1 Academic Service Learning

Abnormal Psychology: PSY 2200
Academic Service Learning
There will be an Academic Service Learning component in which students can
volunteer in a psychiatric treatment facility. The ASL component is comprised of
the following:
1) Fulfill _____ work hours on site. (# hours to be determined)
2) Complete four 1-page written assignments based on your experiences
at the site. See topics below (or develop your own topic).
Completion of the academic service learning component is equivalent to 1/3 of
your final grade.
Examples of topics for written component of ASL
--How do diagnoses in textbooks and diagnoses in the real world correspond?
--What is the link between diagnosis and treatment method?
--How does working at the site differ from working at other work sites?
--What treatment methods are used in routine clinical treatment?
--What have you learned about medication treatment in real-world practice?
--Write about the difference between signs and symptoms of mental illness.
--Diagnose a patient you have worked with.
--Write about difficulties maintaining boundaries in a mental health setting.
--Write about a transference/counter-transference issue.
--Write about a critical incident.
--Write about a successfully treated patient.
--Write about an unsuccessfully treated patient.
--Describe the course of treatment for a particular patient.
--Write about the therapeutic elements of the treatment milieu.
Determination of Final Grade
The final grade will be based on your 3 best test scores.
33.3(exam) + 33.3(exam) + 33.3(exam) = 100.
Completing the ASL is equal to 1/3 of final grade, so if you opt for ASL your final
grade will be calculated as follows:
33.3(exam) + 33.3(exam) + 33.3(ASL) = 100.