Grant funds High School Scholars and Science Laboratories

Grant funds High School Scholars and Science Laboratories
At the Professional Development extension event held November 14, 2014, Davidson and Murphy
High Schools received a combined total of over $12, 000 in laboratory wish list items from the
Emerging Scholars Environmental Health Sciences Academy (ESEHSA) at the University of South
Alabama (USA). These laboratory items included science equipment, tools, materials, teaching apps,
and other learning aids for marine science and the health impact of environmental toxins. Five
selected scholars who completed the ESEHSA 2014 summer program delivered oral and poster
presentations about their summer environmental health sciences experience. The ESEHSA
program director, Dr. Ishara Ramkissoon indicated that this program is funded by a grant
subcontract from Tulane University School of Public Health, through the Gulf Region Health
Outreach Program.