_______________ Class News ... OK

Class News
Mrs. Lackey and Mrs. Arias, First Grade, DI
October 19-23
Date reminders:
Teacher Message:
Wednesday is an early release
day at 11am
Parent/teacher conferences are underway!
Please be patient with us as we try to fit all
of you into our schedule. Mrs. Arias and I
are looking forward to bragging on your
children and showing you how they are
doing this year. We are in desperate need of
snacks for the classroom! If you are able to
send some in that would be extremely
helpful! The school phone number is 704872-9541 and my email address is
Spirit Night at McDonalds
Leader In Me:
This week we are working on
Habit 4: Think Win-Win. We will
be discussing and showing
examples of ways we can work
together and communicate so
that all needs are met.
Reading / Language Arts:
Field Trip:
You should have received
an information sheet about
our in school field trip
November 5th. Please make
sure you pay the $4 and
return the permission slip as
soon as possible.
This week we will be working on
sequencing the story and writing about
events in the story. We will be teaching
your child how to use a retelling rope. Ask
them what this means and see if they can
tell you! 
We will be working on adding numbers.
They will be learning how through hands-on
practice and also through number
sentences. We will be using words like
addend and sum.