VISUALIZE Can you picture a similar setting in your mind? Is the action easy to imagine? Can you "see" the characters? EVALUATE Do your feelings toward the characters and their actions change as you read? How well does the author tell the story? CONNECT Think about experiences and feelings,that you share with the narrator. Can you connect with any of their feelings, ideas, and values to your own? PREDICT Stop occasionally too predict what might happen next or how the story might end. Find out whether your predictions are correct, read on. CLARIFY Remember to pause and then, reread when necessary. It may also help to take notes or to discuss the story with a friend. Expect your thoughts to change as the story unfolds. QUESTION Ask questions about the story's events, characters, and ideas. As you read look for the answers to your questions. SUMMARIZE Give a brief statement of the main points of what you just read. Put events in order.