Industrialization and Immigration Test Review

Name: ___________________________
Industrialization and Immigration Test Review
Directions: Define the following words using your class notes/binder.
1. Assembly line
A process created by Henry Ford, where each person has one specific job to
create an item
The lowest class on a ship, where most immigrants were
2. Steerage
A run down and overcrowded neighborhood
3. Slum
Overcrowded and rundown apartment buildings
4. Tenement
To treat someone badly based on their race, religion or ethnicity
5. Discrimination
Offered help and education to immigrants in cities
6. Settlement
Directions: Identify the industry that was in each city/area (what was made in each city/area):
7. Detroit
8. Chicago
9. Pittsburgh
10. New England
Directions: Identify the industry each the following individuals were a captain of:
11. John D. Rockefeller
12. Andrew Carnegie
13. Cornelius Vanderbilt
Directions: Identify what inventions the following two individuals contributed to:
14. Alexander Graham Bell
15. Thomas Edison
Directions: Use your class notes/binder to answer the following questions.
16. List the pull factors for immigrants.
Jobs, opportunities, freedom
17. What was Ellis Island?
Where immigrants first entered the US
a. Who went there (people from which areas/countries)?
People from Europe
18. What was Angel Island?
West coast version of Ellis Island
a. Who went there (people from which areas/countries)?
b. Asia
19. List the four reasons immigration increased after the Civil War (HEAR).
Escape from government
Religious freedom
20. List the two groups of immigrants who were discriminated against in the United States.
Irish and Chinese
21. What did the Chinese Exclusion Act do?
Banned Chinese people from entering the US.
22. Why were people moving to the cities in the late 1800s?
23. List the reasons for the growth of cities.
Changing from rural to industrial
Lots of immigrants
24. What was The Jungle?
A book by Upton Sinclair
a. What was is about?
Meatpacking badness
25. What did Jane Addams create to help immigrants?
Hull House
a. How did it help?
Gave help to immigrants
26. List the factors that led to the rise of big business.
New technologies, captains of industry, advertising.