Research Product Objective: To apply research skills to create a formal research text using MLA format Students will learn: MLA format, research skills, big idea for research, writing a strong research question, professional paper format Teacher prep time: Activity 1 Depends on the Purpose: To be a resident expert on a big idea from class discussion. To use research research topic skills to answer a question by locating information using multiple sources Questions to think about when choosing research: What does your research question say? How does it apply to the class topic and your big Activity: idea? How does the information you are researching say something new? What 2-6 weeks perspective is the research being made? (depending on Students will choose a Big Idea to write a research question about. This question will topic) drive their research and research information. Draft and Final copy format: Grouping: Typed Student MLA Format independent work 12-14 font size Times New Roman font Materials: Double spaced Student information Conference with another student-student must read information to another student. Information books Listening student will write a positive comment and something they learned from the internet research. Activity 2 Final Copy Use the same format as the draft. Formal final: Have a cover page-font size is up to the researcher May use a graphic only on the cover page Have a resource page separate from your text information **If you are not creating a portfolio: Research much be in a folder to turn. Must have all work from the research **If you are creating a portfolio: Your final copy must have a cover sheet, text information, and resource page stapled together. You will need to read the Portfolio requirements and follow them for professional product