Civic Principles and Citizenship

Civic Principles and Citizenship
What is Civics?
Why do you think it is important to know about your government, and your rights and duties as citizens?
What do citizens do?
Government is put in place –
Paths to Citizenship
Birth –
Jus Soli -
Jus Sanguinis -
Naturalization is the process by which ___________________ can become citizens.
Other people in the U.S.
What is the difference between an alien and an immigrant?
What is Dual Citizenship?
Illegal Aliens
Legal Aliens
What is an illegal alien?
Lives are similar to US citizens
What can they do?
Who investigates cases of illegal immigration?
What taxes do illegal aliens still have to pay?
What can’t they do?
Naturalization process
What are the steps an alien must take to become a US citizen?
Who get automatic citizenship when their parents are naturalized?
Restrictions on Immigration
Quota – the US restricts the ________________________________ that come into the country _________________
Legal Immigration and Revision Act – 1990
_____________________ the quota of immigrants allowed to enter the US (about _______________ per yr)
Who did this act give special consideration to?
The Melting Pot that is Our Country
What does diversity mean to you?
What is the national motto of the US?
What 2 events contradict this motto?
Key Principles of American Democracy
Rule of Law –
What is meant by Limited Government?
What is meant by Consent of the Governed? Give an example?
Who protects citizen’s individual rights?
Who elects leaders to govern and make laws in a representative gov’t?
Other Important Civic Terms
What is the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism?
Terrorism uses what to achieve political goals?
Presidential System
Parliamentary System
What is a government and what does it do?
Government is the _____________________ that rules a _______________________________.
What does the government do?
What happens when there isn’t a government?
Anarchy –
How do you think life would be if we didn’t have rules?
Thomas Hobbes on Government
English philosopher
Why did Hobbes think government was needed?
Aristotle’s 3 types of Government
Who was Aristotle?
Identified 3 types of government
1. Dictatorship
2. Oligarchy
3. Democracy
Modern Types of Government
How do modern political scientists group governments?
Who holds power?
What are the 3 types of Authoritarian governments?
Characteristics -
How do citizens voice their opinions in a democracy?
There are 2 types of Democracy
Constitutional Monarchy Republic – How are leaders chosen in a republic?
What is the main difference between a direct democracy and an indirect or representative democracy?