Welcome to Civics and Economics. In this course, we... principles as well as in depth looks at the laws...

Welcome to Civics and Economics. In this course, we will focus on basic economic
principles as well as in depth looks at the laws that play a major role in all of our lives.
We will look in depth at the Constitution and understand the history behind this important
document and learn how the Constitution has been able to withstand over 225 years of
change. We will focus on the election process and learn the roles of our elected leaders
throughout the country.
In order to be successful in this class, you must complete assigned work, be attentive
in class and keep up with all assigned reading. There is a lot of material to cover and we
will move at a brisk pace. Your final average will be computed averaging your first and
second nine weeks grade as well as counting the final exam 20%.
The following rules will apply in this classroom at all times:
1. Obey all school rules.
2. Respect everyone in class at all times.
3. Bring all class materials everyday. This includes your textbook, notebook,
loose leaf paper, Macbook, and a writing utensil. All assignments must be
completed in blue or black ink or pencil.
4. Be on time. Tardiness is absolutely unacceptable. You are responsible for everything
that takes place in this class even if you are not present.
5. Participate in class discussions. This may be counted as part of your grade.
6. Teamwork is stressed at all times. Everyone must participate in class projects.
7. Take care of personal matters before or after class. Hall passes will be kept to a
8. Cell phones are not to be used at any time. This includes texting. The phone will be
confiscated according to school policy and a detention will be assigned.
9. Macbooks should be used for class purposes only. Failure to obey will result in
10. Do not write on the desks. This will result in an ASD.
11. Do not spray perfume, cologne, or hairspray in the classroom. Avoid using fragrant
12. Do not put on make-up or brush your hair in class.
13. Do not work on assignments from other classes.
14. Do not line up at the door before the bell rings.
15. Note rules posted on the wall.
Grading system:
A= 90-100
B= 80-90
C= 70-80
D= 60-70
F= 0-59
Average Breakdown:
Exams: 50%
Quizzes: 25%
Assignments: 25%
Assignment make-up policy:
If you miss a day of class when an assignment is given, you will have three days to
turn the material in for a grade. All assignments not turned in by the third day will
become zeroes. All handouts will be kept in an assigned folder and it will be the
student’s responsibility to collect missed assignments upon return.
Exam and quiz make-up policy:
If you miss a day when an exam or quiz is given, you have five school days to make it
up. Make-ups will be given in the morning or after school. To make-up an exam in the
morning, you must be here no later than 7:45. To make-up a test in the afternoon, you
must be here by 3:20. Make-ups must be pre-arranged. Many quizzes will not require
make-up. These quizzes will be omitted from your grade.
Daily Procedures:
Most days will consist of note-taking followed by discussion. All students are
required to take notes in class. There will be some days when I assign work to be
completed in class and/or finished for homework. These will count as assignment grades.
Many textbook assignments will be omitted from your grade if you are absent on the day
it is completed.
Cheating is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in this course. Consider this your
only warning. Cheating consists of the following:
 Looking at another students answer on tests.
 Allowing a student to look at your test answers.
 Using unauthorized information on tests (Cheat sheets).
 Giving students answers on any assignment.
 Taking answers from another students work.
The penalty for cheating will result in a write-up plus a note will be placed in your
permanent file.
My website (located on the LNHS page), will have general information about the class
and will contain vital information which will include powerpoints, previous assignments,
and other important updates. Learning this websites will help in your success in the
I do not anticipate discipline problems but, if the should occur, the consequences will be:
1. Warning.
2. Parent contact
3. Teacher-student conference and ASD
4. Discipline notice
Students are expected to bring all class materials everyday. These were listed earlier.
If you do not bring your textbook on a day when a book assignment is given, you will
receive a zero. Do not ask if you can go to your locker during class. The answer will be
I look forward to an exciting year. If we work together, we will accomplish our goals.
Frank Hobby
LNHS Civics and Economics Essential Curriculum
Priority Objective
E. 3.2
Students will understand the difference between fiscal and
monetary policy.
E 1.5
Students will understand how government regulations impact
E 1.1
Students will be able to compare and contrast different economic
E 1.1
Students will understand scarcity.
E 1.1
Students will be able to recognize the difference between trade off
and opportunity costs.
C&G 5.2 Students will understand the different types of laws and courts in
the United States.
C&G 3.5 Students will be able to describe the different jurisdictions of law
enforcement agencies.
C&G 5.2 Students will understand the responsibilities of different courts.
C&G 3.6 Students will understand how citizens can join political parties and
interest groups and how they can influence the government.
C&G 2.7 Students will understand problems within society that always seem
to repeat themselves.
All student grades will be updated weekly (Thursday) and all efforts will be made to
tell students individually their current averages on Friday. Students will be REQUIRED
to keep a graph of their weekly progress in their interactive notebook. If you have
concerns, please e-mail and I will respond. E-mails initiated by the teacher frequently
deals with circumstances severe in nature.
Test Corrections:
Students will be allowed one 30-minute correction session to accumulate partial points
on unit exams. This must be completed within a designated time frame set after the
exam. The opportunity will be made available during SMART lunch, before school, or
after school. This will not be available for a make-up exam.
Extra help:
Before and after school each day, the teacher will be available. These should be prearranged and the student should be prepared with all relevant information and topics to be
reviewed. Smart lunch tutorials will be on Tuesday and Thursday.
I have read and acknowledge receipt of the course information for parents and students
for Civics and Economics. I understand that a copy of this form is available on Mr.
Hobby’s webpage.
Parent Signature