Freshman Integrated Science Course Outline Instructor: Ms. Winslow

Freshman Integrated Science Course Outline
Instructor: Ms. Winslow
Voicemail: (360) 874-4045
Welcome to high school science! Freshman Integrated Science is a one credit, year long science course. This
class is also a CTE, Career Technical Education class; it will meet a CTE requirement for high school graduation.
The subject matter includes the study of science as inquiry, chemistry and biology.
IB Policies: 9th Grade Integrated Science adheres to all Cedar Heights Assessment, Inclusion, Language and
Academic Honesty International Baccalaureate Polices.
Essential Learning Targets for the Year with IB Emphasis:
1. Students will plan, conduct and communicate scientific investigations. (IB Criteria B & C)
2. Students will make sound scientific arguments based on evidence in global contexts. (IB Criteria A & D)
3. Students will explain the relationship that atoms have with the living. (IB Key Concept: Relationships)
4. Students will explain the role that photosynthesis & cellular respiration have in cells, ecosystems and
globally. (IB Key Concept: Relationships)
5. Students will analyze the atomic and cell system. (IB Key Concept: Systems and Changes)
*These 5 essential learning targets will be systematically covered throughout the year. If students are not able to
show they have learned these targets it will require coming in during cedar time so that they can deepen their
understanding of these concepts. There will be many other learning targets taught throughout the year but these 5
are the most important.
Daily Responsibilities: Students are required to bring their composition book, planner (agenda), and pen and/or
pencil on a daily basis.
Homework: Students should complete a minimum of ten minutes of homework per night in each subject. With 6
classes combined, this becomes the “Cedar Heights Power Hour”. If a specific assignment is not given, it is
expected that students study their daily work and current chapter work found in their composition and text book.
Attendance and Late Work: It is important that students attend class daily. As this is a lab based science class,
there are many learning opportunities that cannot be completed at home. If a student is absent, they are
responsible for finding out what is missed; late or absent work is accepted during the time the class is working
within the chapter. Required Cedar Time may be assigned to complete assignments or take assessments.
Tardy Policy: Students need to arrive to class on time; this includes being in your seat ready to learn. Each tardy
will be documented and coded daily “live” through the online program “Skyward”. Parent contact will be made via
email or phone call for the 2nd and 3rd tardy; a referral is written for the fourth tardy and every time thereafter.
Class Expectations: These expectations were developed to create a positive learning environment.
 Act in a safe and healthy way.
 Respect yourself and others.
 Take responsibility for learning.
 Treat all property with respect.
Classroom Management: The following steps are taken when students do not meet the above expectations.
1. Verbal warning.
2. Conference between student and teacher.
3. Communication home.
4. Referral to administration or counselors.
Safety: Safety is an integral part of any science class. A lab safety contract must be signed and dated in pen by
both parent/guardian and student, and student must earn 100% on a lab safety test prior to participation in lab
activities. A set of clearly defined expectations is outlined on the safety contract; if the expectations are not met a
student may be removed from the activity and may have limited participation in future activities.
Grades: Students will be graded on their understanding of information and Daily Learning Targets (posted both
online and in the classroom). Students will have opportunities for both practice and demonstration of mastery.
Practice assignments are not graded, but will be tracked for completion in the gradebook.
F= 59% and below
The grade for Integrated Freshman Science is based on the concept Grading For Learning. The student’s grade
in the class should correlate with his or her understanding of the material, not just work ethic within the class.
Assignments are categorized in one of two areas. These areas include assignments based on completion and
participation of activities in class (checkmarks) and assessment scores based on standards (graded assignments or
 Assignment Scores include in-class activities, practice assignments, etc.
 Assessment Scores include assessments, projects and “Reflect and Connect” responses.
Instructional Model: The instructional model for BSCS, An Inquiry Approach, is the 5 “E” Model.
Engage: Students take part in an event or question to express their current understanding.
Explore: Students participate in an activity to share their ideas before constructing understanding.
Explain: Students construct an explanation of the event, question or activity.
Elaborate: Students deepen their understanding given a new situation.
Evaluate: Evaluation of new understanding or concept.
Students in Integrated Science will have opportunities to lead lab groups, lead classroom activities and build
leadership skills relative to a scientific environment. Leadership assessments may be formative, or may be
reflected in assessment scores. Leadership opportunities will also be available afterschool.
Please feel free to visit my website or contact me with any questions.
Stephanie Winslow 360-847-6045