Largest of the Germanic tribes. Settled around France

A religious community set up by missionaries
in Medieval Europe
Largest of the Germanic tribes. Settled
around France
Greatest King of the Holy Roman Empire
Named emperor by the Pope
Fought between France and England over the
right to the French throne. Lasted roughly
from 1337 to 1453
Religious officials – Pope, Bishops, Priests
Holy War started by the Catholic Church
The Law of the Church
The Spanish crusade to rid Spain of the
Muslims (Moors)
Mock Battles of the Knights
Architectural style of Catholic Cathedrals.
Ornate spires and large stain glass windows
Church Tax – consisting of 1/10 of income
Friar who created his own order. Placed
much emphasis on treating all creatures as
brothers and sisters
Landowner of the Feudal System
English King who led the third Crusade. Made
a truce with Saladin
Could not lawfully leave place they were
born. Had to work the land
Code of Conduct for knights. Fight for your
God, King and Woman
Dynasty of Frankish Rule.
Lasted from 751 to 987
The Pope becomes a worldly power in
Court held by the church to suppress heresy
The noble person receiving a fief
Deadly disease in Europe that killed
thousands. Brought over through on trade
routes by fleas on rats
Mounted warriors who pledged to defend
their lords’ land in exchange for fiefs
English document that gave certain rights to
Name for poets-musicians at the castles and
courts of Europe
Known as the Medieval Period or Dark Ages
from 500 to 1500
Strongest kingdom that arose after the death
of Charlemagne
Land grant given to nobles
Muslim leader during the crusades. Known to
be honest and fair
Invaders and explorers from Scandinavia
Leif Ericson was popular leader
An association of people who worked in the
same occupation
The idea of mutual obligations – land and
service in return for protection
System that allowed farmers to grow crops
on 2/3 of their fields instead of only half.
Increased food production
Ceremony in which Kings and nobles
appointed church officials
Important religious ceremonies administered
by religious officials.
Ex: Baptism and the last rights
The Lord’s Estate
Pope who gave the call for the Holy War
Selling of Church positions by bishops.
Eventually ruled illegal
First Christian King of the Franks
Italian Monk who set the rules for the
French peasant girl who felt moved to rescue
France from England. Eventually condemned
as a witch and burned at the stake
Invaders from the East during the middle
Became more powerful than the king and
stopped the Muslim advancement at the
Battle of Tours
Duke of Normandy who claimed the English
throne and invaded England
Writer who wrote The divine Comedy
in Italian
Person accused of not following the rules of
the church or having beliefs outside the
Scholar who argued that most basic religious
truths could be proved by logical argument.
Influenced by Aristotle
A legislative group formed to help make laws
in the kingdom
Writer who wrote The Canterbury Tales
in English