Term 1.)Great Depression 2.)over speculation 3.)stocks 4.)Federal Reserve Directions: For each term you must: Write the definition and draw a picture of that term. Once words are well known, you will combine them into a few sentences. Picture Definition 5.) collapse 6.)tariffs 7.) international trade 8.) New Deal 9.)federal assistance 10.)Social Security - copy the definition on your vocabulary page. 1. Great Depression A period of time within the United States (and the world) where economies and businesses struggled (1930s). 2. Over speculation 3. Stocks Making a lot of risky investments (the stock market). 4. Federal Reserve 5. Collapse The Federal Reserve System is our nation’s central bank (the banker’s bank). 6. Tariffs 7. International Trade 8. New Deal 9. Federal Assistance 10. Social Security A unit (share) of ownership a company sells to outsiders. When an economic system cannot handle over speculation. People owe more money than they are making. A tax placed on goods that come in or out of the country Exchanging goods and services between countries The name given to the laws designed to relieve the Great Depression The central government (U.S. government) Money or relief to help someone A program in the U.S. that requires workers to make regular payments to a government fund. The fund is used to provide retirement assistance ($) to Americans over the age of 65