The E-portfolio Scholars program was an exciting a creative course for me. I learned so much about web design from divisions to coding. The Scholars project really allowed me to be creative with my design, being a little picky; I decided to design a whole page from scratch with the help of consultants and IDA’s. I had a really great time making my banner to figuring out how to make my navigation work properly. I feel this program will allow me to share who I am with employers and friends. The Scholars project also helped me reflect on the work I have done so far in my stay with LaGuardia. With each reflection I wrote I was able to think back on what I learned in each class. It was a little hard to find my old course work, but this has thought me to be more organized so I wouldn’t have to stress about finding what I need. Overall I had a great time, and if I had the opportunity to do it all over, I probably would and enjoy designing a whole new template again.