The Cold War Begins

The Cold War Begins
Essential Question:
How did fear affect people during the Cold War?
 Important terms
o Economic systems:
Who owns the means
of production?
Who makes decisions
that determine
economic activity?
Public and
consumers, and
and consumers
(free market)
o Systems of government
 Totalitarian
 Absolute monarchy
 Dictatorship
 Fascism/Nazism
 Communism
 Democratic
 Republic
 Constitutional monarchy
o Superpower
 A powerful nation that dominates world affairs
 The US and the Soviet Union (USSR)
o The Cold War (1947-1991)
 The political, ideological, and economic struggle
between the USSR and the US and their respective allies
 Global threat of nuclear war
o Iron Curtain
 Boundary between capitalist Western Europe and
communist Eastern Europe
 Pro-communist propaganda behind the Iron Curtain
o Containment
 US policy during the Cold War
 Goal: stop the spread of communism
 Established by the Truman Doctrine
o Domino Theory
 Belief that as one nation became communist, others
would follow
 Influenced America’s decision to get involved in
conflicts like Korea and Vietnam
 Marshall Plan (1948-1951)
o US program of economic aid for European countries after
World War II
 Helped them rebuild
 Helped contain communism
 Crisis in Berlin
o Germany’s capital was located within the Soviet-controlled zone
o Berlin Blockade (1948-1949)
 First major crisis of the Cold War
 Soviets cut off supplies to West Berlin
 Berlin Airlift
 Western Allies brought food and supplies by air daily
 Stalin ended the blockade after 11 months
 Alliances:
o NATO (1949)
 US, Canada, and their European allies
o Warsaw Pact (1955)
 Soviet response to NATO
 USSR and its allies
 Arms Race
o The US and the USSR competed for superior weapons
o The Soviets developed the atomic bomb in 1949
o Hydrogen bomb
 Developed by both the Americans and the Soviets during the
 1000 times more powerful than WW2 atomic bombs
o “Duck and cover” drills
 Space Race
o The US and the USSR competed in space exploration
 Soviets:
 Sputnik (1957)
o First man-made satellite (object that orbits
the earth)
o Established the Soviets as the early leaders
in Space
 First manned space flight
o Yuri Gagarin: first human in space (1961)
 NASA (1958)
 JFK challenged the nation to reach the moon by the
end of the decade (1961)
 Apollo 11 (1969)
o First humans on the moon (July 20)
 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
o One of the greatest accomplishments in human
o Established the Americans as the new leaders in
 Red Scare (1947-1957)
o Fear of communist influence in society and government
o McCarthyism
 Senator Joseph McCarthy
 Fueled anti-communist fears
 Many people were accused and forced to testify before
 The term McCarthyism now means accusing someone
without concern for evidence
 American life in the 50s and 60s
o Post-WW2 economy
 Shift from rationing to consumerism
 Prosperity
o G.I. Bill (1944)
 Benefits for World War II veterans
 Education
 Low-interest loans
o Population growth
 Baby Boomers
 People born between 1946 and 1964
 76 million
 Suburbs
 Rise of Middle Class
o Entertainment
 Television
 Golden Age
 Rock ‘n’ roll
 Elvis Presley
o 1st superstar (1950s)
 “British Invasion” (1960s)
o Jonas Salk
 Polio vaccine
o Kennedy assassination
 November 22, 1963
 Dallas, Texas
 Lyndon Johnson becomes President
 Lee Harvey Oswald
 Suspected assassin
 Texas School Book Depository, 6th floor
 Murdered two days later by Jack Ruby
 Warren Commission
 Investigated the assassination
 Determined Oswald to be the lone assassin