FY13 Budget and Caseload Update Fiscal Committee March 4, 2013 FY13 Caseload Overview 2 Income Eligible: The Income Eligible account full year forecast is projecting a surplus of $14M which is approximately $900K more than last month’s projected surplus of $13.1M. The change in forecast is driven by updating the Infant/Toddler rate increase impact to align with actual spending; this increased the surplus by $361K. The late billing projection was also revised providing an additional $190K. Last month’s forecast projected the additional 385 contract slots to be rolled out mid February. Enrollments started March 1; the change in start date has added $133K to the surplus. Additional savings may be realized because of the various dates children start services. There is also an additional $300K in savings driven by caseload reported for January being less than forecasted by approximately 300 children. DTA-Related Caseload: The forecasted deficit has decreased to $5.4M, a decrease of $400K. The change in forecast is driven by updating the Infant/Toddler rate increase impact to align with actual spending which decreased the deficit by $443K. Supportive: The projected surplus of $2.2M is a $300k decrease from the projected surplus last month of $2.5M. The change in forecast is driven by increase in projected spending for the redistribution of consistently unused contract slots over the three month period November 2012 thru January 2013. EEC estimates 60 slots will be made available at an FY13 cost of $219K beginning March 18th. There will be over 400 slots taken down that will not be redistributed due to the number of children at providers over the 5% flex. Also in January 2013 expenditures ($372K) and caseload ($127K) were higher than projected. The Infant/Toddler alignment to actual spending offset the increase by $144K. Summary: The surplus in total changed from $9.7M to 10.7M. The primary factor driving the increase is the change to the Infant/Toddler rate increase impact for the remainder of the year. Access for Foster Children Supportive: Ongoing discussions with DCF have exposed the need to provide services to foster children with open cases. 1. The majority of these children do not require the support services that are associated with Supportive Care. 2. Services will be provided both by contract slots and vouchers 3. Transportation will be provided at the transportation rate of $9.00 round trip. 4. EEC anticipates implementation before the end of March. 5. DCF projects services will be needed for approximately 800 children. The following projected costs are based on the average Income Eligible rate of $7500 per year and transportation for 80% of the 800 children. Projected start date used is March 25, 2013. The number of children receiving services each month increases by 200 each from March to June 2013. We will monitor costs in FY14 and will close access to DCF foster children when our forecasts indicate that we could exceed appropriated levels. FY14 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Total FY13 Annualized Projected Children Receving Services Projected Cost $ Projected Children NeedingTransportation $ Total $ 3 200 400 600 800 28,736 $ 252,874 $ 396,552 $ 459,770 $ 7,200 $ 63,360 $ 99,360 $ 115,200 $ 35,936 $ 316,234 $ 495,912 $ 574,970 $ 1,137,931 $ 285,120 $ 1,423,051 $ 800 6,000,000 1,503,360 7,503,360 FY13 Caseload Overview Summary As of January 2013 FY2013 Caseload Spending Income Eligible