter4 simple application of SPSS. Chapter5 general distribution. Chapter6, parameter
hypothesis test. Chapter7 variance analysis. Chapter8 correlation analysis. Chapter9 linear
regression analysis.
Course Description in Chinese
获取,样本数据的初步分析,SPSS 的简单应用,总体分布、样本分布与参数估计,参数假设检
112. 2023084
Strategic Management
Course Description:
Strategic management is an overall process including strategic analysis, strategic decision-making
and strategy implementation. We will work with eight topics in the course to understand the
process of strategic management.
Course Description in Chinese
113. 2023085
Human Resource Management
Course Description:
This course uses organizational behavior as theoretical base, economic reform, innovation and
entrepreneurship as background, research findings from at home and abroad as evidence, human
resources development as objectives. Topics of this course include human resource management
evolution, global business/entrepreneurship environment, competence-modelling and recruitment,
training and development, performance model and appraisal systems, motivation and
compensation, career development and cross-cultural HRM, and high-performance systems under
the Chinese context.
Course Description in Chinese
115. 2023089
Operations Research II
Course Description:
The objective of this course is designed to give students the insight and the analytical skills of
operations research; develop the capability to do independent studies; enables the PhD to a) apply
knowledge of math and engineering, b) identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, and c)
use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Course Description in Chinese
116. 2023091
Information Systems Research
Course Description:
This graduate seminar assesses and introduces the research conducted on IT and its effects on
individuals, organizations, and societies. By the end of this seminar, students will have an
understanding of the classical theories, current trends and main methodologies in information
systems (IS) research and should be able to evaluate the quality of different studies and conduct
their own research
Course Description in Chinese
过程,和成果的目标方向等。主要内容包括以下 7 项 1.信息系统领域顶尖的学校和学者的
介绍 2.信息系统领域主要研究流派介绍,主流期刊,主流会议介绍及论文精读 3.信息系
统领域经典理论介绍及论文精读 4.信息系统领域新兴理论介绍及论文精读 5.信息系统研
究中常用研究方法介绍 6.论文写作,投稿及修改
117. 2023096
Intermediate Econometrics
Course Description:
The course is research-oriented and designed for graduate students to utilize quantitative methods
to analyze the problems in Economic phenomena. The course is held by teaching, self-study,
presentation and discussion. It includes: The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data; The
Simple Regression Model; Multiple Regression Analysis, Time Series Regressions, Simultaneous
Equations models.
Course Description in Chinese
120. 2043509
International Entrepreneurship
Course Description:
This course introduces new concepts and ideas to identify and analyze the international
opportunities, including the creation of a market for new products and services. The objective is to
inspire students with the vision and opportunities, to heighten their awareness of the challenges
and dilemmas, and to equip them with the tools and skills to execute these opportunities
121. 2043524
Marketing Research
Course Description:
The course is an overview of Marketing Research & Business Research methods, including,
introduction to research, scientific investigation, technology and business research, problem field,
preliminary information gathering, problem defined, theoretical framework, hypothesis, research
design, experiment design, measurement development, scale development, reliability & validity,
data collection, s
Course Description in Chinese:
本课程是对市场研究及商业调研方法的探讨。包括,研究概论, 科学调研, 技术与企业研究,
宽泛的问题领域/初步资料搜集/问题界定, 理论框架/提出假设, 研究设计的要素, 实验设计,
变量的测量, 测量:量表、信度、效度, 资料搜索方法, 抽样, 资料分析与诠释, 研究报告, 管
124. 2122023
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Course Description:
The goal is that students should understand some important stages, principles, methods, and
advanced techniques in AI so that they could have well knowledge for incoming high-level
research and development of Intelligent systems. students must master important principles and
algorithms for knowledge representation, uncertainty reasoning, probability and statistics based
reasoning etc.
Course Description in Chinese:
从事人工智能的研究和智能化软硬件系统的开发打好扎实的基础。 基本要求是通过本课程
128. 2222004
Public Policy making and Analysis
Course Description:
Public policy making and analysis has become an important major to the public administration
subject's student after 1950s. This course is designed to introduce students to the study on public
policy process and the study in the public policy process. It has two broad categorizations. The
first is about public policy process: how policy problems are defined, agendas set, policy
formulated, decisions made, policy implemented and policy evaluated. The second is about the use
of analytical theories , methods ,models and techniques in public policy process.The course will
familiarize students with the process whereby policy issues are formed, legitimated, implemented,
and evaluated, the course also will familiarize students with the analytical theories, method,
models and techniques.
Course Description in Chinese:
129. 2223014
Ethics in Public Administration
Course Description:
Ethics in public administration is a new cross-disciplinary of public administration and ethics,
however the relative areas are far more than those, which covers politics, philosophy, management,
sociology and etc.. A theory of ethics in public administration is concerned with various values
rooted to the practice in public administration. It includes the subjects on the activities and the
individual behaviours in public administration; analysis and judgement of administrative
phenomena from the standpoint of value; moral principles and norms in public administration;
moral conflicts; moral norms and virtues for public officials; and approaches to the individual
virtues and obligation.
Course Description in Chinese:
130. 2223019
Non-Traditional Security Management I
Course Description:
The curriculum is divided into three parts: theoretical foundation, problem orientation and
management strategy, the scope of which ranges from domestic to regional, international, and
global. It makes a full exploration of the transition of security conception at the Age of
Globalization, with a major emphasis on the concept, characteristics and paradigm of NTS
management and on the framework, mechanism and path selection of NTS maintenance and
public crisis management.
