4 QUARTER TEST STUDY GUIDE ANSWER KEY Renaissance and Reformation

Renaissance and Reformation
Define the following terms and people:
1. Renaissance 1300-1600; renewed
interest in classical learning and changes in art
2. Humanism study of human growth and
3. Secular “worldly”; here and now
4. Reformation Movement for religious
reform; led by Martin Luther; led to foundation of
Christian churches that rejected Catholic Church
5. Indulgence Offer from the Catholic
Church to have your sins forgiven if you pay a
7. Martin Luther Monk of the Catholic
Church that felt it was corrupt; felt you only
needed faith to get into heaven and buying
indulgences was incorrect
8. Pope Paul III Pope during the
Reformation; in charge of the Inquisition
9. Council of Trent Pope Paul III convened
a meeting in Trent in an attempt to fix the Church
10. Counter-Reformation The Catholic
Church’s attempt to bring people back to the
11. Inquisition Catholic court system that
6. 95 Theses Set of grievances of the
wrongdoings of the Catholic Church; written by
charged people with treason against the church;
torture chamber in the basement
Martin Luther
Answer the following questions:
1. What factors contributed to the rise of the Renaissance? Increased interaction with the East
through trade; changes in peasant status because of the Black Plague; invention of the printing press
2. How did the Renaissance encourage changes in society? Humanism; increased questioning of
the Catholic Church; secularism
3. What were Martin Luther’s main problems with the Catholic Church? See Martin Luther
Asia & the 1500s
Define the following terms and people:
1. Suleiman Greatest ruler of the Ottoman
2. Akbar Greatest ruler of the Mughal
Empire; known for his religious tolerance and
Empire; known for his religious tolerance and
cultural achievements
cultural achievements
3. Shah Jahan Mughal leader responsible
for building the Taj Mahal
4. Taj Mahal Tomb built for Shah Jahan’s
5. Ottoman Empire Lasted from 1300s1900s; consisted of present-day Turkey, Arabic
nations, eastern Europe, and north Africa
wife; considered one of the 8 wonders of the
6. Mughal Empire Lasted from 1500s1700s; consisted of present-day India and
Answer the following questions:
1. What was the name of the original capital of the Ottoman Empire? What was it changed to?
Constantinople; Istanbul
2. What caused both the Ottoman and Mughal Empires to fail? Weak leaders and problems with
transferring power to the next ruler
Scientific Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Copernicus Discovered the heliocentric
theory, disproving the geocentric theory
2. Galileo His scientific discoveries proved
Copernican Theory, fixed accelerated rate, and
law of the pendulum; died under house arrest
because his findings did not go along with the
Catholic Church
3. Newton Scientist who explained
gravitational pull and proved Galileo’s theories
4. Vesalius 1st scientist to dissect a human
5. Harvey 1st scientist to dissect a human
heart & explain circulation
6. Geocentric Theory Earth is the center of
the universe; thought of by Aristotle
7. Heliocentric Theory Sun is the center of
the universe; proved by Copernicus
Age of Exploration
Define the following terms and people:
1. Columbus Italian explorer that sailed for
4. Magellan 1st Portuguese explorer to
Spain; found the 1st western route to “India”, but
circumnavigate the world; technically died before
found the Americas instead
the end
2. Dias 1st Portuguese explorer to attempt
to find a trade route to India by sailing around
Africa; only made it to the southern tip of Africa
3. Da Gama 1st Portuguese explorer to
reach Calicut, India by sailing around Africa
5. Cortez Spanish conquistador that found
the Aztec Empire in Mexico
6. Pizarro Spanish conquistador that found
the Inca Empire in Peru
7. Drake English explorer; followed
8. Columbian Exchange global exchange of
Magellan’s circumnavigation, but survived the
goods, plants, animals, disease, & technology
trip; pirated Spanish ships
between Europe and the New World
Answer the following question:
1. Resulting from the Columbian Exchange, name the two goods that had the greatest impact on the
Americas. Guns and disease
Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment
