The Kinder Korner

The Kinder Korner
Each week we feature information to assist parents of pre-school children in areas of school readiness.
We hope that you have been helping your child practice writing letters using the information published in
earlier Kinder Korner articles. Learning to write letters without writing lines is essential for young
learners so that they can really focus on correct letter formation. Once you are confident that they are
forming the letters correctly, however, it is important to introduce them to writing lines.
We suggest that you begin by just using a single “baseline” for your child to rest the letters on. Keeping
in mind of course that g, j, p, q, and y need special instruction because they have parts that dip down
below the line. Beginning with just a baseline is beneficial because it helps children to realize that all
letters have a starting point as well as a stopping point, reinforcing top to bottom letter formation.
Coloring pictures can be a good way to practice the fine motor skill of starting and stopping within the
lines as well.
Good luck! Make it fun!
Kinder Korner articles are archived on the District Website