The Late Medieval Period WHI SOL #12 Drill

The Late Medieval Period
WHI SOL #12 Drill
Huge churches were known as
Church scholars in the late Middle
Ages laid the foundations for the
rise of these educational
institutions across Europe
Scholars met at the great
universities. They were known
During the Middle Ages this group
of people took over Persia and
The Seljuk Turks
Where did the Seljuk Turks
come from?
Central Asia
What would Anatolia become
known as?
The Turks attacked Christian
pilgrims who were traveling to
this Holy Land
In 1095, this pope called for a
Holy War in which he asked
Christians to drive the Turks out
of Anatolia and recover
Jerusalem (the Holy Land).
Pope Urban II
What was this Holy War
What happened in the first
Crusaders led by Godfrey took
During the Second Crusade this
Muslim leader recaptured
During the Third Crusade, this
king of England fought with
Saladin until a truce was declared
Richard the Lionhart
The Fourth Crusade ended when
the crusaders stormed this
Eastern Orthodox Christian city
The deaths of many knights
during the Crusades greatly
reduced the power of these
The Nobles
Because of the Crusades, religious
intolerance increased, leaving a
legacy of bitterness among these 3
religious followers
Christians, Jews, and Muslims
As European desire for Asian
goods, particularly spices,
increased. This was stimulated
between Western Europe and the
Middle East
During the Middle Ages,
Christians didn't lend money. The
Church had rules against charging
a fee for loaning money (usury).
Who were the chief sources of
loans during that time?
While the Crusades were going on,
the Church made an effort to drive
the Muslims out of Spain. What was
this effort called?
The Reconquista
What were the Muslims in
Spain called
The Moors
In 1469 the marriage of Ferdinand of
Aragon and Isabella of Castile united
most of Spain. They completed the
reconquest in this year
Why is that year important?
It is the
same year
sailed the
ocean blue
Ferdinand and Isabella began this
in 1480 to force the remaining
Muslims and Jews to leave Spain,
convert to Roman Catholic
Christianity or be killed for not
doing so.
The Spanish Inquisition
This man established the
French throne in Paris, and his
dynasty gradually expanded
their control over most of
Hugh Capet
He was the duke of Normandy,
a land in northern France. In
1066 he won control of
England, united it, and
declared it his personal realm.
William the Conqueror
In England, Henry II began
the practice of Common Law,
which included
trial by jury
In 1215, the nobles forced
King John to sign an important
paper which greatly reduced
the power he held as the King
of England. What was the
paper called?
The Magna Carta
(aka the Great Charter)
Legislature in
England that gained
Between 1337 to 1453 England
and France were at war. What
was this war known as?
The Hundred Years War
She led France to victory at
the battle of Orleans in the
Hundred Years’ War.
Joan of Arc
Deadly disease that spread
across Asia and Europe in the
mid-14th century
Bubonic Plague
Where did the Bubonic Plague
Across the landmass of
Eurasia—from Manchuria to
Hungary—stretches a vast
belt of dry grassland
The people that lived on the steppes
herded domesticated animals. They
were constantly on the move,
searching for good pasture to feed
their herds. What are these type of
people called?
Around 1200, a Mongol khan,
or clan leader, named Temujin
sought to unify the clans
under his leadership. What
name would he come to be
known as?
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan would go on to create the largest empire the
world has ever known, What was it’s name?
What is Genghis Khan quoted
as saying?
In 1472, this Russian leader married
the niece of the last Byzantine
emperor. From that time, he called
himself czar - the Russian version of
Caesar. In 1480, he finally broke
with the Mongols. Who was he?
Ivan III
1453 AD
In 1453, The
Ottoman leader
Mehmed II
Constantinople. He
changed the name
of it to
________, and
made the city the
capital of the
Ottoman Empire.
Study these maps