U.S. History: Academic Level 2015-2016

U.S. History: Academic Level 2015-2016
Instructor: Mr. Eric Bateman
DESCRIPTION: This course of study encompasses the development of American ideals and institutions
through the study of major events, eras and personalities of U.S. and Virginia history from the age of
exploration to the modern era. Themes which should be emphasized throughout the course include: the
diverse peoples and cultures who have made up and continue to make up American society; the economic,
social and cultural transformation of the U.S. from pre-industrial colonies to a highly technological, postindustrial society; the evolution of democracy in the U.S.; and the nation’s changing global role. The
historical development and basic principles of the Constitution of the United States and the fundamental
concepts of the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, and the Virginia Statute of
Religious Freedom are examined and related to everyday life.
MAIN TOPICS: Three worlds meet (Beginnings to 1620)
The Colonial Era (1600-1754)
The Revolutionary Era (1754-1783)
Nation building (1783-1815)
The expanding nation (1815-1850)
The westward movement (1815-1850)
The Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)
The second Industrial Revolution (1865-1877)
The Progressive Era (1900-1914)
Emergence of the U.S. as a world power and World War I (1890-1920)
The Depression and the New Deal (1929-1941)
World War II
The Cold War (1945-1970)
The recent United States
CREDIT INFO: This course provides one of the credits required for a Standard or Advanced
Studies Diploma. A Standards of Learning test is given at the end of this course.
Class Rules: These rules are few in numbers, easy to understand, and you are expected to follow them as
often as possible.
1. No Food/Drinks/Electronic Devices (cell phones, music players, etc).
2. Be On Time.
3. Be Courteous.
4. Be Respectful of others and their property.
5. Be Kind. Be Tolerant.
6. Do Not Disrupt others or the learning environment.
7. Be Cooperative.
8. Be Productive.
9. No Late Work!
10. During Announcements and when others are speaking: Be Quiet.
No late work will be accepted. A zero will be given. Exceptions given only for extenuating circumstances
(additional time will be allotted as indicated by your IEP).
If you are late to class you must sign the BWHS Tardy Report. If you are late 3 times you must attend
Saturday School.
Do not bother me with your agenda and passes unless you have real business to conduct or it is an
emergency. No passes signed the first 20 minutes or the last 20 minutes of class
Class Expectations: If you want to be successful in this class, do the following:
1. Be prepared: Bring your textbook, agenda, and related materials to class everyday. Don’t make
excuses for yourself.
2. Be seated and be ready to work at the sound of the bell. We are going to be very busy this year and
there will be limited time to waste.
3. Be ready to work hard. The only way to succeed in this world is to work hard. Don’t take shortcuts or
the day off. We will all pay for it.
4. Be positive, cooperative, and participate in class activities. This is the only way that we can achieve
high standards and stand each other for 90 minutes a period.
5. Complete all assignments. Be prepared to demonstrate your understanding of U.S. History.
Materials: You will need the following items every class period.
1. The Americans Textbook.
2. Agenda
3. 3-Ring Binder to use as a Notebook.
Assessment: 75% of the course grade comes from Quizzes and TESTS. 25% of the course grade comes
from homework/classwork. No more than 1% extra credit can be awarded for an end of quarter grade.
Missing School Days, Make Up Work, and Late Assignments:
1. Come to school. The more time you miss the lower your grade will fall. It is a proven fact!
2. If you do miss a day of school you need to be responsible for yourself and make up missed
assignments. Use Mr. Bateman’s webpage to keep track of where we are in the class. All homework
is posted here. You can print this out at anytime.
3. Send me an email, call me, call a friend, find out what is going on and how to catch back up.
Help yourself! No one is going to help you!
Student Name:_______________________________________________________
Home Phone Number:_________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:
Mom:___________________________________Work/Cell Number:_________________
Dad:____________________________________Work/Cell Number:_________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________________________
Complete your course schedule in the table below:
A Day
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
Room #
B Day
5th Period
6th Period
7rd Period
8th Period
Room #
Dear Parents,
Please review the course syllabus and class rules. Have your son/daughter complete this form. Please
sign below to signify that you understand the course expectations and class rules.
Parent signature:____________________________________________Date:___________
Please contact Mr. Bateman anytime you have questions or concerns. I can be reached at 703-957-4400
or email ebateman@lcps.org.
Thank you for your support and looking forward to a great year!