The Thirty Years War

The Thirty Years War
1. Bell Ringer: Why does Absolutism rise in Europe?
What defines an Absolute Ruler?
2. Lecture: Central Europe and Thirty Years War
3. Treaty of Westphalia Excerpt
4. Map of Europe: The Thirty Years War
5. Breakdown of the Thirty Years War Conflict
6. Finish Chart on Absolute Rule
7. Common Assessment
Objective: Students will identify characteristics of the
Thirty Years War, and explain how it leads to Absolutism.
Thirty Years War
• 1555 Peace of Augsburg
enacted after the wars in the
Holy Roman Empire.
• Catholic princes in Germany
stamped out remnants of
• Breaks down in 1608.
• Protestant v. Catholic.
• Revolt breaks out in Bohemia
– Elect Protestant prince in
an uprising.
• Catholic League of Princes
aid in helping Ferdinand
crush Bohemian revolt.
• Denmark, England, and the
Dutch aid in Germany
• Catholic France with
Richelieu join Protestants
– Politics above religion.
Peace of Westphalia
• 1618-1648, Everyone
finally gave up.
• Peace of Augsburg was
restored in Germany.
• Religious co-existence
• Germany hit hardest
– 33% of population dies.
• Holy Roman Empire is
reduced significantly.
Central Europe vs. The West
• Economics
– Increasing production also
kept serfs under control of
the aristocracy.
• Politics
– Weak empires
– Strong rulers result
• Maria Theresa takes over
a conglomeration of
ethnic groups within the
Hapsburg Empire.
Prussia vs. Austria
• Hohenzollerns of Prussia
vs. Hapsburgs of Austria.
• Frederick the Great would
follow fathers policy to
keep a strong military
• “A Father of the people.”
• Prussia would take Silesia
in 1748.
Seven Years’ War
• 1756-1763
– France, Austria, and Russia
vs. Britain and Prussia.
• Nothing changed within
Europe, however, Britain
gained parts of India and
North America.
• France was the loser
here, losing most of its
colonies in the West
Indies and North America.
Why are they vulnerable?
• Built on societies that
were poor.
• Always needed financial
help from the West.
• Cannot overcome rulers
attempting to abolish
• Ethnic melting pot, harder
to conquer people that
can’t understand you.
Map Activity