Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________ The Presidential Election

Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________
The Presidential Election
Use pages 372-384 and your BYOT to complete the following notes
1. What is a Presidential Primary? ____________________________________________________
2. What is the National convention? ______________________________ What three goals to they
want to accomplish?
3. The National Convention for the party out of power is usually held in _______________, and the
party in power will hold theirs in early ___________________. Many of the nation’s _________
_____________________ bid for the honor
a. When and where is the Democratic National Convention being held this year?
b. When and where is the Republican National Convention being held this year?
4. What is the Electoral College? ______________________________________________________
5. How many electors does the Electoral College have? _______________ What is the least number of
Electors a State can have? _______________
6. The _________________ Amendment give DC three electors in the Electoral College.
7. A majority of _________________ votes is required to elect the President.
8. If no candidate gets 270 votes, the ______________________________ will decide the winner.
9. What are the flaws in the Electoral College?
a. The _______________________________________________ feature. The winning candidate
receives ___________ of the electoral votes for the state they win.
b. The ________________________ vote winner doesn’t always win the ___________________
c. Electors _________________________________ to vote for the candidate favored by the
popular vote.
10. It would take an ___________________________________ to change the Electoral College process.
11. After the election, electors meet in their ______________________, where they cast their votes for
President and Vice President, on ____________________________ ballots.
12. The party that wins the state in the ___________________________________ selects the members
from that state.
13. What happens if the House of Representatives can’t decide on a President when no one receives a
majority of 270 electoral votes? _________________________________________________
14. If there isn’t a majority of votes for the Vice President, the __________________________ decides
between the top two candidates.
15. On January 6th each states electoral votes are counted in a _________________________________.
16. The President is sworn in on _______________________________________.
17. What would need to be done to change the Electoral College? ___________________________