1.The most powerful religious leader in the East was
2.The present day Eastern Orthodox Church ______________________ accept icons
3.One of the great artistic achievements of Justinian’s rule was
4.____________________________________________ ordered Kievans to become Christians.
5.Ivan III began the tradition in Russia of
6. Moscow became the center of the Orthodox church after Constantinople was invaded by the
7.____________________ were used to express the ideas of Christianity to those who could not read the Bible.
8.The Byzantine Empire weakened after the ____________________ captured Asia Minor
9. ____________________ strengthened Russia by uniting several principalities under one ruler.
10. The Byzantine Empire cemented its power by creating alliances through
11. The Iconoclast Controversy was about d. the use of pictures in ____________________________________.
12. Constantinople was eventually captured by
13. Europe is separated from Asia by
14. 15.Christianity took hold in Kievan Russia after the conversion of _________________________
15. The first ruler of a unified Russia was
16. What were icons?
17. The basis of the law in the Byzantine Empire was
18. Chemical used by the Byzantine Navy that burst into flames
19. The reason for using icons was to _____________________________________________________ because people
could not _________________________________________
20. The western Christian church became known as
21. The eastern Christian church became known as
22. Who was the head to the Roman Catholic Church
23. Who was the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church
24. How did the Byzantine Empire come to an end?
25. What is Eurasia?
26. How did Christianity get to Russia
27. What are monasteries
28. What church did they follow in Russia
29. Name the major Russian city
30. Who was Ivan the Great
31. Who was Ivan the Terrible, what made him so terrible
32. What is the czar or tzar
33. _________________ was the “third Rome”
34. What makes the church buildings of the Eastern Orthodox church different?