_______________ Class News ... OK

Class News
Mrs. Lackey and Mrs. Arias, First Grade, DI
February 15-19
Date reminders:
Teacher Message:
Monday-Math Benchmark Test
This week is the math benchmark test. This
test will show teachers what your children
have mastered in first grade and also what
they need to work on. We use this test to
makes groups, understand gaps, and teach
your children the best we can. We will be
sending home information on how they did
once the tests have been graded.
Wednesday-Early Release @
Thursday-Ident-a-Kid and
Progress Reports Go Home
Friday-Dress to Impress
Field Trip
The school phone number is 704-872-9541
and my email address is
Don’t forget to send in
permission slips and $13 for the
field trip!
Reading / Language Arts:
This week’s habit is
This week’s quote is:
Only the guy who isn't
rowing has time to rock the
Jean-Paul Sartre
This week we will be working on using
context clues to help us understand
unknown words in a story.
In math we are working on telling time to
the hour and the half hour.