Course Description in Chinese:
概念、特征、范式以及非传统安全维护与公共危机治理的路径。课程内容如下: 第一讲 导
论:安全研究概说 第二讲 非传统安全与国际关系 第三讲 非传统安全管理体系与范式 第
四讲 非传统安全与公共危机治理(1) 第五讲 非传统安全与公共危机治理(2) 第六讲 非
传统安全管理的国际合作 第七讲 非传统安全管理的能力建设 第八讲 非传统安全管理的
131. 2223319
Foreign Policy Analysis
Course Description:
Foreign Policy Analysis is the approach to international relations that policy-makers in the world’s
capitol cities use on a daily basis as they make foreign policy for their own nations and as they
analyze the policies of other nations. However, following WW2 FPA was forced into the back seat
as a number of new theories of IR took the driver’s position. Because of the failures of IR theory
to predict the end of the Cold War, the rise of terrorism, and other important trends in IR, FPA has
made a comeback in recent years. FPA is a second- or state-to-state-level approach to
understanding the foreign policy of one nation generally or in a given case, and the relations
between nations.
Course Description in Chinese:
132. 2423007
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
This course is a fundamental course of mechanics subject, and is a elective of the other subjects.。
The objects of this course is to study the fundamental theory of aerodynamics,and its fundamental
mathematical method and analytical method.
Course Description in Chinese:
133. 2423025
Advances and Applications in Engineering
Course Description:
The topics include introduction to vibration and control, basic control theory and structural control
strategies, as well as control algorithms and evaluation of control effectiveness, advanced material
behavior, theory and applications of multi-phase fluid and turbulence, numerical simulation
method for complex flows, smart structures, precision structronic/mechatronic systems and
Course Description in Chinese:
135. 2621001
Materials Design and Processing
Course Description:
This course is based on our current Materials Science and Engineering related fundamental
curriculum, providing the knowledge linkage among the materials science, the materials
engineering and the industrial production. This course will be training the post graduates the
innovative thinking skills to further improve their research in their individual fields, and certainly
to better adapt our blooming materials industrial development.
Course Description in Chinese:
136. 2822001
Course Description:
This course deals with the fundamental principles and basic laws concerning the transporting
processes of three basic physical quantities, momentum, energy and mass. The students should
study, through typical application cases, the methods of employing theory of transport phenomena
to solve practical problems.
Course Description in Chinese:
137. 3214001
System Identification
Course Description:
Applications of system identification in the control of large industrial processes. Survey of
background knowledge. Design of identification tests.Parametric model identification methods
and industrial applications and theoretical analysis.Many simulations and industrial applications
are used to shown the advantages and disadvantages of identification methods and theoretical
Course Description in Chinese:
行比较和讨论。系统辨识的渐进法 (ASYM) 介绍。将使用大量仿真数据和工业实用数据来
139. 3243002
Introduction to Control System Safety &
Security Engineering
Course Description:
This course is targeted toward both graduate and senior-level undergraduate students who are
interested in security engineering of control systems. The topics of this course include: (1)
networked control system architecture; (2) reliability & vulnerability analysis; (3) intrusion and
attack models; (4) intrusion & attack detection (estimation algorithms, data analysis techniques);
(5) intrusion tolerant control; (6) emergency management and shut-down systems; and (7) selected
research topics on water distribution and energy systems.
Course Description in Chinese:
Sheet 1
2. 2621005
thermodynamics of materials
Course Description:
Thermodynamics of materials for first-year graduate students who have taken an undergraduate
course on either physical chemistry or thermodynamics of materials. There will be 8 sets of
homework assignments (30%), one mid-term exam (30%) and one final exam (40%)
Course Description in Chinese:
概念(体系和环境、状态和状态函数、容量性质和强度性质等),热力学第一、 第二和第
4. 1023101
Permanent Magnet Electrical Machines and
Control Systems
Course Description:
Permanent magnet (PM) electric machines have gained extensive research interests and
applications, due to the development of modern electric machine theories, materials, power
electronics and control theories. This course is designed to introduce the principle and control
strategies of various PM machines and drive systems. Some practical applications will also be
presented. The course will help the students understand the basic theory and gain the developing
skills of PM machines.
Course Description in Chinese:
使学生具备永磁电机及控制的基本研发技能。 课程具体内容包括:磁学基础,软磁材料,
6. 1711029
System Biology and Livestock Industry
Course Description:
With the in-depth study of animal science, people find just the study of the production or a certain
direction (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, etc.) can not explain the mechanism of the
animal production. The research must be done from the whole system, the cellular structure, gene,
protein and intermolecular role of the feedstuffs, the microbiota in gastrointestinal tract and the
host. Leluo Guan is an associate professor in University of Alberta. Her research focuses on
studying bovine “OMICS” and “MICROBES”. Specific areas of interest include characterization
of rumen microbial ecology and its functions.
Course Description in Chinese:
子机制研究中取得突出成就。现主持的科研项目总资助额 大于 560 万加元,科研成果多次
在 PloS One, Appl Environ Microbiol.,FEMS Microbiol.等刊物上发表。基于管乐珞副教授在此
蛋白组、代谢组)生物技术,RBPs 和非编码 RNA 的转录后调控,营养组学中的先进技术
7. 2914001
Material Surface Science
Course Description:
“Materials Surface Science” is an interdisciplinary course, which brings physics, chemistry,
materials science and even biology together. This course will be taught mainly by Prof. Michael
Grunze. He is Chair Professor for Applied Physical Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg.
Prof. Buddy Ratner and Allan Hoffman, both are members of National Academy of Engineering,
USA, will also be invited to make lectures.
Course Description in Chinese:
材料表面科学(Material Science of Interfaces)是材料学科中极为重要的一部分,也是材料学
8. 2923002
Polymer Architectures
Course Description:
Polymers have various topologies including linear, cyclic, comb-like, dendritic, hyperbranched,
etc., which results in various properties. This course introduces synthetic strategies and modern
technologies to build up macromolecules and nanoparticles with different architectures,
corresponding mechanisms and kinetics, and postpolymerization functionalizations as well.