Define the following terms and people:
1. Divine right Belief that power to rule was
handed down by God
2. Absolute Monarchy Total power of a
King; did not have to answer to anyone
3. Louis XIV (14th) King of France; built
Palace of Versailles
4. John Locke Philosopher that believed in
inalienable rights of life, liberty, & property;
5. Voltaire Philosopher that believed in
freedom of speech and freedom of religion
6. Baron de Montesquieu Philosopher that
believed in a separation of branches so that one
group doesn’t become too powerful; “checks and
7. Palace of Versailles Castle of the King of
France; meant to show power and arouse envy
influenced Declaration of Independence; wrote
“Two Treatises of Government”
French Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Storming of the Bastille Event that
sparked the revolution; peasants attacked the
prison, looking for gun powder
2. Tennis Court Oath Members of the 3rd
Estate locked themselves in and remained there
until they wrote a new constitution
3. Reign of Terror Led by Maximilien
Robespierre; period of intense guillotine use
4. Louis XVI (16th) Absolute monarch who
ruled prior to the revolution
5. Napoleon Dictator following the
revolution; considered greatest French ruler
Answer the following question:
1. What were the events that led to Napoleon’s demise? Failure of the Continental System, failed
Peninsular War, and failed invasion of Russia
Industrial Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Adam Smith Created capitalism; write
“Wealth of Nations”
2. Karl Marx Created
Socialism/Communism; wrote Communist
3. Factory Large building used to house
the big machines that no longer fit in a person’s
home; sped up production and gave people jobs
4. Interchangeable parts Created by Henry
Ford; sped up production of goods and made
them less expensive
5. Assembly lines Created by Henry Ford;
sped up production of goods and made them less
5. James Watt Inventor of the steam engine
6. Henry Bessemer Inventor of steel
7. Eli Whitney Inventor of the Cotton Gin
8. “Laissez-faire” economics “Let the
people do as they will”; free market economy;
created by Adam Smith
9. Railroads and industrial growth Created
thousands of jobs for people; fresh food could be
delivered to places further away; faster method of
transportation for people and goods
Define the following terms and people:
1. Imperialism To divide up countries and
take control of those considered “less strong”
2. Berlin Conference Meeting in Berlin to
discuss how to divide up Africa; no African
3. Sepoy Mutiny Lack of respect for the
Indian culture by the British; rumor spread about
the material of the bullet cartridges containing
beef and pork fat  against Hindu/Muslim religion
leaders were consulted
Answer the following question:
1. What were the main factors that caused Imperialism? Industrial Revolution; Search for raw
materials and natural resources; Search for new markets in which to sell goods
Nationalism and World War I
Define the following terms and people:
1. Giuseppe Garibaldi Unified southern
Italy with northern Italy
2. Otto von Bismarck United Prussia and
3. Realpolitik “politics of reality”; harsh,
tough power politics
4. Serbia vs. Austria-Hungary Serbian
German states, creating Germany; “realpolitik”;
revolutionary assassinated Austrian Archduke
assisted in bringing US into World War II
Ferdinand; Austria declares war on Serbia; 1st
spark of World War I
5. Mechanized war War utilizing man-made
machines; created slower moving war with
stalemates, massive destruction, and a larger
number of casualties (deaths)
6. Trench warfare Type of warfare used in
WWI; disgusting conditions
7. Allies vs. Central Powers Britain,
France, US vs. Germany, Austria, Ottoman
9. Nationalism Having pride in your country
10. League of Nations Alliance formed to
prevent another world war; failed because of a
lack of military involvement; US not involved
11. Treaty of Versailles 1919 Treaty that
ended World War I; mostly blamed Germany
12. “War-guilt clause” Blame placed on
Germany for starting WWI; had to pay war
reparations; allowed very little military
8. Militarism Building up your military in
case of war; increase power, size of country,
economics, politics, etc.
