Cold War 2 Review Collapse of Communism in Union

Cold War 2 Review
Collapse of Communism in
Eastern Europe and the Soviet
• Who was President Nixon’s
most important Secretary of
• Henry Kissinger
• What was the relationship
between the Soviet Union and
communist China in the early
• The Soviet Union and China
were rivals for power.
• With what country did President
Nixon begin to establish formal
diplomatic relations in 1972?
• Communist China
• Who was the leader of
communist China in
• Mao Zedong
• What was the capital of
communist China?
• Beijing
• Who was the Soviet
Union’s leader in
• Leonid Brezhnev
• What was the capital of
the Soviet Union?
• Moscow
• What two countries were
involved in the SALT
• The United States and the
Soviet Union
• What does SALT stand
• Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks
• Name the Soviet-American
discussions to establish limits
on the number of nuclear
• The SALT talks
• Name the first treaty to
establish limits on the
number of nuclear weapons
held by the United States and
the Soviet Union.
• The SALT Treaty
• What two factors caused
the Soviet Union’s
• Internal and external
• What Republican
became president in
• Ronald Reagan
• What American president
called the Soviet Union
“the evil empire”?
• Ronald Reagan
• What was the basis of
President Reagan’s
defense policy?
• A massive military
• What was the effect of
President Reagan’s military
buildup on American relations
with the Soviet Union?
• It increased tension between the
United States and the Soviet
• What action did President
Reagan take in Western
Europe during his first term?
• Reagan placed new nuclear
missiles in Western Europe.
• How did the renewal of the arms
race with the United States affect
the Soviet Union during President
Reagan’s presidency?
• It forced the Soviet Union to
increase its military budget to keep
up with the United States.
• What was the state of the
communist economy in the
Soviet Union during the
early 1980s?
• Inefficient
• Who became the leader of the
Soviet Union in 1985? This
leader was known for the
policies of “Glasnost” and
• Mikhail Gorbachev
• What was the two-fold
purpose of Gorbachev’s new
• 1) Revive the Soviet
economy 2) Reform the
Soviet system
• What is the Russian word
for openness?
• Glasnost
• Name Gorbachev’s policy of
encouraging freedom of
expression in the Soviet
• Glasnost
• What Russian word
referred to restructuring
Soviet society?
• Perestroika
• What types of economic and
political changes did Gorbachev
want to occur in Soviet society?
• 1) Less government control over
the economy; 2) Some private
enterprise; 3) Steps toward
• What type of
restructuring did
Perestroika do?
• Economic restructuring
• What expectations did
Gorbachev’s new policies raise
among the Soviet people?
• 1) Higher standard of living; 2)
Increased freedom
• How did Gorbachev’s
reforms affect the Soviet
• They placed more internal
pressure on communism.
• With what movement did
Gorbachev have to deal
inside the Soviet Unon?
• Nationalism in the Soviet
• What were the two sources
of external pressure on the
Soviet government under
• 1) East European satellites;
2) President Reagan
• What countries were
Soviet satellites after
World War II?
• The countries of Eastern
• What does one call a nation
that is formally independent,
but dominated by another
• A satellite
• What was the name of the
revolutionary labor
movement in Poland
during the 1980s?
• The Solidarity movement
• Who said, “Mr.
Gorbachev, tear down this
• President Ronald Reagan
• What structure divided
East Berlin from West
Berlin during the Cold
• The Berlin Wall
What was the best
known symbol of the
Cold War?
•The Berlin Wall
• What was the communist
part of Berlin during the
Cold War?
• East Berlin
• What was the democratic
part of Berlin during the
Cold War?
• West Berlin
• What government built
the Berlin Wall?
• East Germany
• Why was the Berlin Wall
• To prevent people from
escaping from communist
East Berlin to democratic
West Berlin
• What happened to the
Berlin Wall in 1989?
• It was torn down.
• What happened in Germany
in 1990?
• East Germany and West
Germany reunited under the
democratic West German
• What happened to the
Soviet Union in 1991?
• It fell apart or collapsed.
• What were the three
Baltic republics?
• Estonia, Latvia, and
• What action did the Baltic
republics take in 1991?
• They declared their
independence from the
Soviet Union.
• What precedent did the
Baltic republics set in 1991?
• Other Soviet republics
declared their independence
from the Soviet Union.
• What political party was
dismantled in the Soviet
Union in 1991?
• The Soviet communist
• What action did Gorbachev
take on Christmas Day,
• He resigned and declared the
Soviet Union had ended.
• What war, which began in
1945, ended by the end of
• The Cold War