Contract/Flex Voucher Grants DTA Voucher Supportive Contract/Flex Voucher Grants FY2013 Budget Forecast $ $ $ $ 134,436,467 88,414,709 9,019,276 231,870,452 $ $ $ $ 124,223,614 84,617,062 9,019,276 217,859,952 $ $ $ $ 10,212,853 3,797,647 14,010,500 $ 125,495,740 $ 130,881,873 $ (5,386,133) $ 74,488,434 $ 128,390 $ 600,000 $ 75,216,824 $ 423,958,648 $ $ $ $ $ 2,142,441 (28,390) 2,114,051 10,738,419 $ 76,630,875 $ 100,000 $ 600,000 $ 77,330,875 Total $ 434,697,067 4 Variance Forecast vs. Budget FY13 Caseload Overview Summary FY2013 Caseload Spending December FY2013 Budget Forecast Variance Forecast vs. Budget Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 124,634,256 $ 9,802,211 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 85,152,392 $ 3,262,317 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 218,805,924 $ 13,064,528 $ 125,495,740 $ 131,311,150 $ (5,815,410) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 74,049,733 $ Voucher $ 100,000 $ 142,277 $ Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 74,792,010 $ 2,538,865 $ 434,697,067 $ 424,909,084 $ 9,787,983 - DTA *Voucher Supportive Total FY2013 Caseload Spending November FY2013 Budget Forecast 2,581,142 (42,277) - Variance Forecast vs. Budget Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 125,208,236 $ 9,228,231 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 84,929,055 $ 3,485,654 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 219,156,568 $ 12,713,884 $ 125,495,740 $ 131,467,835 $ (5,972,095) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 73,780,144 $ Voucher $ 100,000 $ 157,433 $ Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 74,537,577 $ - DTA *Voucher Supportive 5 2,850,731 (57,433) 2,793,298 FY13 Caseload Overview Summary FY2013 Caseload Spending October FY2013 Budget Variance Forecast vs. Budget Forecast Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 125,370,240 $ 9,066,227 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 85,661,580 $ 2,753,129 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 220,051,097 $ 11,819,355 $ 125,495,740 $ 132,243,742 $ (6,748,002) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 74,710,829 $ 1,920,046 Voucher $ 100,000 $ 87,795 $ 12,205 Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 75,398,623 $ 1,932,252 $ 434,697,067 $ 427,693,462 $ 7,003,605 - DTA *Voucher Supportive Total FY2013 Caseload Spending September FY2013 Budget Forecast - Variance Forecast vs. Budget Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 125,545,863 $ 8,890,604 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 85,644,765 $ 2,769,944 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 220,209,904 $ 11,660,548 $ 125,495,740 $ 129,037,458 $ (3,541,718) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 75,999,574 $ 631,301 Voucher $ 100,000 $ 135,320 $ (35,320) Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 76,734,894 $ 595,981 $ 434,697,067 $ 425,982,255 $ 8,714,812 - DTA *Voucher Supportive Total 6 - FY13 Caseload Overview Summary F Y2013 Caseload Spending August 2012 F Y2013 Budget F orecast Variance F orecast v s. Budget Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 125,502,294 $ 8,934,173 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 86,603,751 $ 1,810,958 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 221,125,321 $ 10,745,131 $ 125,495,740 $ 129,038,794 $ (3,543,054) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 76,637,299 $ (6,424) Voucher $ 100,000 $ 148,086 $ (48,086) Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 77,385,385 $ $ 434,697,067 $ 427,549,500 $ - DTA *Voucher Supportiv e Total F Y2013 Caseload Spending July 2012 F Y2013 Budget F orecast (54,510) 7,147,567 Variance F orecast v s. Budget Income Eligible C ontract/Flex $ 134,436,467 $ 126,063,350 $ 8,373,117 Voucher $ 88,414,709 $ 82,629,533 $ 5,785,176 Grants $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 $ $ 231,870,452 $ 217,712,159 $ 14,158,293 $ 125,495,740 $ 128,621,652 $ (3,125,912) C ontract/Flex $ 76,630,875 $ 77,047,992 $ (417,117) Voucher $ 100,000 $ 157,583 $ (57,583) Grants $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ $ 77,330,875 $ 77,805,575 $ $ 434,697,067 $ 424,139,386 $ - DTA *Voucher Supportiv e Total 7 (474,700) 10,557,681 FY 2013 Income Eligible (3000-4060) Income Eligible SFY13 Forecast for January 2013 M o nt h Jun-12 C a s e lo a d B udge t 32,215 A c t ua l C a s e lo a d V a ria nc e B udge t S pe nding P la n P ro je c t io n 2 0 13 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s Y T D V a ria nc e 32,215 N/A 38 $ 18,607,517 $ 18,480,792 $ Jul-12 31,364 31,402 Aug-12 31,325 31,567 242 $ 18,902,260 $ 18,940,272 $ 88,713 Se p-12 30,933 30,654 (279) $ 17,350,379 $ 14,967,902 $ 2,471,190 Oct-12 30,457 29,880 (577) $ 17,632,030 $ 17,694,930 $ 2,408,290 Nov-12 30,398 29,796 (602) $ 17,302,718 $ 16,861,609 $ 2,849,399 De c-12 30,237 29,744 (493) $ 16,902,323 $ 16,111,121 $ 3,640,601 Jan-13 29,950 29,452 (498) $ 17,423,935 $ 17,910,998 $ 3,153,538 Fe b-13 30,048 $ 16,954,176 $ 16,339,042 $ 3,768,672 M ar-13 29,955 $ 17,050,124 $ 17,382,240 $ 3,436,556 Apr-13 29,788 $ 17,311,495 $ 18,036,808 $ 2,711,243 M ay-13 29,256 $ 17,370,697 $ 18,598,507 $ 1,483,433 Jun-13 29,924 $ 1,454,897 $ 17,487,919 $ 17,516,455 GRANTS $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 TOTAL $ 219,314,849 $ 217,859,952 FY13 Appropriation 231,870,452 231,870,452 Surplus /De ficie ncy 12,555,603 14,010,500 126,725 - B lue : FY13 A c t ua l/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s **2013 A ctuals/Fo recast include Infant/To ddler Increase P ro jectio n - A ctual do llars represent expenditures billed and paid as o f the date the fo recast was prepared and may include late billing. - A dditio nal savings may be realised by parent fees. * Spending P lan P ro jectio n is maximum o bligatio n, flex , teen and ho meless co ntracts. * A ctual caselo ad co unt is the co unt o f services rendered fo r the repo rting mo nth. P lease no te a child co uld receive multiple services. * Caselo ad changes fo r a prio r repo rting mo nth is driven by late billing. * B udgeted caselo ad assumes access is clo sed (Vo uchers) and terminatio ns will be co nsistent with histo rical trend. 8 FY 2013 DTA Related (3000-4050) DTA SFY13 Forecast for January 2013 M o nt h C a s e lo a d B udge t A c t ua l C a s e lo a d V a ria nc e Jun-12 16,920 16,920 N/A B udge t S pe nding P la n P ro je c t io n 2 0 13 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s Y T D V a ria nc e ( O rigina l S pe nding P la n) Jul-12 16,019 16,299 280 $ 10,717,525 $ 11,014,366 $ (296,841) Aug-12 16,060 16,378 318 $ 11,233,530 $ 11,426,796 $ (490,107) Sep-12 16,419 16,340 (79) $ 9,986,720 $ 9,450,266 $ Oct-12 16,201 16,812 611 $ 11,002,439 $ 11,591,331 $ Nov-12 16,428 16,956 528 $ 10,991,409 $ 11,368,373 $ (919,509) Dec-12 16,358 16,765 407 $ 10,447,142 $ 10,812,940 $ (1,285,306) Jan-13 15,912 