Product Labeling Introduction to Business & Marketing

Product Labeling
Introduction to Business & Marketing
What to Buy?
O Brand name
O Trade name for a product of service produced by a
particular company
O Generic product
O Plainly labeled, unadvertised products that are sold at
lower prices than a brand-name goods
O Many prescription drugs and grocery items have generic
When to Buy?
O Prices change during
different seasons
O Examples
O Buy air conditioner in the
O Buy a convertible in the
fall or winter
O Buy Christmas
decorations after the
How Much to Pay?
O Comparison
O Note prices,
features, and
benefits of
competing products
O The most
expensive is NOT
always the best!
Why Buy?
O Peers
O Habit
O Advertising
Be Smart
O Study advertisements
O Read consumer publications
O Shop sales
O Use shopping lists
O Resist pressure and gimmicks
O Look for product warranties
O Read product labels
Product Labeling
O 1994-Nutrition facts
became mandatory for
most packaged foods
O Any food with more
than one ingredient
must have an
ingredient list
O Fresh and raw foods not
required to have labels
Label Requirements
O Nutrient amounts are listed in two ways
O Metric amounts
O % Daily Values
O Required dietary components
Fat and Saturated Fat
Sodium, Fiber
Total Carbohydrates
Sugars, Protein
Vitamins A and C
Calcium and Iron
Labeling Requirements
O Ingredients must be
listed in descending
order by weight
O Sources of some
ingredients must be
stated by name
O Ex- macaroni is made
from flour
O Pull or “Sell By”- last day
the product can be sold
product is good for a few
days after this date
O Pack date- this is when
the food was packed or
O Expiration date- last date
a food can be eaten
Label Claims
O Nutrient Content Claims
differ from Nutrition
O Products must meet
strict nutrition
requirements before
they can make these
O The government strictly
defines terms like
O Free, low, high, reduced,
less, fewer
Label Claim Requirements
Nutrient Content Claim
Calorie Free
Low Calorie
Light or Lite
Fat Free
Low fat
Sugar free
High fiber
Less than 5 calories
40 calories or less
1/3 less calories or 50% less fat
Less than .5 grams fat
3 grams or less of fat
Less than .5 grams sugars
5 grams or more
O Complete assignment