Course Description in Chinese:
的热点问题,也是高分子科学发展的基础。 本课程从聚合机理和动力学分析入手,介绍和
物物理化学性质及其与结构关系的最新研究成果。 本课程邀请德国 Axel Müller 教授用英语
9. 3013109
Advanced Photonic Materials and Nanophtonics
Course Description:
Liquid Crystal Phtonics is designed for students interested in materials science related
interdisciplinary electronics/electro-optic engineering areas, to provide an essential understanding
of the mechanisms of the polarization nonlinearity in electronic materials as well as the principle
of operation of these materials in various photonic and opto-electronic applications (e.g.,
frequency conversion, optical control/communication and information storage). Analytical
methods, utilizing the electromagnetic wave theories and tensor operations, will be covered in this
course to treat anisotropic nonlinear optical materials for their wave-matter interaction processes
and to enable device designs. Technological issues in research and development of advanced
opto-electronic devices using nonlinear optical materials are discussed with students' participation.
Course Description in Chinese:
目进行文献研究,并在课程结束前提交课题研究报告,进行 ppt 答辩。
10. 2423027
Applied Mechanics of Solids
Course Description:
The course is designed for the graduate students from solid mechanics, engineering mechanics,
general mechanics and fundamental mechanic is to understand the fundamental principles to
analyze deformation of solids, concepts of elasitcity, plasticity, including kinematics and
deformation, stress and equilibrium, consititutive relation and failure criteria, basic problems and
generalized solutions in linear elastic theory, plasticity and finite element analysis. The following
chapters are included in this course, 1.Overview of solid mechanics; 2.Governing equations;
3.Constitutive models; 4.Solutions to simple boundary and initial value problems; 5.Solutions for
linear elastic solids; 6.Solutions for plastic solids; 7.Finite element analysis; 8.Modelling materials
Course Description in Chinese:
11. 2423025
Frontiers of engineering mechanics
Course Description:
The topics include introduction to vibration and control, basic control theory and structural control
strategies, as well as control algorithms and evaluation of control effectiveness, advanced material
behavior, theory and applications of multi-phase fluid and turbulence, numerical simulation
method for complex flows, smart structures, precision structronic/mechatronic systems and
Course Description in Chinese:
13. 2124075
Big Data(Data Mining)
Course Description:
The course is designed to give a broad, yet detailed overview of the field of data mining for
graduate student. Through the learning of data mining theory and algorithms, students are expect
to have basic research ability and be able to resolve problem in real world using data mining
Course Description in Chinese:
15. 2124082
Cloud Computing
Course Description:
Cloud computing is an expression used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a
large number of computers connected through a real-time communication network such as the
Internet. The purpose of the course is to introduce to the students the basic concepts and
development history of Clouds, the key cloud platforms already implemented and put in use, the
key technologies underlying Cloud applications. The main contents include cloud storage, cloud
app engine, elastic computing in clouds, big data in clouds, cloud security and privacy, mobile
cloud computing, etc. After the course, students will master the basic concepts, and are aware of
the state of the art in relevant fields.
Course Description in Chinese:
18. 2723012
Commercial vehicle technology
Course Description:
This course focuses on the Product Development Process (PDP) of commercial vehicle. The main
contents include the markets of China and German, PDP overview and Product Planning, market
analysis and product planning, and the product development process in detail at the AUDI car
company etc.
Course Description in Chinese:
诊断机构,诊断项目管理,判定过程,PM 工具,咨询工程师,Tier1 供应商等,以及项目
设计的功能需求;商业计划的撰写。并以 AUDI 汽车公司产品开发过程为例,介绍了款式及
19. 1611505
Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
Course Description:
Plant growth and development, from germination of seeds to vegetative growth, flower initiation
and development, fertilization, fruit set and development, maturation or ripening and finally to the
next generation seed formation, is eventually genetically programmed and under the control of
internal and external factors. Studies on physiology and molecular biology of plants are essential
for elucidating biological phenomena and exploring manipulations for production of products in
high yield and high quality.
Physiological and molecular biological studies on plants has
marched into a fast developing stage, as evidenced by comprehensive merge of traditional
techniques at botanical, physiological, biochemical levels and modern techniques at molecular,
biotechnological, and especially quite recently, omics and bioinformatic levels, as well as by
integrated research findings at multi levels of physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology and
omics, as well as integrative biology and system biology.
Therefore, incorporating research
cases from Zhejiang University and the University of Nottingham at UK, as well as typical and
latest advances in plant biology area, the course aimed to lecture on selected topics in plant growth
and development that are important in horticulture and other crops.
Course Description in Chinese:
20. 1611506
Physiology of Plant Pest Insects and Pathogens
Course Description:
The course is intended to provide graduate students of diverse backgrounds including historical,
recent and current developments in plant-pathogen interactions that will meet their professional
needs and prepare them for advanced graduate courses in specialized areas of crop protection. The
objective of this course is to highlight pathogen and host physiology, genetics and biochemical
mechanisms that impact development of diseases and their control strategies. Topics include major
groups of plant pathogens and genetics, molecular and biochemical mechanism of crop resistance
will be highlighted using discoveries from model and non-model systems. The course is designed
to enhance the students’ knowledge and experience on both historical and recent developments
and milestones in host responses to pathogen infection. The course will be given in English with
lectures, leading discussion and article reading and will provide the latest information and
progress on the physiology and molecular biology of pathogens.
