Dear Colleagues, especially local authorities

Dear Colleagues,
I am trying to conduct a small and informal survey of how far public
bodies – especially local authorities – have gone, up till now, along the road of records
management. I hope this amy be useful as a yardstick for my own local authority. If you
have time, I’d be most if you could answer the following questions and e-mail them back
to me.
1.Does your organisation have records management :
(a) up and running ? …………….. since when ? …………………………………….
(b) in process of implementation or under discussion ?………………………………...
2. What is the department responsible for the RM ?……………………………………..
3. Is the archivist/archive department involved ?………………………………………..
In what way ?……………………………………………………………………………
4. How many staff are involved in RM ?…………………………………………………..
Thanks VERY much to anyone who can spare a moment to let me have this info !
Regards, Marion
Marion M Stewart, Dumfries & Galloway Council