Outcomes Assessment and Program Effectiveness at Florida Atlantic University Student Affairs

Outcomes Assessment and
Program Effectiveness at
Florida Atlantic University :
Student Affairs
Gail Wisan, Ph.D.
July 13, 2010
Program Evaluation
 Is the program or service functioning effectively to
achieve its mission?
 What data feedback/evidence is available?
 How is data feedback used to improve the program
and student outcomes?
 CAS standards provide a framework for selfassessment of programs
Assessment Focus is on Outcomes
 What have students learned—cognitive skills
 How have students developed as a result of
interacting with our programs or services?
 How do we demonstrate their learning? What data
needs to be collected?
 How would we recognize that our program is
 How can we USE FEEDBACK to Improve?
Write SMART Learning Outcomes:
Specific and clear (describe knowledge,
performance, and attitudes)
Measurable (RECORD needed data)
Attainable but Aggressive (useful to program and
move it forward)
Results oriented (describe expected results for
students and program)
Time bound (within 1 semester? 1 year?
more than a year?)
*Peter Drucker, 1954
Comprehensive assessment plan
 Current Focus of assessment is on student outcomes.
What student outcomes are described in your mission
 Are students who participate in the program
achieving better outcomes than comparable students
who do not participate in the program?
CAS 2009 Learning Outcomes and Domains
Knowledge Acquisition, Integration, and Application
Cognitive Complexity (Critical Thinking & Creativity)
Intrapersonal Development (self understanding, self
respect, ethics, spirituality)
4. Interpersonal Competence (Leadership,
Collaboration…team work, meaningful relationships)
5. Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement
6. Practical Competence (Career Development, Managing
Personal Affairs, Maintaining Health and Wellness,
Communicating Effectively, and living a purposeful and
satisfying life)
Assessment Purposes
 Achieve: Help Students Achieve Outcomes
 Advance: Help Students Advance towards their
Learning and Development Goals
 Assess: Evaluate your program(s) strengths and
 Add feedback for professional staff development
and growth
Quantitative Data
Student academic performance compared to
a comparable population
Survey summaries about actual behavior
(before and after treatment)
Statistics about use by students and various
population subgroups
Scoring Rubrics for documents/behavior
IEA supporting analyses
Assessment Plans
 Program Action Plans
 Identify Learning Outcomes: SMART
 Identify responsible parties to complete the action steps
& timeline
 Strategy: action plan creates an overview of the work to
be done
Closing the loop
 Identify Learning Outcome Goals
 Collect data: (Design..before-after; comparison group
Evaluative evidence is collected
Discrepancies are identified
Appropriate actions are determined
Special actions for program enhancement and
improvement are recommended
Follow –up Action plan is developed and
communicated for Continuous Improvement
Example Learning Outcomes
 Students will develop intrapersonal competence
 Students will demonstrate enhanced self-esteem
 Students will recognize and demonstrate appropriately
assertive behavior
 Workshop on assertive behavior will be offered twice this
semester; attendance goal is 30 students total; attainment
of the objective is defined as 80% of participants correctly
identifying examples of assertiveness and being able to
role-play successfully
Source: Dean, Laura. “Program Evaluation & Outcomes
Assessment.” Paper Presented at ACCA National
Conference, Savannah, GA, 2008
Assessing Outcomes
 Assessment:
 Formative - recording % of participants who correctly
identify examples and role-play successfully, as observed
by workshop presenter
 Summative - responses to an evaluation form that
includes self-report of learning
 Follow-up - observations, self-reports, or later survey
 Source: Dean, Laura. “Program Evaluation & Outcomes
Assessment.” Paper Presented at ACCA National Conference,
Savannah, GA, 2008
Identify Program’s Learning and
Development Outcomes
 Intellectual growth
 Independence
 Effective communication
 Collaboration
 Enhanced self-esteem
 Social responsibility
 Realistic self-appraisal
 Satisfying and productive
 Clarified values
 Career choices
 Appreciating diversity
 Leadership development
 Spiritual awareness
 Healthy behavior
 Personal and educational goals
 Meaningful interpersonal
Source: Dean, Laura. “Program Evaluation & Outcomes
Assessment.” Paper Presented at ACCA National Conference,
Savannah, GA, 2008
CAS Outcome Domains
Cognitive complexity
Knowledge acquisition, integration, & application
Humanitarianism & interpersonal competence
Civic engagement
Intrapersonal competence
Practical competence
Additional Resources
 www.fau.edu/iea/ assessment
 www.fau.edu/iea
 www.cas.edu
 "An Update on Learning Outcomes Focusing on the
Council of the Advancements of Standards in Higher
Education (CAS)" from ACPA Developments, March
For Assistance, please contact:
Gail Wisan, Ph.D.
University Director of Assessment
Florida Atlantic University
tel. number: (561) 297 1006