THE ROMAN REPUBLIC Subtitle Created by Julie Marnell 2015; edited by Rebecca Smith

Created by Julie Marnell 2015; edited by
Rebecca Smith
• A republic is a form of government in which power rests
with the people through their elected representatives. It
comes from the phrase “res publica,” meaning “public affairs”
in Latin
Earliest government in Rome-monarchy
• Between 700 and 471 BCE,
Rome’s government
developed. Etruscan kings
were the earliest rulers.
• In 509 BCE, the kings were
ousted and Rome was then
declared a republic and ruled
by Patricians.
Who were Patricians? (Hint: it’s a vocab. word)
Early Roman Republic-Patricians
Patricians were the wealthy
landowners. They were the noble
families of Rome, representing the
top 2% of the population and they
dominated Rome’s early republican
The government at this time
was made up entirely of
Patricians. Even though it’s
called a republic, what type
of republic government is it
Republic-aristocracy style
The government was an aristocracy because the
patricians were wealthy landowners. 98 % of
the population was not represented in the
government. In 479 BCE, the plebeians formed
their own government.
Who were the Plebeians?
The majority of the population the average citizens of Rome
Around 479 BCE, the Plebeians sought
representation in the government.
When the Patricians refused, the
Plebeians withdrew from Rome and
threatened not to serve Rome should a
crisis occur. Since plebeians made up
most of the military and worked on the
farms, they effectively gained political
power by threatening not to work.
This was called
the “Conflict of Orders”
Roman Republic –before 471 BCE
Consuls (2)
chief executive officers
•chosen each year by the assembly
•Administered the government
•Commanded the armies
The Senate (300)
•Served for life
• proposed laws and advised
the consuls
The Centuriate Assembly
•comprised of high ranking
patrician soldiers
•appointed the consuls and made
•had less power than the Senate
and was controlled by the
wealthiest citizens
Roman Republic –after 471 BCE
gained a voice in government:
The Tribunes
•Representatives representing
Plebeians only.
•Protected plebeians from unfair acts.
The Council of Plebs
•elected tribunes and later
passed laws affecting
451 BCE
First written law code was created
called the Twelve Tables.
The laws were carved on twelve
tables and hung in the Forum,
which was a public square in the
center of the city.
Effect: All free citizens including
plebeians had a right to the
protections of the law.
By 287 BCE, the Plebeians were permitted
to serve as Consuls and the Council of Plebs
gained the power to pass laws on behalf of
all Romans. The government of the Roman
Republic became a true representative
But who was not represented in this government?
Women and slaves
How is this different from Greek democracy?
Greek democracy was direct – all
eligible citizens voted on all laws.
There were no representatives.
Judicial System established in 366 BCE
Office of Praetor was created •Carried out civil law for Roman
•Governed Rome when consuls
were away.
As Rome Grew, the non-citizen
population grew.
In 242 BCE another Praetor was
appointed to judge cases in
which one or both people were
•Citizens were adult
male landowners
•All citizens were
required to serve in
the army for 10 years
•Citizenship was
offered to many nonRomans.
Effects of the Conflict of the Orders
•Plebeians could
hold the highest
offices of the
•Plebeians could
intermarry with
the patricians
•Plebeians could
The Forum - Rome
pass laws binding While it looked like
on the entire
A democracy… These effects led to
intermarriage between select
plebeian and patrician
families which created a new
aristocracy in the Senate.
Created by Julie Marnell 2015; edited by Rebecca Smith
Early Roman Republic
What is a Republic? __________________________
Who were Patricians? ___________________________________________
What was Rome’s earliest type of government? ___________________
What did it change into before 471 BCE? __________________
Who were the Plebeians?________________
Before 471 BCE: Draw
a diagram of the
Roman Republican
Describe the Conflict
of Orders:
After 471 BCE, what
Plebeian branches of
government were added?
What functions did they
What were the twelve
Tables and why were they
Name: __________________
Who could be a citizen in Rome?
Describe the role of
What was required for citizenship?
What were the effects of the Conflict of Orders? Do you think the Roman
Republic became a democracy? Support your answer.