Course Description in Chinese:
而具有重要的现实意义。 当代作物病虫害研究已经发生革命性的转变,经历从简单的生物
学以及组学和生物信息学等技术方法。 作物病虫害生理学与分子生物学课程将采用英文文
21. 1611507
Physiology of Crop Pest Insects and Pathogens
Course Description:
The course introduces graduate students into knowledge about basic principles of insect
physiology and functional anatomy. The main physiological systems of insects including digestive,
skeletomuscular, nervous, sensory, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, excretory and reproductive
systems will be introduced. The physiology of the embryogenesis, integument, metamorphosis,
muscle, nutrition, digestion, circulation, immunity, reproduction, diapause, fat body and
metabolism, polymorphism and case determination, photoperiodism and circadian rhythms,
chemical communication and the physiological basis of insect control will be discussed in detail.
The general objectives of the course is as the following: 1) understanding the principles of insect
physiology; 2) becoming familiar with contemporary research areas and the most significant
advances that have been made in insect physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology over the
last decade; 3) learning about the techniques and instruments that are commonly used in insect
physiology research; 4) learning the methods to integrate information from the literature.
Course Description in Chinese:
23. 0711030
Course Description:
Biochemical sciences study the structure of the individual complex molecules that make up all
living organisms, as well as the impressive network of chemical processes that are the essence of
life. Biochemists explore the molecular basis of how bacteria, algae and plants ‘eat’ incident solar
radiation (sunlight) to produce sugar and carbohydrate reserves. Biochemistry helps us understand
diseases of plants and animals in order to correct deficiencies through genetic engineering and
new agro-chemicals and pharmaceuticals. As the foundation of the life sciences, biochemistry
contributes more and more to the well-being of the world’s population and to society’s economic
growth. This Biochemistry grad course will provide you with a solid grounding in biology,
chemistry, molecular- and systems-biology. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity
to supplement your classroom learning with a significant amount of English discussion in
small-group innovation teams. This course will allow you to become more acquainted with
specialized techniques and high-performance equipment, preparing you to move on to the fields of
modern biochemistry: proteomics, genomics, molecular biology, genetic engineering, integrated
metabolism, structural biochemistry, protein engineering and molecular modeling. During the
course, you even have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge by
participating in cutting-edge problem analysis, brain-storming, innovation, research and invention.
Advanced training via Biochemistry can help you prepare for careers in industrial, pharmaceutical,
agri-food, clinical or research laboratories. You can also choose to study medicine, law, business
or go on to teaching or postdoctoral studies. By focusing this course on a variety of subjects, such
as the analysis of detailed aspects of molecular structures and the study of the integration of
metabolism in whole organismal systems, this broad, basic background helps prepare you for a
number of different work environments: teaching and research in an academic setting; research
and administration in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry; or health-related disciplines
in the public or private sector. Students with undergraduate education in the Life Science areas are
welcome to take this course for credit: entomology, animal models of human disease,
bioenergetics and metabolism, cancer biology, crop improvement, developmental genetics, growth
and development, host resistance, membrane proteins, molecular biology of plants, viruses,
bacteria and parasites, molecular biopharming in transgenic plants, protein farming, molecular
genetics, molecular therapeutics, nanotechnology, neuromuscular disease, obesity, oral vaccines,
physical biochemistry, protein chemistry, protein structure-function relationships, proteomics,
RNA metabolism, signal transduction, or structural biology, just to name a few. The course will
consist of Lectures, Discussion Groups, Seminars, and Invention Trios. Teachers: Prof. Illimar
Altosaar, University of Ottawa, CANADA Prof. Wei-Jun Yang, Zhejiang University, CHINA Dr.
Jin-Shu Yang, Zhejiang University, CHINA
Course Description in Chinese:
领域,等等。 欢迎具有生命科学背景的研究生选修本门课程,包括例如昆虫学、人类疾病
质结构-功能关系、蛋白质组学、RNA 代谢、信号转导、结构生物学,等等。本课程将由讲
主讲教师:Illimar Altosaar 教授(加拿大渥太
责任教师:杨卫军 教授(浙江大学)
助理教师:杨劲树 博士(浙江大
25. 0711028
Molecular Biology
Course Description:
The course discusses the advanced field in molecular biology, including the processes of DNA
activity, epigenetics, RNA regulating events in life science, and multilevel regulation of protein. In
addition, new molecular methodologies, experimental technology and their application case are
introduced. The course is taught in the form of English language by oversea professors. It helps
students to improve their English ability for reading and understanding English textbook and
research papers. In this course, we set 5 chapters below: (6 hours) Chapter 1. The symposium on
DNA activity. Topics will relate to the replication, transcription, transposition, recombination,
damage or repair. (6 hours) Chapter 2. The symposium on RNA activity. Topics will relate to RNA
processing events and post-transcriptional control of gene expression. (8 hours) Chapter 3. The
symposium on Protein activity. Topics will relate to the regulation of protein translation, stability,
localization, modification or transportation. (6 hours) Chapter 4. The symposium on epigenetics.
Topics will relate to the DNA methylation and histone modification. (6 hours) Chapter 5. The
symposium on new technology. New molecular methodology, experimental technology and their
application case will be introduced in this chapter.
Course Description in Chinese:
本课程讨论分子生物学前沿领域。由海外教授全英文授课。内容分为 5 章,第一章为 DNA
专题,主要安排涉及 DNA 复制、转录、转座、同源重组、损伤及修复等相关内容的专题。
第二章为 RNA 专题,主要涉及 RNA 加工、转录后调控基因表达等相关内容的专题。第三
26. 0711031
Introductory Bioinformatics for Molecular
Course Description:
Molecular Biologists today face a tremendous challenge in the changing landscape of research
techniques, which are computational and informational in nature. Every day, molecular biologists
need to use bioinformatics databases, tools and strategies to facilitate their research; they need to
read modern research papers, all of which include computational techniques of some kind. Their
research tasks take them from performing BLAST searches, sequence analysis, phylogenetic
inference, visualisation and modeling of protein structures, to expression profile analysis. Practical
skills required include simple tasks like maintaining their Lab Website and databases of their area
of research, to more complex tasks like algorithmic programming and machine learning prediction.
