Name: ________________________________________ Date: __________________ Per: _________ The Cold War

Name: ________________________________________
Date: __________________ Per: _________
The Cold War
AP World History II
“A Marriage of Convenience”
The Cold War
–_______________ (11/43)
–________________ (2/45)
–________________ (7/45)
Goals of the Conferences
•USSR wanted Britain and France to open second front on the east to defeat
•Deal with Japan…Stalin agrees to fight Japan only once _____________ was defeated
•Division and _________________________ of Germany and Austria
•United __________________
•Fate of _________________________________
Bretton Woods
•Conference held in Bretton Woods, ____________________________
–Creation of the International Bank (_________________)
–International _____________________Fund (IMF)
•Goal: TO PROMOTE ___________________________ STABILITY
•The ________________ refuses to join
Cold War 1945-1949
•After WWII, Soviet Union installs _________________________ governments in E.
Germany, Poland, and many other E. European nations.
•In response to the rise of Communism in the _______________ that Churchill declares “an
____________________ has descended upon Europe.”
•All of this violates promises Stalin made at ________________
Cold War 1945-1949
•Stalin’s Policy: TO GAIN AS MUCH _______________________AS POSSIBLE without a
–Wants a ________________________ between USSR and the West
–The ______________________: Soviets cut off highway and railroad traffic between
West Berlin and W. Germany.
•The US engages in the ____________________, where we fly goods in and out
of Berlin. Stalin backs down.
Cold War 1945-1949
•US policy: __________________________
–Communist threats in ______________and ____________ worsened.
–Truman Doctrine: “moral and material aid to any and all countries whose
___________________________ is threatened by ___________.”
–____________________ Plan (economic recovery plan)-economic assistance to wartorn nations threatened by ____________________
–________________ (North Atlantic _____________ Organization)-Military
commitment which bound the US, Canada, Britain and 9 other Western European
States into a _________________________.
Cold War 1945-1949
•________________________did not equal war
–It did give the Soviets the __________________
•USSR formed its own alliances as well
–______________________-Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
–____________________-military alliance designed to combat NATO
•After 1949, the Cold War goes_________________________!
•Europe joins ________________
•Soviets test their first ___________________
•China’s Civil War comes to end with a victory for ____________________ and his
–Nationalist forces flee to ____________________
Korean War
•After WWII, the Korean Peninsula was divided into ___________________
•Aided by the victorious Mao, ____________________ invades __________.
•US intervenes on behalf of the _______, and the ____________________ are pushed back to
the original line of division.
•Nikita ________________ (1943-1964)
•Leonid Brezhnev (__________________)
Nuclear Arms Race
•By 1949, both sides were armed with ________________ weaponry
•ICBMs: ______________________ Ballistic Missiles
•MAD: Mutually Assured _____________________
•ABM: Anti-Ballistic ____________________ System
The Third World
•Europe was “___________________”
•Many nations is Africa, Asia, and ____________________, however, were
–Freeing themselves of their ______________ bonds
–Giving birth to _______________ economies
–Had weak ___________________ structures
–Were ______________________ in the Cold War
•The developing world was commonly referred to as the “____________________”
•_______________________ Theory: if one nation falls to communism, an entire region
would fall to communism
•America supports _________________ leaders often simply because they are anti_______________________
•1956-__________________ tries to leave the Soviet bloc: Khrushchev _______________
•1956-______________ nationalization of ____________ Canal
–Embarrasses ____________ and ___________________
–US and Soviet Union are in control as the “______________________”
Cuban Revolution of 1959
•USSR supported Fidel _______ overthrows right wing dictator Fulgencio _______________.
•Goals: __________, industrialize, increase literacy rates, and eliminate economic _________
•He and Ernesto _______ Guevara combated what they believed to be US ________________
in __________________ America
1960s-The Hottest it gets!
•1961-JFK authorizes the _____________________ invasion of Cuba
–Tried to ______________ Castro (fails)
–Castro (Khrushchev) installs _______________ missiles in Cuba (uh-oh!)
–Building of the _______________ Wall
•1962-__________________ Missile Crisis
–____________ blockades Cuba
–Soviets back down with promise not to invade Cuba and remove missiles from
Mid-Late 60s
•1963-Nuclear ______________________________
–____________________, or _________________ was installed, and directly connected
the __________________ to the White House
•1964-______________________ overthrown
–___________________ assumes power
•Space Race ends with ____________ dominance and our land on the ______________.
•Growing rift between ___________________ “brothers” China and ____________
Vietnam War
•______________________ never fought each other directly…they intervened in the many
conflicts going on in the _________________ World.
•________________________ helps allies during WWII to defeat the Japanese
–In exchange for assistance in getting rid of the French in __________ after the war.
–Instead, the allies help the French attempt to get rid of Ho Chi Minh which fails by
Vietnam War
•South Vietnam was _____________________, unpopular, but had _______ support.