16,196 284 $ 11,129,920 $ 11,224,481 $ (1,379,867) 46,347 (542,544) Feb-13 16,180 $ 10,333,239 $ 10,038,512 $ (1,085,140) Mar-13 16,462 $ 10,513,483 $ 10,726,181 $ (1,297,838) Apr-13 16,631 $ 11,127,055 $ 11,317,473 $ (1,488,257) May-13 16,498 $ 11,539,709 $ 11,723,963 $ (1,672,511) Jun-13 16,374 $ 9,959,024 $ 10,187,191 $ (1,900,677) $ 128,981,195 $ 130,881,873 FY13 Appropriation $ 125,495,740 Surplus/Deficiency $ TOTAL (5,386,133) - Blue: FY13 Actual/Forecast Expenditures **2013 Actuals/Forecast include Infant/Toddler Increase Projection - Actual dollars represent expenditures billed and paid as of the date the forecast w as prepared and may include late billing. * Actual caseload count is the count of services rendered for the reporting month. Please note a child could receive multiple services. * Caseload changes for a prior reporting month is driven by late billing. 9 FY 2013 Supportive (3000-3050) SUPPORTIVE SFY13 Forecast for January 2013 C a s e lo a d B udge t A c t ua l C a s e lo a d V a ria nc e Jun-12 6,010 6,010 N/A M o nt h B udge t S pe nding P la n P ro je c t io n 2 0 13 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s Y T D V a ria nc e ( O rigina l S pe nding P la n) Jul-12 6,097 5,991 (106) $ 6,588,626 $ 6,386,341 $ 202,285 Aug-12 6,071 5,961 (110) $ 6,865,945 $ 6,514,398 $ 553,832 Se p-12 6,084 5,817 (267) $ 5,983,846 $ 5,609,805 $ 927,873 Oct-12 6,084 5,647 (437) $ 6,876,242 $ 6,284,024 $ 1,520,092 Nov-12 6,159 5,588 (571) $ 6,635,389 $ 6,115,138 $ 2,040,342 De c-12 6,188 5,592 (596) $ 6,321,780 $ 5,999,750 $ 2,362,373 Jan-13 6,172 5,708 (464) $ 6,911,188 $ 6,385,929 $ 2,887,631 Fe b-13 6,216 $ 6,341,848 $ 5,748,172 $ 3,481,307 M ar-13 6,313 $ 6,411,617 $ 6,116,113 $ 3,776,812 Apr-13 6,314 $ 6,717,704 $ 6,446,238 $ 4,048,278 M ay-13 6,314 $ 7,023,054 $ 6,745,360 $ 4,325,972 Jun-13 6,541 $ 6,562,792 $ 6,265,555 $ 4,623,209 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 79,840,032 $ 75,216,824 FY13 Appropriation $ 77,330,875 Surplus /De ficie ncy $ 2,114,051 GRANTS TOTAL - B lue : FY13 A c t ua l/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s **2013 A ctuals/Fo recast include Infant/To ddler Increase P ro jectio n - A ctual do llars represent expenditures billed and paid as o f the date the fo recast was prepared and may include late billing. * A ctual caselo ad co unt is the co unt o f services rendered fo r the repo rting mo nth. P lease no te a child co uld receive multiple services. * Caselo ad changes fo r a prio r repo rting mo nth is driven by late billing. 10 FY2013 Income Eligible Total Caseload Actual/Forecast & Budgeted Expenditures $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $217,860 $231,870 $199,592 $209,305 $180,242 $190,217 $161,453 $171,230 $143,320 $152,546 $126,229 $133,959 $107,566 $114,818 $73,090 $77,304 $20,000 $54,644 $57,955 $40,000 $38,924 $39,013 $60,000 $101,978 $96,282 $80,000 $19,232 $19,359 (Amount in Thousands) $180,000 $Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Actual/Forecast Dec Jan FY13 Budget Blue: Actual/Forecast Expenditures Gray : FY13 Appropriation (Vouchers, Contracts & Grants) 11 Feb Total Appropriation of $231.9M includes $9,019,276 for Grants and $600K Reserve for Late Billing January 2013 Voucher Expenditures paid is $6,,967,852 Actual/Forecast includes projected cost for Infant Toddler Rate Increase Mar Apr May Jun FY2013 DTA Caseload Actual/Forecast & Budgeted Expenditures $140,000 $130,000 $120,000 (Amount in