Ch. 18 (THINK DEEPLY) 1 - 4. Wordlist, define: Perspective Annunciation Name_____________________________________________ (14 questions) Renaissance Secular (use a dictionary) 5. How do you think a person can tell that a major underlying theme of Renaissance artwork is Christian religion? 6. Do you think it would be fair to call the Middle Ages a “void” or the “Dark Ages”? Why or why not? 7. Why do you think 15th century Northern European artists packed their works with much more symbolism than Italian artists from the same time? (See f. 18-1, 18-9 and the Ghent Altarpiece) 8. How did movable-type printing, first used in 1455, change life in Europe? Sure, it made books cheaper and more people learned to read, but what effect did that have? 9. What, in your opinion, do editions of single sheet prints and books offer, if anything, that a painting can’t? 10. Write 5 questions that you predict will be on the exam from this chapter of the book on the back of this page. (When I ask for your questions, that’s all I want. No answers, just questions)