Renaissance Study Guide 1. The Renaissance roughly covers the years of ________ - __________. 2. Definition of Secular: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 3. Definition of Humanism: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 4. People who supported, purchased, and commissioned artists and artwork are known as __________________________________________. 5. The _______________________ helped spread Renaissance ideas. 6. What were the three reasons the Renaissance began in Italy? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Who wrote the book “Utopia”? _________________________________ 8. Who wrote the book “The Praise of Folly”? ________________________ 9. Setting up the foundation of democratic ideas is a lasting impact of the ______________. 10. Someone who excelled in many areas of study (art, philosophy, education, etc) is known as a ________________________________________. 11. ______________________________ invented the printing press. 12. Unlike Italian Renaissance artists, northern artists tended to be more interested in ____________________________________________________________________ 13. What devastating event wiped out millions of people in Europe? ___________________ 14. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of? _______________________________________ 15. Define vernacular: ________________________________________________________