The basic skills taught in this module covering various aspects of the above topics, will lay the
foundation for course participants to acquire more computational and informatics skills by
self-learning using online MOOCs or by taking more advanced coursework.
Course Description in Chinese:
文教学。上课地点为生物实验中心 210(计算机机房)。时间暂定为周一下午 1:00 到 5:00,周
二下午 1:00-5:00. 我们鼓励学生自带笔记本电脑,我们协助安装生物信息软件套装。课程分
四周:第二,第三周;第七,第八周;或 9 月 16/17 日,9 月 23/24 日,10 月 14/15 日,10
月 21/22 日。
27. 0711029
Plant Molecular Physiology
Course Description:
This course is designed for graduate students in plant biology, crop sciences and others interested
in obtaining an in depth treatment of the molecular physiology of plants. In this lecture, basic
concepts and problems common to higher plants will be addressed, with an emphasis on molecular
aspects of physiology. Topics to be covered include photosynthesis, respiration, translocation,
hormones, signaling, nutrient acquisition and transportation and responses to biotic and abiotic
Course Description in Chinese:
物对生物及非生物胁迫的响应等。 课程将聘请外国专家来授课。
28. 1323100
Automated Agricultural Systems and Machinery
Course Description:
The crucial goal of agricultural research and technology development in the 20th century has been
to provide humanity with enough food, feed and fiber. Agricultural mechanization has made
revolutionary change in crop production technology and made it possible to harvest sufficient
products to meet continuously growing needs. The challenging task facing agricultural producers
today is how to provide the consumers with sufficient quality products, defined by perspectives
including nutritional quality, safety and security, as well as the environmental impact in producing
it. The core technology beyond modern agricultural production management is agricultural
automation. This course will first give an overall introduction to agricultural automation; followed
by brief overview of fundamentals to composing elements of agricultural automation.
Course Description in Chinese:
为人类提供足够的食物、营养和纤维一直是 20 世纪农业研究和技术发展的关键目标。农业
Introduction of micro /nano sensors and measurement
Course Description:
This course introduces the basic fundamentals of micro/nano (micro- and nano-) sensors and the
measurement technology as well as the recent advancements in this field in recent years. The
course can be subdivided into two major parts. The first part places emphasis on the fundamentals
and the development of modern micro/nano sensors and the measurement technology including
their basic features and special requirement in application. This part also provides essential
information on the basic sensitive reaction mechanisms, characteristics and processing approaches
of the biomedical sensors. The second part introduces the typical sensors including the physical,
chemical and biological sensors as well as the discussion of their measurement techniques. The
practical applications of each of these sensors are also described in detail. Teachers of this course
try to give a very persuasive and sound approach in this important scientific and practical
endeavor. The course will systematically provided a clear roadmap for the development of various
micro/nano sensors by first introducing macro-size sensors for the detection of physical properties
and then leading to the advancement of micro-size chemical and biological sensing systems. The
advancement of the micro-size for chemical, biological and biomedical sensors or sensor
micro-systems requires multi-disciplinary skills and expertise.
Course Description in Chinese:
研究手段和工具,是一种典型的交叉学科课程。 根据微纳传感器与检测课程的学科交叉学
32. 1824026
Course Description:
Readings and Discussion in Virology Viruses are found everywhere that life exists. Nevertheless,
despite an amazing diversity, ALL viruses adopt a common tri-part strategy: 1. Viral genomes are
contained in metastable particles move genomes between cells. The particles themselves are
inanimate. 2. Viral genomes encode gene products that promote an infectious cycle (mechanisms
for genomes to enter cells, replicate, and exit in particles). 3. Viral genomes encode gene products
that enable the infection to be established in a host population. Infection patterns range from
benign to lethal. Despite the apparent simplicity, the tactics evolved by particular virus families to
carry out this strategy are remarkable. This rich set of solutions to common problems in
host/parasite interactions provides significant insight to infectious diseases as well as powerful
research tools in biology. Virology has enabled a more detailed understanding of the structure and
function of molecules, cells and organisms, and has provided fundamental understanding of
disease and evolution. The course will emphasize the animal and human viruses, but the general
principles will hold for all viruses. We will have eight 90 minute discussions with me and the
teaching assistant, The course has one central objective:An opportunity for in-depth discussion of
assigned reading. It is not a lecture course. The 8 sessions will focus on key ideas in virology. We
will read and discuss a paper or a recent review on a topic of interest and discuss the significance
of the work in a larger context. Students should read the papers prior to the class to get the most
out of the exercise. The students should be prepared to discuss and ask/answer questions.
Course Description in Chinese:
病毒学阅读和讨论 自然界中病毒无处不在,尽管病毒的多样性令人吃惊,但所有的病毒采
用三个方面策略实现其生命的存在: 1 。病毒基因组包含在稳态颗粒中,可在细胞之间转
运基因组,而颗粒本身是无生命的。 2 。病毒基因组编码基因产物并启动感染一个周期(包
括基因组进入细胞,复制,并释放颗粒的机制)。 3 。病毒基因组编码的基因产物,使感
染在一个宿主群体中发生,感染方式可以是轻型,也可以是致命型。 病毒学是从分子,细
释。本课程将强调动物和人类的病毒,但一些一般原则也适用于所有病毒。 我们将开 8 节
课,每节课进行 90 分钟讨论和助教,课程一个中心目标是对指定阅读进行深入讨论,这不
是一个讲座课程。8 节课的重点将放在病毒学的关键思想。我们将对感兴趣的话题、论文或
33. 1814073
Developmental biology
Course Description:
The first half of the course, taught by Prof. Hughson, will focus on key methods used in modern
cell biology. Specific approaches discussed will include structural studies using x-ray
crystallography and electron microscopy, in vitro reconstitution, in vivo imaging, and synthetic
biology. In the process, we will introduce several topics of key interest to cell biologists, including
signal transduction and regulation via G proteins, intracellular trafficking, and cytoskeletal
dynamics. The second half of the course, taught by Prof. Gavis, will present the genetic tools and
logical framework used in research in cell and developmental biology of multicellular organisms.
