Course Information for Biology 2013

Course Information for Biology
Teacher: Mrs. Adrienne Lefler
Room: 322
Text: We will be using an online text.
Group code: vhjxmz
Extra Help:
 Before school (at 7:00am)
 After school (until 3:45 or longer by appointment)
 During SMART Tutorial
 Through electronic mail (I check my e-mail daily)
 We have AP Biology students who peer tutor. Students must see me before or
after class to get the names of several peer tutors. The student will then contact
one or more of the peer tutors to arrange a time and place. If one tutor does not
work out, the student will have the names of other students to contact. Both the
student and tutor must keep track of the amount time and dates that the tutoring
has occurred.
Course Goals and Content:
The content of this course is consistent with the North Carolina Standard Course of
Study for Biology. Upon completion of this course, students should have a basic
understanding of the following topics: cells, genetics, biological evolution, ecology and
animal behavior.
Teachers will offer tutorials on either Wednesdays B tutorial or on Fridays A tutorial.
Students are expected to participate and be engaged in at least two tutorials per nine
weeks. Teachers will post their tutorial schedule in their classrooms. Attendance will be
taken in every tutorial session. Students who actively participate will receive a SMART
Tutorial incentive on the nine week grade report.
Mrs. Lefler will offer Biology Tutoring on Fridays during A tutorial. Mr. Childer’s (Room
610) will offer Biology Tutoring on Wednesdays during B tutorial. Mr. Shield will offer
tutoring on Wednesdays B and Fridays A tutorials (Room 310). Students should feel
free to go to any Biology teacher’s tutorial session.
Student Responsibilities:
You should take an active role in your learning by being prepared for class and tests
and by putting forth your best effort. Such an active role includes being attentive
during instruction, fully participating during learning activities, and taking responsibility
for assigned work. In addition to being responsible for your own learning, you should
not disrupt class or hinder the learning of others.
3-ring, loose-leaf binder (notebook)
Loose-leaf, lined notebook paper
Blue or Black Ink Pen and/or pencil
Index cards
Class Donations
Our class would gladly accept any donations of the following items throughout the year:
hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, Kleenexes, Colored pencils, markers, Expo markers, and
play doh.
Grading Procedures:
 Quarter grades are based on the following:
Lab Activities
 EOC counts as 20% of the final grade.
 Grades will be updated in Powerschool most Fridays.
Class Norms:
The following rules are necessary in order for each class meeting to run smoothly and
to ensure an optimal learning environment.
1. Be respectful. Students are expected to be respectful of everyone in class.
Students should listen when the teacher is talking and should not interrupt or
carry on conversations with classmates. This same respect should be afforded
to classmates who are speaking and to any guest in our classroom. No cell
phones will be permitted in class. Vandalizing (ex. Writing or carving) the tables
or otherwise destroying school property will not be accepted..
2. Be prompt. Students are expected to come to class on time and to be seated
before the tardy bell rings.
3. Be prepared. Students are expected to be prepared for class by bringing their
notebooks, textbooks, homework and writing tools with them to every class
meeting. Students should have these materials ready to begin class before the
tardy bell rings.
4. Be attentive. Students are expected to pay attention during lecture and other
instructional activities. No sleeping – heads up!
5. The teacher dismisses class, not the bell.
Class Communication
Class communication will occur through Edmodo. Students are expected to join
Edmodo before the end of the first week. Class information, prezis and other
documents will be posted on Edmodo. Parents may join Edmodo and receive the same
information through their student’s account.
How to Sign Up as a Parent:
Obtain the unique 6-digit Parent Code from your child’s account (this is not the same as your
child’s Group Codes).
The Parent Code is attached to your child’s account. You can get this the following ways:
Your child’s Edmodo Homepage: the Parent Code is located on the bottom of the
left side panel.
Your child’s teacher can provide you with the Parent Code.
After you have the parent code, go to (currently, you cannot create your
Account on the mobile or iPad Edmodo app).
Click “I'm a Parent” and fill in the necessary information and Parent Code.
Note: Each child has a different Parent Code. You do not have to share a Parent Account with another
parent, relative, or guardian. Multiple Parent Accounts can be set up for one student. Simply use the
same Parent Code found on the student’s account to create a second Parent Account (must have a
different email address).
Lab Guidelines:
1. Students should be in the lab area and/or around the lab equipment only when
instructed to do so by the teacher, and only if supervised.
2. NO food or drink in the lab area or around the lab equipment.
3. ALWAYS wear appropriate safety gear.
4. Follow all specific lab procedures.
5. Be careful with lab equipment.
6. Clean lab area when finished. If lab area is not cleaned, points will be deducted
from that group or person’s lab grade.
Daily Procedures:
1. Have your materials ready before class begins. Make sure you have your pencil
sharpened before the tardy bell rings.
2. We will complete a warm up activity at the beginning of class each day. You
must copy the question and all of the answer choices onto the bell question
sheet. If you are absent or miss a bell question, you must get the question from
a classmate, or write the date and that you were absent.
3. Each day we will complete a ticket-out-the-door or closing question activity.
4. Each student must maintain a notebook. The notebook should contain a
calendar filled in with daily agendas, completed bell questions, and class notes
and hand outs.
5. You are expected to pay attention during teacher instruction and class
discussions. If you have a question or comment, please raise your hand and
wait to be called on. Also, be respectful of others when they are talking by not
interrupting or having other conversations.
6. Food and drink are not permitted in class. Having food and/or drink in class will
result in a discipline referral.
7. All classwork and homework is expected to be turned in on the assigned due
date. A grading penalty will be assigned for late assignments.
Tardy/Hall Freeze Policy:
We will be following the Lake Norman High School tardy policy and Start On Time
Hall Passes:
At the beginning of each quarter, you will be given 4 hall passes to leave class. A hall
pass must be used any time you leave class (bathroom, locker, water fountain,
guidance, etc). Once you use all your passes, you will no longer be allowed to leave
class. Any unused hall passes can be redeemed at the end of the grading quarter for 5
bonus points on a test!
Make-up Work:
If you are absent from class, you need to get your missed assignments as soon as you
return. Your class will be assigned a specific color (yellow, blue, or red). Your class will
have a calendar placed wall, and a crate in your color beneath the calendar. Someone
in each class will have the job of filling in the calendar and putting extra worksheets and
copies of notes into folders for each day of the week. If a student is absent, they will
need to address the calendar and then the crate with the corresponding date. As
consistent with Lake Norman High School’s policy, make-up work should be turned in
within 5 days of the student’s return to school. If there are any questions, I am
available. Remember that you are responsible for getting your make-up work,
completing it within 5 days, and turning it in.
Contact Information:
Parents/Guardians: Please sign, detach, and return this portion of the syllabus
verifying that you have read and understand all of the rules and procedures. You
may also email Mrs. Lefler at
Parent signature
Student name