Unit 2 Review 1. Federalism This is a major system involving various branches and levels. Be able to show the relationship between Federal and State government. How they are similar and what makes them different. (think of the big 9 block cube you drew) 2. Elections What group/person is given power at each level (Federal, State, Local… think of the 9 boxes!) How are they elected? Role of Gerrymandering? How does the Electoral College work? 3. Powers of Congress What powers do you they have in the Constitution? What is their role in Foreign Policy? (treaty,war) 4. Powers of the President Roles, Requirements, Foreign Policy, 5. Powers of the Federal Courts Jurisdictions, Levels, Types of cases 6. State Government What makes them different from the Federal Gov’t? What things are unique to N.C. (constitution, etc…) 7. Local Government Municipal vs. county (similarities and differences) Leadership Peoples rights (initiative v. referendum) 8. Processes Impeachment Bill to Law Amendment Checks & Balances Electoral College