City University of New York LaGuardia Community College Practical Nursing Program

City University of New York
LaGuardia Community College
Natural & Applied Science Department
Practical Nursing Program
SCL 102 – Science & Art of Nursing I: Introduction to Practical Nursing
Communication: The Facilitator of Nursing
STUDENT NAME: Anaïse Ikama
Spring I 2007
DATE: 04-17-2007
These questions reflect your assigned readings done on communication.
Identify six important reasons why communication skills are important.
a. Helps client talk about feelings and problems related to his or her health
and illness.
b. Encourages client to cope with their illnesses
c. Motivates the client toward self-care.
d. Is the foundation on which interpersonal relationships are built in our
nursing career and personal life
e. Helps the client resolve their feelings and problems.
f. In communication, there is this concept of giving and receiving
information, which sometimes cannot be seen or found in oneself.
Describe the process of communication.
Communication can be defined as “the exchange of information, which can be
verbal, vocal, nonverbal…” The processes of communication are:
Sender: source of idea
Message: the idea
Medium or channel: means of transmitting the idea
Receiver: the person who receives and interprets the message
Interaction: the receiver’s response to the message or feedback.
Differentiate between verbal and nonverbal communication, give examples of
-Verbal communication is the sharing of information through the written or
spoken word; example, giving of oral or written change-of-shift reports between
-Nonverbal communication is the sharing of information without words or
language; as an illustration: body language, facial expression that provides cues to
a person’s true feelings.
Describe the difference between affective and cognitive communication
The difference between affective and cognitive communication is that affective
communication is the process through which people express feelings about things,
themselves and others. Also, it contributes to the formation of self concept,
whereas, cognitive communication is the involvement of knowledge,
understanding and perception in mind.
Describe and give examples of eight communications techniques used in the
health care
Show respect when speaking, example, addressing a patient as Mr. or Mrs.
When calling to him or her attention.
Avoid frivolous joking.
Ask open-ended question, such as: Tell me about eating habbit.
Avoid closed-ended question, example, Do you smoke?
Restate what you thought you heard, example, the client states “I don’t eat
meat. My son says I should. But I don’t.” the nurse will then respond, “You
don’t eat meat?”
Use clarifying phrases, example, the client states, “My life has been a
frustration after frustration” the nurse respond, “Your life has been full of
Keep confidential information confidential- Not share any patient’s
information to family and friends.
List and discuss six barriers to effective communication include on how they can
impact the on effective delivery of client care.
a. Nonverbal barriers such as not looking at the patient when he or she is talking
to a nurse can cause barrier communication.
b. Changing of the subject causes barrier communication in a sense where
sometimes the client might be asking or trying to reach for help and if the
nurse changes the subject by giving statement as: Don’t worry, everybody
feels the same way when exposed with diagnose. It is like pushing the client
away from asking questions
c. Stereotyped responses – “Everybody feels that way” This really turns the
patient down because it is like telling the client, ‘you think you are the only
person who has problem or don’t you think I have problem.’
d. Asking closed ended questions, such as “Do you smoke?” which in my
opinion brings the relationship between the client and the nurse nowhere
because by answering yes or no, he client may keep important information
that help in the nursing diagnosis.
e. “Expressing [one’s] personal bias about a subject may prevent patients from
expressing their own feelings about that subject…” (Corrine R. Kurzen. P 71).
f. Expressing disapproval, example, “if a patient chooses to try an experimental
form of treatment…” the nurse does not have to approve, but to support the
patient’s choice.
Differentiate between therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication
The difference between therapeutic and no-therapeutic communication is that the
therapeutic communication “9usually verbal” with a client that is helpful and
beneficial; creating a healing, curative and safe milieu…”whereas, a nontherapeutic communication is not effective. It often blocks communications,
example are stereotyping, being judgmental.
Describe skills that nurses can use to promote effective communication as they
interact with clients, their family peers and other member of the health care team.
Talk to the client, even if he or she is unable to answer.
Make sure to schedule a qualified interpreter for physician’s visits or team
Try to learn a few words of the client’s language
Ask the client to repeat back what was said (many will say they understand,
even if they don’t).
Assign staff who can speak some of the client’s language
Be conscious of the body language (prevent misunderstanding)
Be patient – give a chance to communicate
Speak slowly and clearly
Identify the three phases of an interview and describe the nurse’s role in each
There are three phases of interview: Introduction, working and closure phase.
Introduction phase: in this phase points or reason for the meeting are stated.
The nurse’s role in this phase is to explain to the client how he or she will be
assessed to come up with a plan for client actual diagnosis.
Working phase: is actually one of the nursing processes known: as
assessment. During the working phase, the nurse focuses in the collection of
detail data such as past medical history, pain description to come up with the
nursing diagnosis.
Closure phase: can be an opened-ended question or a closed-ended question.
*Opened-ended questions are types of questions nurses often use to
encourage the client in elaborating their problems, example “describe the
pain in your leg.”
*Closed-ended questions are question asked by nurse that the client can
answer with a yes or no.
Discuss what factors are considered when communicating with the following type
of clients
An elderly person: When communicating with an elderly person, it is
important to treat them with respect, to not “talk down to any [of
them]…Show respect by addressing the person as ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’…And
adding the client last name.”
A child: As a nurse, keeping normal developmental stages in needed when
working with small children, especially when ill because children have the
tendency to “revert to an earlier stage of development.
Factors that influence illness reaction and impact on communication
Sate five measures that should be employed when the patient/client is blind or has
impaired vision
Always announced yourself as you enter the room
State your name and the person’s name.
Continue talking as you are working
Tell the patient you are going to touch him before you actually do
Don’t move furniture in the room without telling where it is
Tell him what foods are on his tray and where they are located.
Discuss three methods that can be used to promote effective communication if the
deaf or hard of hearing patients/client can read lips.
When talking with a deaf or hard hearing client who can reads lips, couple of
guidelines can be used to promote effective communication. Three of these
guidelines are:
- Speak slowly, one phrase at a time. Rationale: help and give the client enough
time to come up with the meaning of the lips’ movement.
- Respect the culture of others
Avoid judging the behavior of other
Communication with members of Health Team
Identify the purpose of physician’s orders
The purpose of the physician’s orders is to facilitate communication among
members of the healthcare team that also tell nurses what to do. These orders can
be verbal or written direction.
Identify and discuss three types of physician’s orders and legal aspects of each
Describe the precautions the nurse must take when transcribing physician’s orders
STAT order: is a legal, given immediately.
PRN order: meaning as necessary, the nurse has to use his or her judgment to
administer the medication.
Routine standard: The nurse has to follow procedure
Nurses must read written orders before the physician leaves to be sure they are
Decide when or if to give a PRN medication
Use critical thinking and judgment to question physician’s orders for
Describe the proper way of answering the telephone as a nurse working on a
patient care unit.
The proper way of answering the telephone as a nurse working on a patient care
unit is by first giving the name of the department along with your name and