The discussion topics will focus on primary literature describing genetic approaches used in the
model organisms Drosophila, C. elegans, and zebrafish. Techniques will be presented in a context
emphasizing basic biological phenomena and will include mutagenesis, cell type specific gene
expression and gene knockdown, production and analysis of genetic mosaics, and genetic epistasis.
A major goal of the course is to increase proficiency in parsing and critically discussing papers
from the primary literature.
Course Description in Chinese:
在发育中的重要作用。 另外,本次课的后半部分我们将讲解蛋白质的结构及参与细胞运动
相互作用、运动、停泊、融合等一系列复杂的过程。 本课程结合发育生物学、细胞生物学
34. 1814074
Course Description:
During the second half of the 20th century, the central focus of biology was on the gene. Now in
the first half of the 21st century, the central focus of biology has shifted to neural science and
specifically to the biology of the mind. We need to understand the processes by which we perceive,
act, learn, and remember. How does the brain—an organ weighing only three pounds—conceive
of the infinite, discover new knowledge, and produce the remarkable individuality of human
thoughts, feelings, and actions? How are these extraordinary mental capabilities distributed within
the organ? How are different mental processes localized to specific combinations of regions in the
brain? What rules relate the anatomical organization and the cellular physiology of a region to its
specific role in mentation? To what extent are mental processes hardwired into the neural
architecture of the brain? What do genes contribute to behavior, and how is gene expression in
nerve cells regulated by developmental and learning processes? How does experience alter the
way the brain processes subsequent events, and to what degree is that processing unconscious?
Finally, what is the neural basis underlying neurological and psychiatric disease? In this
introductory section of Principles of Neural Science, we attempt to address these questions. In so
doing, we describe how neural science is attempting to link the logic of neural circuitry to the
mind—how the activities of nerve cells within defined, neural circuits are related to the
complexity of mental processes. The Neurobiology course, as an independent course, gives an
introduction of the nervous system, especially the normal structures and functions of the brain and
its disorders. It is an interdisciplinary course that covers several topics as follows: 1) Functional
Neuroanatomy; 2) Sexual differentiation of the brain; 3) Development of brain /
Neurodevelopmental disorders; 4) Aging and Alzheimer’s disease / Neurodegenerative disorders;
5) molecular mechanisms of learning and memory; 6) Autonomic nervous system, eating, drinking;
7) The (un)conscious brain / Mood, depression and anxiety / Genes and behavior; 8) Ion channels,
membrane potential and action potential / Synaptic transmission / Synaptic plasticity / Learning
and memory /; 9) Visual processing; 10) Movement / Epilepsy and sleep
Course Description in Chinese:
35. 1814079
Clinical Pathology
Course Description:
Modern Clinical Pathology is a novel, English program or curriculum leading by oversea’s
teachers invited, which will destine to those postgraduates who are going to pursue scientific
achievement, especially for MD/Ph.D degree and post doctor training. The education aim of the
curriculum is oriented to initiate and develop the research innovation and scientific broad mind in
clinical pathology practicing and research. The curriculum will cluster and demonstrate the
highlights of the advance of modern medicine and modern biology to the postgraduates. In this
curriculum the teaching pattern of “Problem-based learning” will be conducted, which will lead
the postgraduates to the newest advance in modern medicine and modern biology including the
advances in molecular pathology, molecular biology and molecular genetics on occurrence and
development of human diseases, esp. of cancer, in order to elaborate molecular mechanism of
disease and create new clinical intervening approaching to diseases. Therefore the curriculum
exactly is considered as a key part of Translational Medicine. In this curriculum the
comprehensive research fields will be lectured by oversea’s teachers: tumor molecular diagnosis,
biomarkers-found associated with tumor target therapy, signal transduction in cancer and lately
preclinical animal models, Immunopathology, stem cell pathology, and also including all updates
in advance of clinical pathology practicing including hematology, oncology, endocrinology,
cardiology, pneumology, nephrology as well as infectious diseases and so on. In this curriculum
some oversea’s teachers would like to carry out their short symposium presentation to introduce
their attractive research experiences and worldwide updates in associated research fields
depending on their interested specialties. We hope this curriculum will be a foundation to bring up
a new generation of outstanding M.D./Ph.D. and Post-Doctor with international competition
ability and self-innovation, broad scientific mind in international research fields.
Course Description in Chinese:
36. 1814072
Advanced Cell Biology: Molecular Basis of
Course Description:
The hallmark s of cancer comprise six biological capabilities acquired during the multi step
development of human tumors. The hallmarks constitute an organizing principle for rationalizing
the complexities of neoplastic disease. They include sustaining proliferative signaling, evading
growth suppressors, resisting cell death, enabling replicative immortality, inducing angiogenesis,
and activating invasion and metastasis. Underlying these hallmarks are genome instability, which
generates the genetic diversity that expedites their acquisition, and inflammation, which fosters
multiple hallmark functions. Conceptual progress in the last decade has added two emerging
hallmarks of potential generality to this list-reprogramming of energy metabolism and evading
immune destruction.In addition to cancer cells, tumor sex hibit another dimension of complexity:
they contain a repertoire of recruited, ostensibly normal cells that contribute to the acquisition of
hallmark traits by creating the "tumor microenvironment." Recognition of the wide spread
applicability of these concepts will increasingly affect the development of new means to treat
human cancer.
