“If we conclude that ethics is purely a personal

Learning Pan 6
What Are My Ethics?
My Personal Code of Ethics
“If we conclude that ethics is purely a personal
matter, and that each person’s private code of
values is entitled to equal respect regardless of
the content of their beliefs, there is no legitimate
basis for distinguishing between Saddam
Hussein and Mother Teresa-both live up to their
own standards.”
Michael Josephson, Josephson Institute of Ethics
Chapter 12
Problem Shifting
Shifting versus Solving
Thinking Preventively
Why not reduce the number of murders in the first place?
Covey: attacking the limbs but not the roots of the problem.
12 Problem Shifting
Chapter 12
Problem Shifting
Shifting versus Solving
Making the Problem an Opportunity
No Way-How Can Problems Be Opportunities
12 Problem Shifting
Exercises and Notes:
Practice Reframing Problems
Page 198
12 Problem Shifting