Answer the following question:
1. Name some of the results of World War I. Environmental and agricultural devastation; 22 million
wounded; Economic despair across Europe
Russian Revolution
Define the following terms and people:
1. Capitalism Economic system based on
supply and demand; created by Adam Smith
2. Communism Economic system based on
equal distribution; created by Karl Marx
3. Lenin Communist leader of the
Bolsheviks and the USSR
5. Czar Nicholas II Totalitarian dictator of
Russia prior to the revolution; was overthrown
due to his oppression of the people; built TransSiberian Railway
6. Duma Temporary government following
the revolution
4. Bolsheviks Radical communist
revolutionaries from USSR
Interwar Years and World War II
Define the following terms and people:
1. New Deal Roosevelt’s attempt to
stimulate American economy by increasing
government spending & creating jobs for the
2. Franklin D. Roosevelt President of US;
employed New Deal strategy
3. Harry Truman President of US after FDR;
dropped atomic bombs in Japan
4. Joseph Stalin Totalitarian dictator in
13. Operation Overlord (D-Day) Allied
invasion of Normandy, France
5. Winston Churchill Prime Minister of
England; appeased Hitler before the war; “Iron
14. Operation Sea Lion Hitler’s invasion of
Curtain” speech during Cold War
5. Benito Mussolini Fascist leader of Italy;
15. Operation Barbarossa Hitler’s invasion
of Soviet Union
allies with Hitler
6. Adolf Hitler Fascist/Nazi leader of
16. Operation Torch Allied invasion of
7. Hideki Tojo General of Japan’s army
8. Hirohito Emperor of Japan
9. Hiroshima and Nagasaki US atomic
bombs were dropped on these two Japanese
17. Battle of Stalingrad Germans were
defeated at this Russian city; turning point of the
18. Anti-Semitism hatred/discrimination of
19. Holocaust systematic killing of Jews;
10. Blitzkrieg Germany’s military strategy;
“lightning war”
11. “Island hopping” US military strategy to
take over islands gained by Japan, attacking one
island at a time
12. Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941; Japanese
20. Non-aggression pact Germany’s
agreement with Russia that was supposed to
prevent conflict between these two nations
21. Allied vs. Axis Powers Britain, France,
US, & USSR vs. Germany, Italy, & Japan
attack on US; brought US into the war; “date that
will live in infamy”
Cold War
Define the following terms and people:
1. Cold War period of tension between US
2. “Satellite nations” countries taken over
by USSR to create a buffer zone with W. Europe
3. Containment attempt made by US to
keep communism where it currently existed
4. Truman Doctrine financial support given
to countries that rejected communism
5. Marshall Plan loans given to W. Europe
from US to prevent the spread of communism
6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
alliance between US & 10 other W. Europe
nations in case of war with USSR
7. Warsaw Pact alliance between USSR &
satellite nations in case of war with US
8. Brinkmanship to go to the “edge of war”,
without actually using nuclear weapons
9. Détente “relaxation” of Cold War
10. Berlin Wall built in Berlin, Germany;
divides West and East Germany; symbol of
capitalism vs. communism
11. United Nations alliance of democratic
nations around the world; had the ability to
enforce its decisions with military force
12. Korean War capitalists in south;
communists in north; still divided today along 38th
13. Vietnam War capitalists in south;
communists in north; communist country today
14. Fidel Castro communist leader in Cuba
15. Ho Chi Minh/Ngo Dinh Diem North
Vietnam Communist; South Vietnam Nationalist
16. Mao Zedong/Chiang Kai Shek North
China Communist; South China Nationalist
17. Nikita Khrushchev Communist leader
of USSR; had Berlin Wall built
18. Mikhail Gorbachev Communist leader
of USSR; Berlin wall came down; “glasnost” &
African & Asian Decolonization
Define the following terms and people:
1. Mau Mau Rebellion black Kenyans
6. Golda Meir and Israel Prime Minister of
attempted to “scare” white Kenyans (British
Israel; a nation-state created by United Nations
heritage) out of Kenya
for the Jews
2. Jomo Kenyatta elected 1st president of
7. Israel and Palestine Division created by
United Nations; Israel for Jews and Palestine for
3. Apartheid system of legalized racial
segregation in South Africa
4. Nelson Mandela leader of African
National Congress; falsely accused of violent
protests in South Africa & jailed for 27 years; later
elected 1st black president of South Africa
5. Gamal Nasser and Suez Canal President
of Egypt; restored ownership of Suez Canal to
Egypt from British control
Muslims & Christians
8. Partition of India and Pakistan created
because of religious differences between Hindus
& Muslims
9. Gandhi non-violent Hindu protestor for
Indian independence; attempted to make peace
between Hindus & Muslims; brought attention to
struggles of lower class in India