Thousands) $110,000 $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $130,882 $125,496 $120,695 $115,805 $108,971 $104,574 $97,653 $93,744 $86,927 $83,513 $76,889 $73,459 $65,664 $62,634 $54,851 $52,468 $43,483 $41,772 $10,000 $31,891 $31,072 $20,000 $22,441 $21,354 $30,000 $11,014 $10,426 $40,000 $Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Actual/Forecast Blue: Actual/Forecast Expenditures Gray : FY13 Appropriation 12 Jan Feb FY13 Budget Mar Apr May Jun FY2013 Supportive Caseload Actual/Forecast & Budgeted Expenditures $100,000 $90,000 (Amount in Thousands) $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $75,217 $77,331 $68,901 $70,913 $62,106 $64,062 $55,610 $57,507 $49,444 $51,248 $43,645 $45,058 $37,209 $38,317 $31,160 $32,147 $24,995 $25,673 $18,661 $18,967 $13,001 $13,124 $10,000 $6,436 $6,428 $20,000 $Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Actual/Forecast Blue: Actual/Forecast Expenditures 13 Gray : : FY13 Appropriation Jan Feb FY13 Budget Mar Apr May Jun FY12/13 IE Contract Slots - Regular and Flex 16,000.0 14,000.0 12,000.0 10,000.0 8,000.0 6,000.0 4,000.0 2,000.0 (2,000.0) Regular Filled Regular Open Flex Filled Flex Open Flex Over 5% Flex Under 5% 1/ 3/2012 12,937. 1,531.5 596.5 264.0 (438.0) 701.5 1/ 31/ 2012 13,213. 1,257.5 585.5 274.5 (437.0) 711.5 3/ 1/2012 13,271. 1,194.5 579.5 279.5 (432.0) 711.5 3/ 30/ 2012 13,391. 1,071.0 604.5 254.5 (441.5) 696.0 4/ 30/ 2012 13,388. 1,074.0 640.5 218.5 (451.0) 669.5 5/ 29/ 2012 13,266. 1,197.0 596.5 278.5 (426.0) 704.5 7/ 1/2012 13,305. 1,447.0 513.5 345.5 (381.5) 727.0 8/ 1/2012 12,978. 1,530.0 492.5 365.5 (368.5) 734.0 9/ 28/ 2012 12,434. 2,057.0 427.0 430.5 (309.0) 739.5 10/30/2012 12,751. 1,738.5 427.0 430.5 (303.5) 725.0 11/28/2012 12,881. 1,608.5 426.5 421.5 (289.0) 719.5 1/ 1/2013 12,783. 1,706.5 400.0 457.0 (273.0) 730.0 1/ 31/ 2013 13,123. 1,365.0 428.0 429.0 (289.0) 718.0 2/ 28/ 2013 13,195. 1,292.5 213.5 643.5 (98.5) 742.0 Total Awarded Slots is 14488 and Allowable Flex Slots is 857 25 Vendors representing 22 contracts are Over 5% Flex (98.5) 14 **No. of children filling slots may be greater than slots awarded. Effective Reporting Month February 2013 flex over 5% no longer includes Supportive (expansion slots) over 5%. Number of New Children on Waitlist New Children on Waitlist (July 2012 thru Jan 2013) Active Since Month 2/1/2013 to 2/28/2013 1/1/2013 To 1/30/2013 12/01/2012 To 12/31/2012 11/01/2012 To 11/30/2012 10/01/2012 To 10/31/2012 09/01/2012 To 09/30/2012 08/01/2012 To 08/31/2012 07/01/2012 To 07/31/2012 Total 15 Infant 329 409 284 344 465 555 445 408 3,239 Preschool 318 411 270 350 524 660 546 458 3,537 School Toddler Unborn Age 311 304 112 480 369 153 311 221 96 301 360 116 582 453 169 686 502 159 669 500 138 532 379 145 3,872 3,088 1,088 Total 1,374 1,822 1,182 1,471 2,193 2,562 2,298 1,922 14,824 Note: This report shows the number of children who first time entered waitlist, as active child, within specified period of time and still active when the report is created. Number of New Children on Waitlist New Children on Waitlist (Jan 2012 thru June 2012) Active Since Month 06/01/2012 To 06/30/2012 05/01/2012 To 05/31/2012 04/01/2012 To 04/30/2012 03/01/2012 To 03/31/2012 02/01/2012 To 02/29/2012 01/01/2012 To 01/31/2012 Total 16 Infant 346 382 368 417 348 323 2,184 Preschool 409 464 389 462 385 345 2,454 School Toddler Unborn Age 636 306 130 556 355 152 437 353 145 455 378 157 347 314 147 348 281 114 2,779 1,987 