Inuit How would you live in this environment? Alaska Northern Canada Below freezing for Most of the year Region Very Cold Snow/Ice Little Sun Glaciers Limited Vegetation Climate and environmental conditions Snow or Stone houses in winter (Igloos) Tents made of animal skin Shelter Seals (F) (NR) Fish (F) Whales (F) (NR) Caribou (F) (NR) Food (F) and Natural Resources (NR) - Kayak - Dog Sled - Foot (Snowshoes) Transportation Fishermen Hunters Economy/ Occupations Wore clothes made out of animal furs and whale intestines Clothing Pueblo How would you live in this environment? The Pueblo New Mexico Arizona Hot, dry desert Region Desert Cliffs Mountains Little vegetation and water Climate and Environmental conditions ADOBES (made of clay bricks and built out of cliffs) Shelter Corn (F) Beans (F) Squash (F) Clay (NR) (F)= Food (NR)= Natural Resource Food and Natural Resources - Horseback (horses were brought to North America by the Spanish) - Foot Transportation Farmers Hunters Gatherers Traders Economy and Occupations Wore clothes made out of cotton Clothing