British Literature and Composition Spring Semester 2015-2016 Course Syllabus Instructor: Room: Email: Office Hours: Mrs. Emerson 340 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Meetings: Phone: “A” Days – 1st Block (360) 874-5700 6:45 a.m. – 7:20 a.m. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (or by appointment) Course Overview: This course is an integrated program that focuses on improving communication and critical thinking skills. Students will be studying British literature as the foundation for their work with composition, grammar/usage, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills. Learning Objectives: By the end of the semester, students should be able to: Read, interpret, analyze, and synthesize a variety of fictional and nonfictional texts, including an exploration of key works of British literature. Use the writing process to develop clear and coherent single and multi-draft writing in a variety of modes, for variety of purposes and audiences; improve writing through research, reflection, and revision. Demonstrate a grade-level command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking. Prepare for, and effectively participate in, collaborative discussions and presentations. Primary Texts: Literature, Common Core Edition (Holt McDougal) The Hot Zone by Richard Preston 1984 by George Orwell The Stranger by Albert Camus Additional texts, provided by the instructor, pertaining to our study of British literature and language arts Required Materials: Each student is expected to come to class prepared with the following materials: Binder or folder with dedicated “English” section for keeping course notes and daily assignments A supply of loose leaf lined notebook paper Pen (blue or black ink) A supply of sticky notes (required for annotating texts) SKHS Planner (required for organization, reference, and passes) Student ID, required to check out novels Classroom Expectations: To have a safe learning environment in which all students have the opportunity to achieve success, students must follow school and classroom rules and procedures at all times. Any blatant disruption of class and/or the educational process with vulgarity, physical threat to any person, or refusal to comply with the expectations and rules will result in immediate removal from the classroom. ELA 12 / Emerson Grading: Students and parents are encouraged to check Skyward regularly for progress updates. Please see the SKHS Planner for information regarding the school grading policy. Assignments, projects, and assessments in the following categories will be weighted: Writing 35% Reading/Literature 30% Speaking & Listening 10% Language Conventions 10% Common Assessment 15% Late Work: Late work will not be accepted for full credit. Any late work will be reduced by one letter grade for each day (not class meeting) it is late. Late work received after five (5) days (not class meetings) will receive no more than half credit, and at the teacher’s discretion. All late work must be turned in by the mid-term deadline, and, after midterms, by the end of semester deadline. Make-Up Work for Absences: Students will not receive full credit for assignments given or due on the date of an unexcused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work from the teacher during Tutorial or after school upon return to school following an excused absence. A daily agenda with assignments and any related handouts is available on the class website. The student will have the number of class meetings equal to the number of class meetings missed due to an excused absence to make up the missed work (i.e. If a student is absent for two class meetings, he or she should have completed and submitted all the work within two class meetings after returning.) Students must write “Absent” on the top margin of any make-up work to avoid late penalty. Any work that was assigned prior to an absence is due on the day of return to school to receive full credit. Major assignments, including essays, projects, and presentations, are due on the assigned due date. Any major assignment submitted after the due date will be reduced by one letter grade for each day (not class meeting) it is late. Students must be prepared to make up quizzes or tests the day they return to class, or on the day arranged with the teacher, following an excused absence. Any deviation from this policy for extenuating circumstances will be determined by the teacher on an individual basis. Pass Policy: During the semester, each student is allotted six (6) passes to leave the classroom with teacher permission. Passes are located in the SKHS Planner. Students may only use their own planner passes. Passes must be signed by the teacher. Students must return to class within 5 minutes, or at the teacher’s discretion, depending on the nature of the errand. Electronics Policy: Electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, laptops, tablets, iPods, etc.) should be out of sight and silent during class time, unless approved by the teacher to support specific learning and teaching goals. Food and Beverage Policy: Water in a sealable container is permitted in the classroom. No other food or beverage is allowed. As the teacher, I reserve the right to change (add, omit, or alter in any way) the course expectations and rules in order to better serve the curriculum, behavioral and/or educational policies and procedures in the classroom. ……………………………………………………………………….Sign, Cut, and Return…………………………………..……………………………………. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and expectations outlined in the British Literature and Composition (semester 2) course syllabus and SKHS Language Arts Department Policies. Student Name (print) __________________________________________ Block ________ Student Signature __________________________________________ Date ______________ Date ______________ Parent/Guardian Name (print) _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ELA 12 / Emerson _____________________________________