Course Description in Chinese:
的这些特征,专门开设 11 次课程,分别介绍癌症领域的最新进展和研究方向。
37. 3424022
Fluid-Solid interaction Dynamics
Course Description:
This course is for graduate students majoring in naval architecture and ocean engineering, and it
involves in fundamental knowledge on water waves, interactions between nonlinear waves and
ships or ocean structures and related numerical methods. Linear and nonlinear waves with free
surface are first introduced, and second order wave diffraction and radiation problems are then
presented. Moreover, the interactions between nonlinear waves and multi-column ocean structures
are introduced in the course. Finally, the boundary element and finite element methods are
Course Description in Chinese:
海洋结构物相互作用理论及相关数值方法。具体内容包括: 水波动力学基本原理,介绍自由表
38. 3421032
Satellite oceanography
Course Description:
Satellite oceanography, as an emerging multidisciplinary subject, includes physics, oceanography
and information science, and is related to space technology, optoelectronics technology,
microwave technology, computer technology, and communication technology. Along with the
requirement of society on the and monitoring and protection of the marine environment safety,
development and utilization of marine resources, this course will focus on basic principles of
satellite ocean remote sensing using visible, infrared, and microwave bands, data products and
their application, and cutting-edge researches, which is a foundation course for graduate student
on ocean observations and studies.
Course Description in Chinese:
40. 0123136
Course Description:
Research Methodology in Economics
The course entitled “Research Methodologies in Economics” is designed for research postgraduate
students who are majored in broad fields of economics. This course is featured as offering students
comprehensive and practical methodologies necessary for conducting rigorous economic
researches by means of reading and discussing published papers. In this course, students will be
taught through various examples how to choose research topics, how to build theoretical model,
how to conduct convincing empirical analysis, and how to wrap up their theoretical and empirical
findings into research papers. Students are required to intensively read and comment on papers
published in top economics journals, and if possibly replicate some of them empirically. They are
also encouraged to develop and present their own researches in the course. By completing this
course, students should have 1) been familiar with those most widely used research methodologies
in economic research; 2) equipped themselves with the techniques of dealing with various
empirical issues and successfully identifying a causal relationship; 3) learned how to implement
empirical analysis using statistical package like SAS, STATA, Matlab, etc; 4) known how to find
exciting topics and turn them into applicable empirical questions; 5) how to clearly write research
papers and make successful presentations of them.
Course Description in Chinese:
最实用的研究方法论,为今后开展严谨的经济学研究奠定坚实的方法论基础。 本课程以密
文献、分组讨论等方式巩固和加强学习效果。 此外,本课程特别注重提高学生的实际研究
结果,加深对方法论的理解。 该课程主要包括以下内容: 1)如何进行论文选题; 2)如
41. 0123135
Financial Derivatives
Course Description:
Derivative securities are the most rapidly growing area in the global financial market. In 2010, the
notional global market value of derivatives was USD 605 trillion, 10 times world GDP. That of
primary financial assets was only twice world GDP. Given the growing large size of the derivative
market, a careful and in-depth study on derivative securities becomes very important to
researchers and practitioners. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive analysis on
advanced derivatives market and option pricing theory. It consists of two parts, in which the first
part focuses on the market while the second one focuses on the pricing theory. The classical
literature and current research will be introduced during the process of learning both parts.
Course Description in Chinese:
与重视。 本课程的教学目标为在对高级衍生品市场提供全面分析的同时对相关的理论基础
42. 0223681
China and International law
Course Description:
The aim of the course is to improve student’s knowledge of international law, especially from the
Chinese perspective. It will cover a wide range of international law issues, including the history
and development of international law, sources and codification of international law, principles of
modern international law, law of nationality, state and its responsibility, state recognition and
succession, jurisdiction and state immunity, law of treaties, law of the sea, international economic
law, international human rights law, law of international organizations, international dispute
resolution, and soon. In addition to these selected issues of traditional international law, the course
will in particular explore China's engagement with contemporary international law and focus on
China's position, participation and practice of modern international law. Upon successful
completion of this course, students will be able to understand how international law works in
China and the international community.
Course Description in Chinese:
理论、原则和各项具体制度;重点是与中国相关的当代国际法理论和实践问题。 总论部分
权利,国家豁免,国家与政府的承认及继承。 分论部分包括:国籍法、外国人待遇法与引
43. 0311104
Frontier of International Education Academics
Course Description:
The course "Frontier of International Education Academics" designed to track the current research
frontier in the field of humanities and social sciences, break the boundary of the education
research limitations and areas, research from the different perspective of the current education
academic field, discuss the issue of education research in the new direction, new ideas and new
trends, provide innovative thinking for education research. The course mainly includes two major
modules. The first module is about “The problem with terminology in transnational study, which
aims to use new theoretical angle to clarify and reflect the basic terms and notions in education
research. This module mainly includes four topics: (1) The transnational as the cosmological:
Spatialization and borders; (2) Curriculum: A provincial term; (3) Ontology: what is a child; (4)
Epistemology: what is language? What is reason? The second module is about the “strategies of
Comparison”, the module tries to apply innovative comparison strategies in education researches,
it mainly includes three topics: (5) Postcolonial theory: from postcolonial theory education study
in geographic boundaries and power; (6) The international evaluation: transnational education
evaluation policy; (7) Beyond the geopolitics: the politics of deafness. This course tries to
perceive education research from cross-discipline paradigm and frontier theoretical perspectives,
expand the possibility of thinking and research about the education problem, and provide
cross-border way of thinking.
