 Enduring Question Why do Humans Behave the Way that They Do?

History and Methods
Aug, 2015
Mr. Aiello
 Enduring Question
Why do Humans Behave the Way that They Do?
Course Objectives and Enduring Understandings
The objectives of the course are for the students to:
• acquire a working knowledge of major psychological theories and core concepts
• develop an understanding and appreciation of what makes psychology a science
• develop basic skills in conducting psychological research
• understand the relevance of psychology to their lives
• increase their critical thinking, especially in regards to scientific research about behavior
• continue to develop their oral and written communication skills
Unit 1 – History and Scientific Methodology
This syllabus is designed to do several things for students: assist your budgeting of time and
prevent procrastination; not get behind when you are absent; have something to help you study for
tests; and as a gentle reminder of each day’s work.
At the beginning of each syllabus, I will list several questions. Their intent is to guide all of us as
we go through the unit. I encourage you to look over the questions before and during your reading
and other homework assignments. One of the assignments for each unit will be your written
answer to each of the essential questions. Some of the questions can be answered with three or
four sentences, but most of them will require full paragraphs. As always, putting the answer into
your own words is much more highly valued than simply copying down the answer from the text!
Your textbook lists key terms in bold print and then defines them in the margin. You are
expected to know, understand, and be able to easily use these terms in class discussions, on written
assignments, and on the tests. More details will follow on what you will be required to do with this.
In this first unit, we are introduced to the field of psychology, its history, and its methods of study.
History and Methods
Aug, 2015
Mr. Aiello
Essential Questions:
1. Explain the biopsychosocial approach to psychology and why having the various
perspectives of psychology are beneficial.
2. How does scientific thinking help prevent faulty thinking?
3. Explain the guiding principles in the ethics of using animals and humans in research?
Homeplay Assignment
Aug. 12
Read and complete the questions for “Should We Retain the Insanity
Aug. 13
Read the article “Does Psychology Make a Significant Difference in Our
Lives?” Look for several topics that the author presents that you agree with
him about their significance. Be prepared to discuss these in class.
Aug. 14
Read and be able to summarize, in one or two sentence each, the most
important (in your opinion) of “The 10 Commandments of Helping Students
Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience in Psychology.”
Aug. 17
Read Myers Module 1 (pp. 1 – 8). Mr. Aiello will be giving you more
information about what you will need to do with all text assignments.
Aug. 18
Read Myers Module 2. Answer EQ #1.
Aug. 19
Read Myers Module 3.
Aug. 20
Complete the end of Unit I assignments, bring to class to turn in.
Aug. 21
Read Myers Unit II Module 4.
Aug. 24
Read Myers Module 5. (EQ #2)
Aug. 25
Read Myers Module 6.
Aug. 26
Read Myers Module 7. Read and complete the questions for “Presidents’ Ages
at Time of Inauguration.”
Aug. 27
Read Myers Module 8. (EQ #3) Complete your part of the “Lab Report.”
Aug. 31
Finish reading “Research Through Deception.”
Sep. 1
Complete EQs 2 & 3, the Unit II text assignments, the Myers Online Quizzes,
and study for the Unit Test tomorrow!!!