Diirreecctt IInnssttrruuccttiioonn
Name Christina Marotta
Standard: Kindergarten- Language Arts: 1.0- Writing Strategies
Objective: To use the theme of “feelings/emotions” to build vocabulary and writing skills.
Syntax of the Model of
Description of the Lesson
For the third day of lessons involving “feelings”, I
am going to wear another mask to grab the
students’ attention. This mask is going to be a
silly face. Then I will show the students the book
I made called “My book of feelings” that they will
be making at the end of this lesson.
Input of Information
(how and why, what mode and with
what kind of aides)
To teach the written words of emotions, I will
have students call out emotions and I will write
them on the board. I then will write sentences
that use the emotions that the students came up
with. The focus of the input is to have the
students build their vocabulary and develop
structuring sentences.
Checking Comprehension
I will then write sentences on the board with
blank spaces to see if the students understand
how to organize the sentence and call on
students to answer them. For instance” I
felt____ when nobody wanted to play with me”.
“When nobody wanted to play with me, it made
me feel_____”. This will check to see if the
students understand that there are different ways
to form a sentence.
(did they understand, do you need
to input in a new way?)
Structured Practice
(in a structured way to insure
OCT. 2002
After reading two books this week on feelings,
student will be assigned to make their own “Book
of Feelings”. I will hand out 4 worksheets to
each student that each contain the sentence, I
feel____ when_____. As a class we will discuss
the four feeling that we want to fill in the blank
with. I will write those feeling on the board in the
color that they associate the feeling with as I
have the students sound out how they think the
words are spelled. For instance if a student say
“Happy” I will say, “O.K. Michael, what do you
think Happy starts with?” I will do that for each
word, scaffolding the students through the
spelling process. This will get the students to not
only focus on the emotion, but the written form of
it was well. Writing the sentence in the color that
the emotion represents to the students will be
helpful for language learners to associate what
the word on the board means.
Guided Practice
(in a more difficult way to really
show you they are grasping the
After the students have filled in their feelings they
will complete the sentence in their own words
and with colors that represent the words to them,
then they will draw an illustration representing
their sentence. For instance, if a student writes,
“I feel happy when mommy is home. “ Then they
might draw a picture of mommy. The students
will continue this for each of their 4 pages. I will
go around the room monitoring the writing and
helping students as needed. As they finish, I will
help them bind the book together. This final
assignment brings together the previous lessons
of associating feeling with color and expressing
themselves through art while incorporating the
new lesson on building writing skills. It is also
intended to build fine motor development,
language skills, and writing skills in addition to
helping language learners improve their reading
and writing skills.
I will ask for volunteers to share their book with
the class along with their illustrations. I will use
their books to discuss certain feelings. For
example, “go to the page that describes how you
might feel when you are playing with your
friends”. I will reiterate how they have learned
that they can express their feelings through
color, music, art, and written words.
( how do you bring to a close and
sum up what learning was to take
(how do know the student learned
what you hoped to teach)
Class participation, monitoring during the
creation of the “Book of Feelings”, writing and
illustrations in their books.
Independent Practice (reflection of degree some students reached the objective.)
For homework I will have the students write 3 original sentences using the word happy, sad, and angry while utilizing
colors to emphasize the emotion words.
OCT. 2002