Course Description in Chinese:
方向、新思想与新趋势,为教育研究提供创新思维与反思精神。 课程主要内容包括两大模
44. 0311103
Educational Leadership and Policy
Course Description:
This course begins with the overview of the legal basis and structure of k-12 and higher education
in the United States of America. Then Trait Approach, Skills Approach, Style Approach and
Situational Approach to leadership will be analyzed, followed by the analysis of Contingency
Theory, Path-Goal Theory, Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Transformational Leadership.
Besides, this course will also explain the leadership from the perspectives of the Constructivist
Leader, Collaborative Leadership, Leadership & the New Science. Then how to reframe
organizations and what are the characteristics of educational policies in the US will be discussed.
Course Description in Chinese:
本课程从分析美国 K-12 阶段与高等教育的法律基础和组织构架入手,分析教育领导特质、
45. 0409532
Evolution of brain and language
Course Description:
This course will explore research and theories about the evolution of brain and language, and
particularly how these two processes influenced each other. Human brain evolution has primarily
been studied through cross-species comparisons of brain structure/function, although clues have
also been derived from studies of fossils. Because the brain mediates behavior, understanding why
these neuroanatomical changes occurred requires understanding brain and behavior from an
evolutionary perspective. One of the most important behavioral adaptations during human
evolution has been the elaboration of communication systems into modern human language. In
this course we will review the basics of evolutionary theory, including a review of what is known
about human evolution. We will then review current understanding of brain structure/function.
Species differences in brain anatomy, cytoarchitecture, neurons and neurotransmitters will be
reviewed, along with what the fossil record tells us of human brain evolution. The ways in which
particular brain components have evolved differently will also be discussed. With this background,
we will then discuss language, starting with a review of the different theoretical perspectives about
what language is, and how it works. We will explore non-human animal communication, and
attempts to teach language to animals. We will review models of language evolution, including
both biological and cultural evolution. Finally, we will see how the evolution of the brain and the
evolution of language fit together, into a more complete picture of the human condition. It will be
argued that an evolutionary perspective is critical to understanding human behavior.
Course Description in Chinese:
重要的行为适应就是交际系统的逐步发达,并最终发展成为现代人类语言。 在本课程的教
47. 2021027
Business Research Methods
Course Description:
In this course we will study the importance of business research methods in scientific
problem-solving. The focus is on business research proposal, design, measurement, quantitative
analysis and reporting.
Course Description in Chinese:
48. 2021029
Managerial Statistics
Course Description:
As a fundamental tool course, management statistics plays a extremely significant role in social
science field, and statistics method is extensively used in management science, economics, finance,
financial accounting and many other disciplines. So management statistics has become an
important profession-related compulsory. The course is structured as follows, Chapter1
introduction, Chapter2 data and data acquisition. Chapter3 a preliminary analysis of sample data.
Chapter4 simple application of SPSS. Chapter5 general distribution. Chapter6, parameter
hypothesis test. Chapter7 variance analysis. Chapter8 correlation analysis. Chapter9 linear
regression analysis.
Course Description in Chinese:
获取,样本数据的初步分析,SPSS 的简单应用,总体分布、样本分布与参数估计,参数假设检
50. 2223339
Economic Applications in Policy and Planning
Course Description:
This course will provide an analytic foundation for graduate students in Public Policy and Urban
Planning. This foundation is based on microeconomic reasoning. We can call it economic thinking
(ET). The course will also include some discussion of macroeconomic concepts of inflation,
unemployment, growth, interest rates, and why they are important to those that work or interact
with the public sector. No previous background in economics is necessary for the successful
completion of the class. Throughout, special attention will be given to how these various ideas
help us to understand cities. Cities are understood to be the “engines of economic growth.” How
do cities accomplish this?
Course Description in Chinese:
重要。 本课程的设计尽量以通俗易懂的方式来展开,因此学生即使没有经济学的背景也可
以通过努力来成功完成此课程的各项要求。 贯穿整个课程的始末,我们将着重关注这些微
51. 2324002
Cognitive Emotional Processing of Media
Course Description:
Psychophysiological measurement and meaning is a comprehensive resource for
psychophysiological research on media responses, a new paradigm sweeping media research. This
course addresses the theoretical underpinnings, methodological techniques, and most recent
research in this area by placing the research techniques within a context of communication
processes and effects as a field, and demonstrating how the real-time measurement of
physiological responses enhances and complements more traditional measures of psychological
effects from media. This course introduces the theoretical assumptions of psychophysiology as
well as the operational details of collecting psychophysiological data. In addition to discussing
specific measures, it includes brief reviews of recent experiments that have used
psychophysiological measures to study how the brain processes media. It will serve as a valuable
class for graduate students on communication research utilizing these methodologies or for
students from other area understanding the theories, history, and methods of psychophysiological
research. Lectures, self-learning, and in-class discussions are included for the class. Students’
participation is emphasized.
Course Description in Chinese:
补充。 本课程主要包括四方面内容:1)认知神经科学概述与基础理论;2)认知神经科学
与认知神经科学相关理论、历史与方法的平台。 本课程以课堂讨论为主,课堂讲授和学生
52. 2324001
Media Effects
Course Description:
This course examines current communication models and theories about the nature and the various
forms of human communication processes from the psychological, sociological, and political
perspective. The main systems of explaining individual cognition and behaviour in regard to
media use and effects form the structure of the course. Emphasis will be placed on empirical
research and explanatory theory, not on speculation about how the media should operate and why.
Students will learn to critique theories and to make assessments about the literature that tests those
Course Description in Chinese:
导实践。 由海外老师主导的这门研究生全英文课首要目的是帮助学生更好地掌握国内外媒