•To prevent the ______________ theory, the US sends over __________ troops by the late 60s
•Early 70s-fighting spreads to Laos and ___________________
•By 1975, all of Vietnam became ___________________
•The US pulls out in _________, having lost ___________________ lives
The 70s-Air Conditioning
•____________________-a peaceful period of the cold war (_____________ of tensions)
•US gets closer ____________________ to China (_____________ visits China)
•Nuclear Non-__________________________ Treaty (1968-69)
•________________ Arms ______________ Treaty (SALT)-1972
•Anti-____________________ Missile Treaty (1975)
Early-Mid 80s: Call the repairman!
•1979-Soviet invasion of ______________________
–Threatened ____________ supplies in the middle east.
•Arms control negotiations were __________________
•The _____________ Race heated up again
•Moscow (80)/Los Angeles (84) _____________________ Boycotts
Third World Battlefield!
•1979-____________________ Revolution
–Cuba and the USSR consistently tried to export ____________________ ideals
throughout Latin America.
–The Marxist, Soviet supported _______________________ overthrew the established
_______________ dictatorship that had ruled Nicaragua since 1937
–The US threw its support behind the ______________________-a right-wing
counterrevolutionary ________________ movement.
•Takes over in 1985 and realizes the Soviets could no longer compete with the US in the arms
race _______________________.
•________________________ is taken down
•1991-the Soviet Union _______________________
The Cold War Begins!
"A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by Allied victory. . . . From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the
Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. . . . Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest,
Bucharest, and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet
sphere, and all are subject . . . not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing
measure of control from Moscow. . . . I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits
of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines."
----Winston Churchill, speech delivered March 5, 1946
From World War to Cold War
• United Nations established to keep _____________ and protect ______________
• Founding countries include _______, _____________, __________, _________, and Republic of _____________
• UN unable to prevent ______________ from growing between USA and USSR
Bi-Polar World
• The World quickly divides between
– Those who support the USA (______________ Bloc)
– Those who support the USSR (_________________ Bloc)
– Those who hope to stay ____________________ and receive benefits from both (nonaligned nations)
Nonaligned Nations
•India, most of _____________, the _____________ world, and parts of Central and __________ America
Communism in China
• 1949 Mao Zedong pushes ______________ into exile in _________, establishes People’s _____________ of China
• China becomes worlds largest _____________________ nation
• Today Taiwan rejects __________________ attempts at unification
Mao’s Great Leap Forward
• 19____s
• Plan to create a truly communist _________________ ________________
• _______________________ of farming and industry
• Miserable failure, some call it the Great Leap ___________________• Caused ________________, millions died
More Mao
• Focuses on building _________________
• Tests first __________________ bomb in 1964
• Introduces some elements of ________________, then worries about straying from _______________ past
The Cultural Revolution
• 1960s
• Goals: Erase everything ____________ and _____________, create a new society based on communist values
• Disaster: Red Guards run amuck, _____________ kill teachers, medical students imprison _______________,
many arrested and executed for being “_______________ _________________”
I’ll have capitalism, hold the democracy!
• Deng ___________________ takes control of China in ________________
• Adds elements of ______________________ into economy
• Similar to Lenin’s New __________________ ____________________
• Remains politically communist, limiting __________________________.
• 1989 _________________________ Square Massacre
• Will democratic reforms ever take place?
Change Over Time
• Under the communists China has
– Moved away from ____________________– Banned _______________________
– Eliminated the __________________ class
– Granted political and legal equality to ______________________
– Created laws limiting families to ___________ child only
– Added elements of ____________________ into the economy
– Begun building one of the world’s strongest _____________________
• In _________________ Soviets built the Berlin Wall surrounding West Berlin
• The fall of the Berlin wall in December 1989 signified the end of the __________ War and the fall of the _______
Germany After the Cold War
• Decline of Soviet Bloc leads directly to ___________________
• Berlin Wall torn down in ________________
• Mass exodus of people out of ____________________ Germany
• Today Germany struggles with ______________________ and economic issues associated with rejoining the
economically poor East Germany into West Germany
The End of the Cold War
• Living standards in _____________________ Europe improve drastically
• Eastern European states begin to _______________ against ___________________
– Demand _________________– ___________________
– Economic ___________________
• Lech Walesa leads _____________________- movement against USSR 1980s
• Polish gov’t arrests ______________________
• 1989 Solidarity _________________
• 1989 Berlin Wall torn down
• 1990 Collapse of ________________
• 1990 Poland gains ____________________, _____________ _____________ elected President
USSR Collapses!
• Long history of economic ________________- and a _________________ of consumer goods
• 1970s USSR invades __________________
• USA equips the _____________________- (freedom fighters) in a guerilla war against USSR
• War is politically and economically costly
USSR Collapses!
• Mikhail __________________ takes power 1985
• Institutes two new policies
– ___________________- (openness)
– ____________________ (restructuring)
• Plans meet with ___________________________ in Russia
• USA continues to push ____________ and ________________ races
• Economic and political turmoil lead to USSR’s _____________.