845 Total 1,827 1,909 1,692 1,869 1,541 1,411 10,249 Note: This report shows the number of children who first time entered waitlist, as active child, within specified period of time and still active when the report is created. Caseload Waitlist Since 01/2012 *Waiting List Category 1/31/12 Total 2/29/12 Total 3/31/12 Total 4/30/12 Total 5/31/12 Total 6/30/12 Total 7/31/12 Total 8/30/12 Total 9/30/12 Total 10/31/12 Total 12/31/12 Total 01/31/13 Total 02/28/13 Total Child of Foster Care 153 149 162 205 216 215 227 241 255 269 276 282 288 290 Child of Homeless family 181 186 201 315 342 374 410 435 460 482 520 536 558 566 Child of Military Personnel 56 54 57 68 69 71 71 71 79 95 101 105 116 116 195 234 247 312 343 355 380 406 427 461 477 481 489 513 1,031 1,083 1,149 1,449 1,577 1,676 1,765 1,890 1,978 2,056 2,117 2,198 2,234 2,291 66 83 124 122 123 123 120 135 149 161 Child of Teen Parent Child w ith Special Needs Continuity of Care: Prior Year Summer Only Continuity of Care: Aging Out 279 288 289 301 310 312 315 388 405 404 409 411 402 398 Continuity of Care: Approved Break in Service 303 309 315 337 353 359 383 437 448 450 442 451 470 473 Continuity of Care: ARRA 125 143 137 159 162 159 160 153 151 148 146 149 148 146 84 86 90 118 123 134 142 168 182 171 182 186 198 201 Continuity of Care: Homeless Contract 8 8 10 16 17 18 19 17 20 20 25 27 29 32 Continuity of Care: Supportive Referral 108 112 114 184 204 226 233 245 247 255 269 279 288 296 Continuity of Care: Teen Parent Contract 20 22 21 23 23 23 23 27 31 32 32 32 28 27 24,581 26,009 26,946 28,818 30,564 31,958 33,370 35,264 37,113 38,268 39,470 40,431 41,722 42,588 337 31 361 461 482 631 504 616 590 561 541 547 565 566 - 656 636 944 623 867 876 888 556 541 523 518 26 347 32 144 171 482 220 518 542 538 282 295 314 327 Parent w ith Special Needs 531 570 551 657 681 193 734 235 253 268 805 806 805 807 Sibling: Contract 282 330 334 485 460 700 516 764 795 795 654 672 714 729 Sibling: Voucher 641 680 683 685 603 500 684 555 602 630 788 804 833 845 Summer only care 595 619 621 736 748 653 875 712 734 745 899 893 919 923 Continuity of Care: Geographic Relocation General Priority Grandparent/Guardian Families N/A No Priority - Other Family Member Grand Total 17 11/30/12 Total * Waitlist Data as of September 2011 is reported from KinderWait ** Excludes Unborn children, Children 13 or older, “0” zip codes and towns out of state. FY14 Budget Process Prep GOV House •Initial maintenance building process for FY14. starts in the summer of 2012. •Released on January 23, 2013. Funded EEC account at $619.4M, making significant investments in child care quality and access totaling $131M. Outside of the investments the Governor offered maintenance funding throughout the accounts •Released in April. •Released in early to mid May Senate Conf •To reconcile the difference between the House and Senate versions a Conference committee is established comprising 3 members from each the House and Senate . •The report of that committee is typically completed by mid to late June. The House and Senate enact the bill and send it to the Governor for his signature •The bill becomes law upon the Governor’s signature. •Governor may sign the bill with objections to certain items. • Everything outside of those vetoed items become law July 1. Veto & •The vetoed items must be overridden by 2/3 of the House and then the Senate. Override •Once vetoes and overrides are done the FY14 budget is complete. FY14 GAA 18